Avatar of ArenaSnow
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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"The midi-edglorian count is over 20,000..."

Jailed 'cause Prohibition.
@ArenaSnow You're right, that's why I said "the world is a big place". Really, I was asking whether it would be interesting for them to be somehow acquainted, since that's the determining factor more so than the statistical likelihood. It's also somewhat different from your real-life example, since both are among the best in the business, so they might have heard of each other by name, even if they haven't personally met.

Multiple characters might be good, especially if we get no more than four or five players. I'll start thinking about another character to bring in, in case Jace agrees.

So how about you, Snow, do you have a character in mind?

They could meet. I just don't see a likely chance. But hey, if it happens, it happens >.> the same world in my example has millions that say "small world".

I have a few characters in mind, but the background of the OP didn't hit well, and I'm determining which one, if any, would prove suitable.
I do think two characters (or at least the option) would be a good idea considering the likely fatality rate. And the opportunity to bring more in later.

@JaceBeleren Turns out our characters are in the same profession. (I hadn’t fully read your CS until I was halfway through making mine.) The world is a big place, of course, but they might be acquainted as a result.

My take on it - ah damn hes going off again, run
In a warlike world, a mercenary knowing another mercenary is likely as a member of one army meeting a specific random member of another army in real life, which could well be someone from the national guard of Brazil vs. some soldier from Israel.

It seems to me that you'd be about as likely to meet the dragon girl as you would that particular fellow mercenary. I'd imagine they would be quite common in such a chaotic place.
@ArenaSnow Hi! Thanks for welcoming me and for the guide. :D

I'm interested in Sherlock Holmes (TV series) , Harry Potter, and Star Wars. I also dabble on some video games like Life is Strange , L.A. Noir, DOTA, CS:Go, and H&G as of recent. Been out of roleplaying for a long, long while. So I might be lacking the skills that I had before, in writing that is.

I read tons of books, usually about coming of age. I guess that's it.

Star wars has spiked in popularity recently, so there shouldn't be too much trouble finding and hopping into something.

I wouldn't worry too much about rust, at this point I have a considerable layer myself. Casual sections and below + your writing displayed thus far = I think you should be fine.
In the land before time, Littlefoot's mom, depressingly enough, died. But he had memes so all was well. Until Megatron laser cannoned the fire nation, destroying many cabbages and causing Littlefoot to become a powerful earth bender after Cera was brutally flung across the ocean. "By the power of Greyskull," the flaming homosexual wombat exclaimed, as he slipped and fell, only to be caught by a hopeless romantic trying to figure out the meaning of extraterrestrial existence in bed. Then he realized that without cheese, he could not feed his grandmother so he bought some power metal, pure cheesy goodness. However, Littlefoot was a metalbender, meaning the power metal could be bent, which would be glorious for Fire Nation. So Littlefoot challenged Megatron to a fist fight aboard the ship shaped like a cabbage. "Help me, Obi-wan!" Megatron cried, heard by a crimson eagle living in your basement furnace. Littlefoot tried to defeat Megatron by singing sweet nothings and tempting him with bacon, which was remarkably effective.

"Littlefoot," Megatron blushes, his metal lips stuck with bits of bacon while dipping some Szechuan sauce, "I surrender to your superior, the legendary Obi-wan Kenobi and his Mighty Morphing Power Rangers." Littlefoot laughed triumphantly and then said, "I am your father." Reaching out, he took Megatron's PC and downloaded Windows 10.

And then Nestor Makhno appeared.

"This! Is! Sparta!" Makhno bellowed, before stroking his mustache excitedly.

"If you say so, kid." Littlefoot replied, teleporting behind him before placing his hands on his shoulders to warmly embrace Megatron. Makhno, meanwhile, welcomed them both by performing an RKO outta nowhere. Littlefoot was stunned, but Megatron was impressed by his outstanding skillset.

"So tell me," said the man in the

the above post is missing a word - rip
First serious one was, in all places, on Battle.net in Diablo 1 and continued for a few years on Diablo 2. It was a strange system with terrible chatboxes, but the adventure was born, and the first group I ever did anything with was created. Said group I was involved with for a long journey before disbanding a little while before I joined the guild.

The very first one was where I was introduced to a DnD board. I looked at the dice and went "nope". I guess that was my first experience. >.<
I'll watch. I've had trouble finding an NRP to catch my lasting interest, but if a CS pops up, you'll know I'm in.
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