Avatar of Arrayah
  • Last Seen: 27 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Arrayah
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 907 (0.22 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Arrayah 11 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I'm back! Yeah. Let's go. Getting back into the swing of things. And all that stuff.


Hello all who have deigned to grace my profile with their presence! I am the great Arrayah, lord of the Phoenix. Or something. I don't know.

Anyways, bio. As of writing this, I am a 23 year old female. I am married. I own two dogs (a Dalmatian and a Labrador... so cliche). I work from home. I like crafty stuff and games. I used to be an MMORPG girl, but have since moved on to things like Minecraft and Ark as well as Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress. Who knows what's next?

I love writing, but only get to roleplaying a few times every couple years. Unfortunately, life gets in the way. I'm starting to have more time lately, and thought it'd be fine to start it up again. We'll see how it goes, but hopefully I stick around this time.

I was on the old RPGuild, so you may recognize my name. If so, hello again! If not, maybe we'll have lots of fun together. If I've been online recently, and you're interested in doing an RP, feel free to PM me. I'm almost always interested in 1x1s as long as I don't have too many going on. Check some of my old threads to see my rules, or pm me if that's too much hassle.

Long live the Phoenix Queen. Or something or other.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah. It's been happening more lately D:
Kiara furrowed her brow when he said home. Of course, she had a home, but she didn’t think he did, so where exactly did he think he was taking her? When she felt the cloak cover her, she was grateful, but still confused. It was only when he picked her up and started running towards her own pack that she understood. As they picked up speed, she found herself burrowing her hands in his fur just to hold on.

It was strange, to her, that this wasn’t the slightest bit weird. In her experience, interacting with a shifter when you were not in the same forms was just awkward and led to complicated thinking. It was as if the wolf and the human were two separate entities to her. However, this was different. As she wrapped her fingers in his fur, she felt something different. A sense of peace almost. This in itself caused that distressed feeling to come back. Mate. He’s my mate. Perhaps that’s why she felt this way, and as soon as it was fixed, she wouldn’t anymore.

Soon, they were back to the mansion, the guards letting them pass because she was with him. Kiara didn’t have much longer to dwell on her peaceful feeling because as soon as they were outside the house, he skidded to a stop. In front of them, were two large wolves obviously intent on fighting. Dakeyras probably had no idea who they were, but she did. She knew and that peaceful feeling shifted to one of dread. She whispered, so quietly that only he would be able to hear her, “No… This can’t be happening…”
Your wolfy is gonna wanna see the epic fight!
Lucy lay on her back staring at the ceiling that she could barely see. Slowly, she brought her hand up, as if she could touch it if she tried hard enough. It was times like this that she missed home. It was times like this when she wished she could once again see the stars. A sad sigh escaped her lips before she started to sing a song quietly, hoping to distract herself.

"I miss your biscuits and your gravy
Fireflies dancing in the night
You have fed me, You have saved me
Billy Graham and Martha White."

Fireflies. Lucy had taken those stupid bugs for granted. They were like stars that you could actually touch, could even catch and keep for yourself. If only she had realized it then.

Her musings were interrupted by a rough voice. "Name?"

Lucy raised an eyebrow at him, "Huh?"

"We need your name. We're cataloging the players present here."

She didn't even feel the need to sit up at this. "That's a stupid reason, don't cha think? You know, my mama always said you gotta be nice to someone and treat 'em like you'd wanna be treated. Maybe you should chat me up a bit before you ask me my name, yeah?" Her characteristic grin spread across her face, but he was not amused.

"And maybe you should learn to speak correctly. Start with giving me your name."

Lucy winced, no longer feeling like fighting with the stupid man. If he wanted to be that way, then so be it. He could have her name as long as he left her to her thoughts. "Lucy Hall." With that, he nodded and left taking her grin with him. Finally, the young woman sat up running her fingers through her hair out of habit. If there was anything she hated, it was when people treated her like she was stupid because of her accent. So what if she talked a bit slow and had that drawl, it didn't mean she couldn't think or understand anyone. Picking up a rock, she through it as hard as she could, hoping to calm herself down. Unfortunately, it hit someone else in the process.

