A party raged around her. It was not the first, and most probably not the last, and yet it felt different somehow. As if it was the start of something that could change her life forever. She chuckled to herself, knowing that the thought was silly. Things like that only happened in fairy tales, and her life was certainly nothing of the sort. Though she did not look, the woman could feel the judging eyes on her, knowing that she should not have made a sound. After all, it was not what a good slave did.
Her eyes caught sight of the silver bands around her wrists, heavy in more ways than one. It was so strange how they were all here to see her, and yet she could be treated as though she should be grateful for their presence instead of the opposite. The woman knew that most were here out of curiosity. Having heard of the slave who danced at each party her master held. She flinched, knowing that it was more than her talent that caused them to come.
One of her hands made its way to the strands of hair that hung loosely in her face. It was the unusual color, bright red, that drew all these people to the party. Her master would say that it was his popularity, but that wasn't true. The guests had come because they wanted to see the devil girl themselves. For obviously, it could have been no other creature that had adorned her with her unnatural hair.
It was time. She raised her clasped hands to the sky, and stood on her toes, praying. She didn't care who or what they thought she was praying for, it didn't matter. Instead, she wished for beauty and grace in her performance. And as the music began and she stepped into her first dance of the night, one last prayer crossed her mind. Ignia wished to be free.Okay, so. The above may or may not be my first post, I'm not sure yet. This roleplay will be entirely character based. I don't have a plot right now, other than this party. Each of your characters will be there, but how and why is all up to you. Whether you want to play a master, slave, or just a free man, doesn't matter. Any and all types of characters are welcome. You cannot be Ignia's master, as I will be playing him.
Now, the story will start off here, where our characters will meet one another, and then based on the actions of each and every one of you we will either stay in the town and interact that way, or possibly be on the run. Who knows.
I really want this roleplay to revolve around each character. Their backgrounds, personality, and such. I want them to grow, to interact with each other, and to change throughout this story. I want it to be less focused on plot, which is why I have not entirely come up with one, as said. I will be open to any and all suggestions you have regarding it.
I will be judging who I accept based on writing in your character sheet. I don't normally do this because I believe everyone should be allowed to write regardless of style or skill just because its fun. However, this will (hopefully) be a very detailed rp and require effort from all of us. So, I'll have more requirements than I normally do.
The world is entirely up to you, as long as it makes sense I will allow it. You can be from any town or country you wish. I won't be listing any to choose from because I feel as if that puts limits on your creativity. Just remember that this is set in a time before technology. I don't think I would go back as far as Medieval, but there are no cars or computers or phones or jeans. I will only be putting up two towns that are already created.
They are:
The city you are currently in. It is located on the southern edge of Ageuos, right on the water. It is a port city, so its biggest incomes are fishing and the ever growing hobby of treasure hunting. Most people living here are of the working class, but in the center of the city, the rich go to play. The most well known of these families are the Octave's. As of now, only the son remains in the city, as all others have died off or moved away. Each month he throws a party with his favorite pet performing. The rumors have spread all over town about the girl with the demon hair, and only newcomers do not know about her. Some believe she is a myth, while others swear they have seen her in the dead of night. The ones who truly have use it to show their status to one another, as not just anyone is allowed to attend these parties. This is one of many cities that allows and encourages slavery.
The city of Ignia's birth. Located in the very center of the country, this is a place where spirituality is almost required. The people take refuge in dance and it used to celebrate, mourn, and show any other emotion they may have. They are not kind to outsiders, as more often than not those who are not born here do not understand their ways. The people here are working class and below. None who live in the city have money. The main income is farming, though some go off to dance in other cities. In general, slavery is abhorred here, but as with Ignia, they do make exceptions.
Okay, so. Honestly, I'd rather do without CS's because like I said I want this to be character based, which means I don't necessarily want to know a lot up front. That being said, I will be asking for just enough to get a gauge on your writing. The only one with a history will be Ignia and Octave, unless you believe your character's history would be well known.
Name (First and Last):
Country/City of Origin (If you'd like you can put a description as well as a name):
Status (Master, Slave, Free Man):
Personality (Again as detailed or vague as you'd like):
Appearance: (Pictures are accepted, as are descriptions. Both are even better. If you do use a picture I'd rather it be of a real person.):
Reason for attending the party (This can be as detailed or as vague as you'd like, but I might need to know this):
Anything Else (This can be anything that you feel we should know, but does not fit in any other category):
Name: Ignia
Age: 25
Country/City of Origin: Adonia
Status: Slave of Octave
Personality: Ignia is passionate. As passionate as a slave can possibly be that is. She is grateful and kind and just hoping that one day she can be free of the oppression she has felt all of her life. Because of her past, she is quick to help others she finds in need. Though normally she would be outgoing and easy to make friends with, this part of her is suppressed by her will to survive in the world she lives in. So, instead, to others she seems shy and submissive.

Reason for attending the party: She is the main source of entertainment, and the reason many guests have chosen to attend
Anything Else : Though, unsurprisingly, she has many scars, one in particular catches attention: A long jagged thing that stretches down her right side from rib cage to hip. She wears a gold band on her left ring finger, but will not give details about it.
History: Ignia was born with her unnatural hair, and her parents had no choice but to give her up. The entire town being as religious as it was, believed that it was a sign that she had been touched by a devil, a demon, or something else malicious. They could not bear to keep her and bring that upon the people there. So, instead, she was given away to a family far away who sold her into slavery the day she turned five. Though she'd never known her parents or her home, dancing ran in her blood and it wasn't long before her talent was realized. This was a great and dangerous thing. She no longer had to do errands or endure whippings as often, but at the same time every family wanted her for their parties. When she was 18 years old, Octave bought her and she has been with him ever since.
Name: Elric Octave
Age: 28
Country/City of Origin: Thessaloniki
Status: Master
Personality: Always the charmer, Octave has always had a way with the ladies, mostly because he waves his endless supply of money at anyone and everyone. He's arrogant and superior to those around him because he has what they all want: Ignia. He loves to show off his possession and has no concept of what it is to live day to day. He has a very lowly opinion of slaves and treats his like pets. He respects no one, because he believes no one deserves it. When he does not get his way, he becomes violent, though he hides this part of himself in public.
Appearance: Octave is tall and handsome as one would expect the rich to be. He stands at 6'0 which only adds to his smug sense of himself. He has shaggy blonde hair, and blue eyes that most would die for. He uses his clothes as a way to flash his wealth and only wears the garments that are gaudy and rich in color.
Reason for attending the party: It wouldn't be a party without him, after all.
Anything Else: He carries a sword around on his hip, but has no idea how to use it.
History: Octave grew up sheltered and rich. He never knew his parents, being raised by staff and servants, so he was not particularly devastated by their deaths. In fact, he would go as far to say he was glad. After all, he was the last Octave in the city, meaning their wealth was his to spend as he wished without them to control him. Because there are none left, most people refer to him by his last name, and he prefers it this way. Another way to show his status. When he first learned of Ignia, he thought her to be a waste of money. Nothing special about her. However, after being invited to a party where she performed, Octave realized he needed to have her. For her dancing and for her unusual hair. Her master was soon murdered, but his killer was never found. Octave bought Ignia from the wife the very next day.
For anyone who wants to join after this has started, that should be fine. You'll just have to join us later on if you do not join before the party ends.
Now that the IC has started, please be courteous and let a couple of people post in between each of yours. We don't want to spam the IC with only a couple of people. If you are having a conversation, consider doing a collaborative and putting the entire thing in one post. Thanks! :)