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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago


A party raged around her. It was not the first, and most probably not the last, and yet it felt different somehow. As if it was the start of something that could change her life forever. She chuckled to herself, knowing that the thought was silly. Things like that only happened in fairy tales, and her life was certainly nothing of the sort. Though she did not look, the woman could feel the judging eyes on her, knowing that she should not have made a sound. After all, it was not what a good slave did.

Her eyes caught sight of the silver bands around her wrists, heavy in more ways than one. It was so strange how they were all here to see her, and yet she could be treated as though she should be grateful for their presence instead of the opposite. The woman knew that most were here out of curiosity. Having heard of the slave who danced at each party her master held. She flinched, knowing that it was more than her talent that caused them to come.

One of her hands made its way to the strands of hair that hung loosely in her face. It was the unusual color, bright red, that drew all these people to the party. Her master would say that it was his popularity, but that wasn't true. The guests had come because they wanted to see the devil girl themselves. For obviously, it could have been no other creature that had adorned her with her unnatural hair.

It was time. She raised her clasped hands to the sky, and stood on her toes, praying. She didn't care who or what they thought she was praying for, it didn't matter. Instead, she wished for beauty and grace in her performance. And as the music began and she stepped into her first dance of the night, one last prayer crossed her mind. Ignia wished to be free.

Okay, so. The above may or may not be my first post, I'm not sure yet. This roleplay will be entirely character based. I don't have a plot right now, other than this party. Each of your characters will be there, but how and why is all up to you. Whether you want to play a master, slave, or just a free man, doesn't matter. Any and all types of characters are welcome. You cannot be Ignia's master, as I will be playing him.

Now, the story will start off here, where our characters will meet one another, and then based on the actions of each and every one of you we will either stay in the town and interact that way, or possibly be on the run. Who knows.

I really want this roleplay to revolve around each character. Their backgrounds, personality, and such. I want them to grow, to interact with each other, and to change throughout this story. I want it to be less focused on plot, which is why I have not entirely come up with one, as said. I will be open to any and all suggestions you have regarding it.

I will be judging who I accept based on writing in your character sheet. I don't normally do this because I believe everyone should be allowed to write regardless of style or skill just because its fun. However, this will (hopefully) be a very detailed rp and require effort from all of us. So, I'll have more requirements than I normally do.

The world is entirely up to you, as long as it makes sense I will allow it. You can be from any town or country you wish. I won't be listing any to choose from because I feel as if that puts limits on your creativity. Just remember that this is set in a time before technology. I don't think I would go back as far as Medieval, but there are no cars or computers or phones or jeans. I will only be putting up two towns that are already created.

They are:

Okay, so. Honestly, I'd rather do without CS's because like I said I want this to be character based, which means I don't necessarily want to know a lot up front. That being said, I will be asking for just enough to get a gauge on your writing. The only one with a history will be Ignia and Octave, unless you believe your character's history would be well known.

For anyone who wants to join after this has started, that should be fine. You'll just have to join us later on if you do not join before the party ends.

Now that the IC has started, please be courteous and let a couple of people post in between each of yours. We don't want to spam the IC with only a couple of people. If you are having a conversation, consider doing a collaborative and putting the entire thing in one post. Thanks! :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name (first and last): Diamond Wong

Age: 16

Country/ City of Origin (description optional): Malaysia

Status (master, slave, free man): Free person, from the modern world

Personality (detailed or vague): Generally cheerful and friendly but is often doubtful and lacking confidence in herself. Quite blur and oblivious to her surroundings at times. A dreamer who loves to keep thoughts to herself and dreams of meeting the love of her life and having happily-after endings.

Appearance (pic, description, or both, preferably real person):

Height: 150cm

Reason for attending the party (detailed or vague): Diamond was in the midst of a friend's party at night when she was pulled away to the edge of a swimming pool by a guy who had a crush on her. The guy was halfway professing his love for her when he unconsciously took a step backward and fell into the pool. There were a few moments of eye-rolling from the girl (who proposes to a girl just to fall into a pool? .__. ) before panic surged through her when the guy failed to resurface. Realising that the guy might not know how to swim and might be drowning, she took off her heels and jumped in to his rescue. Little did she realise that when she finally climbed out of the water, weary and desperate for air, not only did she fail to find her friend's whereabouts but she had somehow swam through a portal connecting her world and Ignia's at that point of time. She was puzzled by her new surroundings and was walking aimlessly until she happened upon the party, barefooted and drenched from head to toe. If not for Ignia's dance distracting her appearance, she might have been caught and made into a new slave by Ignia's master due to her out-of-place clothing.