"Sorry!" She called over before laying back down. Why have we been out here so long, she thought. It feels like they're using us for something...
FLCL!!!!!! Alrighty I shall post soonish :o
Oh gosh, North. Don't be so paranoid. You're doing fine! :D
Weeee edited my post so that it is super long because we didn't want to spam the thing.
Despite the ferocity of the snarl he sent her way, Kiara found that she was not afraid. It was only when he began to get his things that she felt anything close to fear. When she shifted, she found herself kneeling in front of him which was something he obviously didn’t like. Slowly, carefully, she stood. It didn’t really matter, either way he towered over her. However, on her two feet, the scar of her youth could be seen: a jagged, silvery line that stretched the length of her right side, hip to rib cage. The most prominent features at that¬¬ moment, though, were her watery gray eyes.

It was strange, that she should feel like crying. Why was that? She didn’t feel sad. Did she? Kiara shook her head trying to clear it of unnecessary thoughts. It took everything she had to speak her mind this time. “They were going to attack you, you know that right? How can I choose between my pack and a stranger? You would have killed them,” here she paused, her voice breaking. “These people raised me. I didn’t mean to take you so close… I wasn’t thinking.”

Again, she paused, not sure if she should continue. Did he actually want to know what she was thinking? Or was he only pretending the whole time? Biting her lip softly, she took her chance. “Please don’t go. Every time you leave, I feel like…” her hand found its way to her chest, over her heart. “It hurts. I don’t know why, but it feels like it’s killing me.”
He heard as she stood up. His rage still filed his whole body. ‘Why are you still here? Why do you care if something happens to me, what is it to you?’ he thought as he searched through his backpack. “They were going to attack you, you know that right? How can I choose between my pack and a stranger? You would have killed them,” He could hear as her voice began to brake, and his anger with it.. “These people raised me. I didn’t mean to take you so close… I wasn’t thinking.” The whole idea of them killing him was more appealing, and did he really look so horrible that she would automatically think him of a winner. Though his anger was smaller than before, he could hardly control the animal from bursting within him. As he finally found what he was looking for he tightly squeezed it in his hands, realising some steam. . “Please don’t go. Every time you leave, I feel like… It hurts. I don’t know why, but it feels like it’s killing me.” These words enraged him even more. How could one submit to another if he feels such a way to a third. His sceptic mind began to work its carnage in his head. ‘She’s saying this to lure you back in, next time you’ll follow her blindly, they’ll kill you or trick you to join as an omega.’ His instincts warned him. He had enough of all this, of everything. He slowly stood up, turning around he saw her staring at him, water in her eyes. Coldly he threw her his kilt and his brown sweater. “if you’re planning on staying human put this on, or would you prefer to stay butt naked. Either way, you should go back to your pack. Your mate is probably worried, and you can tell your alpha that your mission failed and I’m not coming back.” After he said that, he turned around, picked up his backpack and started to walk away. He hoped she would join him, no he prayed she would.
Kiara looked down to the sweater, which was more than enough to cover her whole body should she so choose, and was considering putting it on when he said something about her mate. At first, she thought about staying quiet and letting him go, but that same pang from deep in her chest told her that was impossible. Besides, he wanted her to speak? Then she would speak. “Mate? What mate?” She yelled after him. “Don’t walk away from me!”

