A surprising sound filled Lucy's ears: singing. Actually, the most interesting part was that it was the song she'd been singing herself. So, someone had heard her, huh? Perhaps the same someone she'd accidentally thrown that rock at? Lucy winced slightly as she remembered that. If her mother ever found out... she'd be dead. Yeah, she needed to make that right real quick. So, she went ahead and stood up, brushing herself off out of habit. It was so strange, the habits that she couldn't break despite the fact that they didn't need to be done in this world. Alright, Lucy. Make a friend. You got this. It'll be nice to have an ally.
Following the melody, she began humming along, joining in with:
"I can't see the world unless I go
Outside my Southern Comfort Zone."
When the song finished, she sat next to this boy with the wrong accent and looked at him curiously. "It's strange. You're not from 'round the south. I can tell. So where ya from? Actually, I'm just curious why ya didn't just come over if you wanted to talk." At this, she grinned over at him. Lucy was about to say something else, but her gaze snapped to something going on near the boss door.
"You are trying to organize a way to get the raid party killed, but one that allows you to kill the boss, and move on without the competition of other players." Those words were Lucy's worst nightmare. In fact, she'd thought as much was going on with how long they'd been sitting outside the blasted dungeon. She quickly stood and equipped her sword, not sure exactly what she was planning on doing. She did know, however, that there was no way she was going to let anyone kill her, directly or indirectly. She was getting home to her mama and her fireflies and her southern comfort zone.