Surprise colored Key's features when the girl latched onto her sobbing. Softly, she placed her hand on Aurora's head and sighed. The first day, and already things were getting crazy. First bad guy, then super saiyan girls, and now lava dragons. Key watched as a few were taken out by students and each time she felt worry and relief. Worry because some of these students may not know what they were getting into, and relief because they turned out just fine. Maybe a little worse for wear, but fine nonetheless. The only person who wasn't fine was currently grabbing her hand.
At his statement, she wanted to replay that they were the staff, but he was right. Mark, the smoker, could take care of himself, this girl could not. And now, with his hands burned, Aram was probably less fit to fight than he was before. So, instead of speaking her thoughts, she nodded, though an anger was slowly building up inside of her. An anger towards the one who decided to wreak havoc on their school and put their students in danger.
Trying to distract herself from her temper, she looked at Aram worriedly, "Are you okay? Your arms..." she frowned, not wanting to say why they were like that, in case the girl had not realized yet. No reason to make Aurora beat herself up over something that she probably couldn't help doing.