Anything else (anything the other rp-ers should know): Hmm...nothing else for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name (First and Last): Garret Sevantis

Age: 24

Country/City of Origin (If you'd like you can put a description as well as a name): Verrak
A region in the north-east bordered on two sides, and dominated by, a high, snow covered mountain chain simply named The World Scar. The entire range is surrounded by foothills and a dense forest that stretches out for many miles from the range, before giving way to rolling hills and grasslands, though these are actually more like a grassy tundra than the true grasslands of the south. It is a harsh environment, with ultra cold blizzards (called Snap Storms) rolling down the side of the Scar during the winters, freezing anything not prepared for it. No nation, at least in the traditional sense, rules Verrak. Instead it is controlled by an entity known to the outside as the Scar Vow (or as simply the Vow). The Vow is made up of the various clans that are dotted around Verrak, and maintains the peace between them, as well as the outside diplomacy.

Status (Master, Slave, Free Man): "Slave" (Garret is a complicated case. While technically a Free Man, Garret is a member of a special type of mercenaries that are totally bound to their contract. The catch is that their contract is permanent, not bought for a single battle or war, this means that the contract is traded and sold between masters, and whomever holds it controls the mercenary, in this case Garret, for any length of time. The contract can only be broken one of three ways, the contract holder does not fulfill their part of the contract, the contract holder gives the mercenary an order they cannot complete, or the mercenary regains control of the contract.)

Personality (Again as detailed or vague as you'd like): A calm and sober man, Garret is not prone to many emotional outbursts. In public he tends to try and keep his opinions to himself, though sometimes this cannot be helped. In private he has a biting sense of humor, but still tends to hide most of his emotions beneath a cold smile. He is a religious man, but keeps most, if not all, of this aspect of himself to his private life. (Note: Garret follows the religion of Verrak, as one would expect)

Appearance: (Pictures are accepted, as are descriptions. Both are even better. If you do use a picture I'd rather it be of a real person.): Garret stands around 6'1'', with a lean, slightly muscular build. His mid length dirty blond hair is pulled back into a ponytail, with a few rouge strands escaping to fall infront of his face. his left eye has a milky look and two jagged scars that run parallel from about an inch from the outside corner of the eye to the bridge of his nose, a "gift" from a previous master. He has two Nordic style tattoos, the first of which starts at his right wrist and is of a snake coiling up his fore arm, the second is on his back left shoulder and is of a crow clutching serpent with it's beak and talons.

Reason for attending the party (This can be as detailed or as vague as you'd like, but I might need to know this): Garret was brought to the party by his current employer/master, a fat, cowardly merchant who talks and boasts way to much for Garret's tastes. He was brought mainly for his capacity as a bodyguard, but also to lend more weight to his master's boasts of wealth.

Anything Else (This can be anything that you feel we should know, but does not fit in any other category): The religion of Verrak I one of the few truly unifying factors of the Vow. It is a blend of polytheism and animism, it is also highly ritualistic with various runes and symbols used in it's practices. It holds that humans are the children of younger gods (also called "Lesser Gods"), created without the knowledge of the Elder Gods

To any who watch Garret and his current master for any amount of time, it would be obvious that Garret hates the man.

Garret uses two Horsemen's Picks and various heavy throwing knifes, all of which are kept on his person when permitted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by All_The_Science


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Name: Osmond (Oz) Sorel

Age: 23

Country/City of Origin: Meswyn

Nestled next to a major river that connects many cities, Meswyn sits as one of the largest trading hubs on the continent. And while there is no such thing as royalty in the city, the wealthy families that struggle for control of it are all but revered as such. Of these houses, the big three are the Roanoaks, Sylvas, and Bellwins. It is said that anything under the sun can be found within its walls, for the right price of course, and there are few places in the world that can rival the amount of specialty craftsmen that reside there.

Status: Free Man

Personality: A true pragmatist at heart, Oz puts little stock in that which he cannot see. Actions are all that matter in his opinion, as promises and vows are but words to him. This combined with his blunt speech and dry humor more often than not makes him come off as a cold and indifferent individual.

Appearance: Oz is a rather plain man with a mop of dark brown hair that would fall past his eyes if he didn't keep it slicked back. And try as he might, he seems to have near perpetual stubble gracing his face, which he is prone to stroke when he is deep in thought. His blue eyes rarely give away intentions, while his 6’1” stature and fairly toned build keep most people from asking. His skin is not all that tan, which is a testament to how much time he spends indoors with his face in a book.