She started after him throwing the clothes at him along the way. “Do you see a mark on me? Does it look like I have a mate?” At this she stood there, arms out, and though it was embarrassing she had to make this point. If she didn’t, he could leave. “Why do you think my pack cares about you? Some stranger that no one knows? What could they possibly want with you?” This time she looked down as she spoke, shaking her head. “Don’t you understand? All I’ve ever been taught is to submit… it’s all I know how to do anymore. I can’t leave. If you go, I won’t follow you.”
He turned around. “Well though I admit that I can’t see any mark, what you did, confused me and I though one of those pups was your mate to be.” His anger disappeared as she stretched out. Though another feeling filed him. For he never saw such beauty in a human form before, and the only thing more beautiful was the same person in her wolf form. He jumped to her, with his hands he put her arms around him, and his around her. Again like before his mind was at ease. The one difference from before was that this time, his heart finally managed to open up a way to his mind. Not a way, a highway. He knew what she said was truth and that she didn’t lie. The sincerity in her voice and deeds managed to stung him, at the thought of how he reacted. His heart was now screaming at him for the idiot he was, and why it didn’t listen to his heart before. ‘You’ve been silent for too long my friend, I even forgot your sound’ Dakeyras said to his heart in his mind. ‘Submissive you say?’ A small grin formed on his face. “If you are so submissive, how come you don’t have a mate? With that beauty of yours someone must have tried to mate with you, no? Well either way we can’t have a young female without a mate.” As he whispered that into her ear he took a long breath, his nose deep in her hair. “We’ll fix that” Saying it he pushed her down and bit her on the inner part of her left thigh. Only after that he realised what had happened.
Like before, Kiara froze as soon as he touched her. Her mind couldn't wrap itself around everything that was going on. She had thought he would leave, especially after she yelled at him, but here he was... wait. What exactly did he just do? Mouth open and eyes wide, she stared at the mark on her thigh in horror. The worst part? It was already healing. Kiara softly touched the mark and let out a gasp of disbelief.

"I don't..." Why would her body accept a mark from a stranger? Nothing was making sense, and it was overwhelming her. Another awful though came to her a moment later. What would her mother say when she found out she had let someone who wasn't her true mate mark her! A stranger who didn't even belong to a pack! She turned her wide eyes up to him as she realized there was something more frightening than her mother. "You can't leave! You can't mark-" her voice broke on the word, still unable to believe it, "I still can't go with you..."
Dakeyras sat there for a moment. ‘What have I done’ How could he let this happen. Although his heart was telling him he did the right thing he knew he screwed up. Why would he mark some female he just met? There’s no way he will stop traveling for the sake of this girl. Even less start a pack or join one. ‘What have I done’ the thought ran through his mind again. He knew what this mark meant and what problems it brings. How would he explain this to her pack, or even to himself? This was just insane, and the worst thing was that she accepted the marking. ‘You senile old fool, you have gone too far this time. What in the unforgotten realm of bullets and carnage do you plan on doing now’ He yelled inside his head as he looked up into the sky.

Kiaras voice struck him like a rock, bringing him back to present. The fear was visible on her face, and in her voice. “I don’t know…. I really don’t know… id ask you to go with me, but I guess its out of the question. I didn’t even….” Dakeyras was confused and to make matters worse he didn’t even know how to explain this to her. But he would, or at least tell her the truth. “I don’t know. It’s just when I hugged you a sudden rush filled my head and the need to make you mine. I don’t know what’s going on, but for some reason I can’t even trust myself with you. My heart, my instincts and even my mind is betraying me.” Then it hit him, a way to solve this, or at least make it less terrible. Excitement clearly over run him as he thought about it. In a flash he held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. He will fix this the way he knows best. “I have an idea, what if… I challenge your father for you, or your alpha or anyone. Whoever I must challenge to gain you.” Dakeyras was so out of his thoughts that he didn’t even consider losing or dying. Again his heart yelled at him. ‘Get her to be yours or try living without me beating’
Her eyes widened even more, something she didn’t think was possible, at the thought of him fighting Luke or her father. Luke would probably kill him, despite Dakeyras size, because he was ruthless and took no mercy. He would see him as unworthy of anyone, that or he would laugh at the thought of fighting over Kiara. He, like most of the pack, thought she was simple minded even if she always listened and never spoke out of turn. And her father…

