"Hey!" This kid was crazy if he thought Elena was going to let him get away with answers like those! Follow him? That creepy kid? She wouldn't do anything like it if she wasn't so desperate to know why she and everyone else were here. So, reluctantly, she found herself trying to figure out which way he went. Besides, walking through a forest was hard. "Ugh!"
Finally, she broke through and immediately rushed towards the boy again, her finger pointing accusingly. "What do you mean 'Yes,'? That didn't answer any of my questions except one! What do you want with us? Why did you bring us here? And what are you doing up on that rock?" None of this made any sense!
One minute, Elena had been getting ready for the day, and the next she was in some weird clearing with people she barely knew yelling at a boy she'd never seen before. Maybe she was dreaming. That had to be it. The waterfall was something that she could make up on her own, maybe. And the people were those that she'd seen before. Hadn't she read once that you couldn't make new faces and so you dreamed of ones you already knew? Yes. Very possibly a dream.
Lucy continued to sit as she watched the reactions of those around her. Some yelled, like her sister, some just watched quietly like herself. The one weird boy just kept walking out of the clearing and then walking back. Though she couldn't see what was happening, his frustration led her to believe that he didn't know why he kept ending up back here. Perhaps he thought he was walking in a straight line when he was not. It was strange. What would cause that? Magic?
A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to think of something to say to him. Talking had never been her strong point, but there was something he might understand, if she could only think of the right one.
"My friend
Tells then there's a road beyond this road
That is unending."
They weren't perfect, but they'd do for now. The lyrics were spoken and followed with, "I don't think you can get out of the clearing unless you follow him." Lucy didn't know why she was trying to help him. She supposed it was because he was looking rather pathetic and lost. Finally standing, she continued to speak quietly, "We might as well just follow him. As you've proven, it's not like we can go any other way."