Name: Toaster Hellbeast
Age: ???
Species: Toaster/Tsukumogami
Title: Vice Principle BAD@$$
History: Despite his last name, he isn't actual a resident of hell. A normal toaster, once…before a magic user accidentally sent it back to the dawn of civilization! And thus, the oldest tsukumogami was born…and possibly, one of the oldest super natural beings still living. Kind of dumb, though.
Personality: Though simple minded, he is quite dedicated to his job, loyal to his superiors. He is kind of cat or even ferret like in behaviour, and yet also dog like in specific aspects. At times, he likes to be evil…you know, by burning your toast, scaring away the hardworking mailmen, hiding your squishy objects, or even hopping into shower with you…the latter is quite deadly.
Notable Skills or Abilities:-Energy manipulation…and almost everything it entails, if he were more intelligent
-Has the power to shoot flaming pieces of toast…so long as he has toast loaded up inside of him
-His bites fuc%in’ hurt! FUC%!
-He has a human form…but fuc% that, he is proud of being teh TOASTAR BEESTEH!