Kiara quickly shook her head. “You can’t… I love my family. If you hurt him… I…” Suddenly tears filled her eyes at the thought of her father dead. “How would that solve anything? Then I would just be even more alone than I already am! Fix this! Take it back!” Her hands flew to her mouth again and she closed her eyes trying to calm down. It was so strange to her, that she couldn’t speak to anyone in her pack but she could yell at this man. Granted, he had just made her his made without permission and now probably planned on leaving her here.
Dakeyras looked at the ground, his mind frantically trying to fix what he managed to mess up so gallantly. “What if you just come with me…. You said that at your pack no one really cared for you, but with me it would be different. I promise.” He looked at her as innocently as possible. He felt like a small child, who’s power would be taken away, and all he could do was to wait and plea for a miracle. He couldn’t leave her, yet he can’t join any pack either, or at least he promised himself he won’t. This was a hard decision, but if she couldn’t decide to leave the pack then he would join it, but he would try to avoid it till the very end. Finally he gave in. The idea of living without her was out of thought. He would either continue his path with her or settle down with her. Understanding her meaning in his life, he gave up on the idea of letting her go. Although he knew how much she meant to him, he would not admit it to her under any circumstances. He opened his mouth to try and calm her down “I love you way to much to be without you, so please come with me.” The words didn’t quite form as he wanted, but then again, today nothing did.
“Love me? I’m a stranger! You’re a stranger! And you bit me!” Her palms pressed against her eyes as she tried to get her thoughts under control. It was probably harder for her, only because she only had her brain to work with, her instincts and heart were mostly blocked off. Kiara was never sure what thoughts were correct and which weren’t. “I can’t… I can’t go with you. I told you that. How could I? What do you do? Run around fighting everyone you see?”

This time, she pulled away from him, once again touching that mark that said they were mated. This could not be happening to her. The gods really did have a sick sense of humor. Kiara would never be wishing for anything ever again. Submissive. She needed to be submissive. He didn’t like it when she was, right? Maybe then he would decide he didn’t want her and find some way to get rid of all of this. Alright, Kiara. Do what you do best. Moving so that she was kneeling, she tilted her head to the side and exposed her neck to this man she barely knew. “I need to go home…”
As soon as Dakeyras backed away, Kiara was back on her feet. The two guards were really feeling full of themselves now. They hadn't done a thing and he'd run away like a scared little pup. This caused Kiara to snap at them before she ran as quickly as she could after the trail he'd left. It confused her to no end why he'd left. What had she done wrong? Had he maybe finally seen the danger? Did he not want to run anymore?

"You need to be quiet, Kiara. A man doesn't want to hear you talk. He wants to see you submit." Her mothers voice echoed in her head. Was that it? Had he left because she'd submitted to another male? Kiara didn't know, but it didn't matter anyways. The longer he was away, the more painful that emptiness became. Please, let him forgive me, she thought to herself.

When she did finally reach him again, Kiara stood still for a moment. Even now she was unsure what she should do. Like the pups, she launched herself in front of him and dropped to the ground. This time, she showed him her neck, hoping that that was the reason he left. She could only show him that there was no mark and that she had been trying to stop any fights that would have happened. Slowly, she looked up and let a small whimper. "Don't leave me alone," it said.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You really do.” Kiara mumbled under breath, as if she couldn’t believe this could be happening to her. It wasn’t that she was scared of horses or riding. Of course not. However, she didn’t have much experience, and she certainly didn’t see how all three of them were going to fit anyways. Besides, how fast could the horse carry them all anyways? Not fast, she reckoned. Okay, so maybe she didn’t like horses. At all.

Her hands clenched inside her cape as she looked around for somewhere else to go. Responsibility for the boy? Well… that would just have to go away maybe. There was no reason that she had to follow onto this stupid beast. In fact, he’d just saved her butt, so did that make them even? Kiara brought her hands to her eyes, pressing hard. This whole day must just be a dream. If she pinched herself, surely she’d wake up. Of course, with this thought in mind, she tried it. Nothing happened.

The horse snorted as if impatient, and she sent a glare towards the thing. Kiara groaned as she pulled her hood up, hoping it would stay there. Finally, she made herself walk over to the four-legged monster (she was running out of names to call the horse) and did her best to climb aboard. At first, she was unsure of what to do with her hands, but when they took off, she squealed and squeezed the boy in front of her tightly. This was not stealthy, not at all, and it took her very far out of her comfort zone.
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