For once in her life, Elena did not voice the thoughts she was having and boy were there a lot. Had Lucy always been able to do that? Was it electricity or light? Was it dangerous? It had been so hot that glass had formed? Her hair looked ridiculous sticking up. Had the electricity caused that too? Where was it coming from? Why was everyone still alive? Why was Lucy still alive?
The most prominent thought: We can all do something like that?
The boys words came back to her then, "What would happen if someone close to you... simply got too close to you?"
Before, she had thought him to be lying or overreacting, barely believed the dagger trick. Lucy was her younger sister, though, and if she had been able to do...whatever she'd just done, Elena would know. Whatever that... power was, it was new and it was dangerous. She knew that now, but what had happened to them? What had happened to Lucy and her? Had this boy done something to them?
Finally, Elena spoke again, her voice raised and directed towards the door the boy had disappeared through. "I'm coming, but don't you think this is over! You can't do something like this and not expect retribution!" With that, she followed, without even once sparing a thought for her sister's state of mind.
As soon as the light had disappeared, Lucy cried out and stumbled back out of the small crater surrounding her. She knew what had happened, could feel it even now. Every inch of her skin was tingling, as if something was crawling under it. Lucy found herself rubbing at her arms in an attempt to stop this sensation and distract her from the frightening fact that she was dangerous
Electricity, lightning, call it what you would, had come from her with such force that she had expected everyone to be dead and gone, but there they were, still fine. Lucy looked at them with wide eyes, as if they could help her. What had happened? Why... when had she gained this power? It had saved her life, and she was grateful, but it could have taken the lives of the others, including her sister.
Lucy had believed the boy, or at least not been willing to take a chance, but now... now she could see exactly why she needed to be locked up in a building. Even if she was never let out, it was necessary. And if every single one of them was just as deadly? They could not be let loose on the world.
Lucy looked at her shaking hands, the hands of a weapon. That was what she was now. A weapon that could not be controlled, at least not yet. Determined to learn, to be able to stop what had just happened from happening again, Lucy followed the boy and Elena through the door.