True to his personality, Oz cares little for decorative apparel and would rather dress for comfort and practicality. This leads to him almost always wearing the same worn and faded brown leather traveling boots, unremarkable black breeches, and a simple white shirt covered by a plain, brown leather jerkin.

Reason for attending the party: Even though his time in Thessaloniki has not been a long one, Oz took up a treasure hunting job for the young Octave, earning the lord a considerable amount of money and Oz a spot on the guest list.

Anything Else: The one item that holds any sentimental value for Oz is the silver chain link necklace that he keeps on his person at all times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Avaline “Ava” Parkal

Age: 12

Country/City of Origin: Ava does not know where she was born, for all she knew she was born into slavery. Her current masters live in Adwick, a rather small city that is full of mansions, all owned by the regions most wealthy. The city is connected by cable cars for fast and easy transportation to the wealthy's factories and labor camps. The city is exceptionally beautiful, with parks and restaurants and other fine places that slaves could never dream of seeing. Most slaves are kept inside the buildings, constantly cleaning and mowing the lawns and tending to the flowers and trees.

Status: Technically a Slave, could be compared more to a caretaker or a maid and cook. She is currently being owned by a pair of extremely wealthy elderly people. In their old age they need someone to cook and clean, and thus own many slaves. As they are too greedy to pay for servants. Ava is often seen accompinig them, because she is young she is often called the “Pocket Sized Slave” of the house, being personal helpers to them.

Personality: Ava is a rather calm natured person. She understands and completes tasks given to her to the best of her abilities and respects her masters with the utmost care. Ava understands her place in society and does not have the courage nor drive to go against societal norms. Ava is trusted highly by her masters, and for good reason, and appreciates the times she is allowed out of the house without supervision. Ava is extremely submissive and obedient to her masters, and anyone who they approve of. And while sometimes she longs to be treated as an equal in the house, she understands that the old couple would be unable to function without her. And if she was to run away another poor slave would take her place. One thing Ava loves is meeting other slaves when her owners have house parties or take her out to gatherings.

On each of her hands is a brand, signifying who she belongs to is extremely politically powerful.

Reason for attending the party: Her masters, as extremely rich and influential individuals, were invited to the party as guests. This meant that Ava would be coming along to hold their coats and bags as well as fetch them drinks and d'oeuvres when they ask for them. Ava is just excited to potentially meet other slaves, and maybe get some chocolates from the food table.

Anything Else: Nothing I can think of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 4 days ago

Placeholder, this is interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

Alright. Sorry. Life caught me in its grips. Who is still around, if any?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*meekly raises a hand up* o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Nosuchthing as good writing

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I must say, I am interested
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Indeed I am present.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

Anyone who has not posted a CS please try to do so today. I will be pming people tonight, and then hopefully IC will start tomorrow :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Nosuchthing as good writing

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name (First and Last): Ellyah Asaar Jayr

Age: 29

Country/City of Origin: Orgravia

A country located many leagues to the south of Thessaloniki, Orgravia is a warlike state, but rarely bothers with those on the other side of the ocean, finding more profit in slaughtering and enslaving those on their side of the water and trading them to Ageuos. They are far from averse to enslaving their own people, and when no targets rear their heads the Orgravi turn on each other, weeding out the weak. Occasionally enterprising nations have sought to take advantage of these conflicts, only to have the once warring tribes unite against the common foe without a second thought.

A violent society, women are at once warriors alongside the men, and property, traded and bartered between successful warriors. The most powerful warlords possess harems of hundreds of women, each one trained in the arts of death and love. This makes them extremely valuable as slaves in Ageuos, though they are rarely traded, and as such, fetch high prices at auction.

Status: Pleasure Slave, for now

Personality: Ellyah is unusual amongst her people in that she does not accept the status quo, though she was raised and trained much like her sisters, the spark of rebellion in her was never stamped out by the conditioning, and was instead compressed into a hard diamond of spirit at her core. She is however, clever, it was rare, but it was not beyond the Orgravi to put to death those women who showed too much spirit, or condemn them to service in the pleasure pits.


Reason for attending the party: Like Ignia, Ellyah is a symbol of wealth, though not quite such a decadent example, sold many years ago, she has been among the people of Ageuos for long enough to recognise many of their customs, though she rarely understands them.

Anything else: The Orgravia are fairly distinctive, but so is their dress, and Ellyah is normally found dressed in typical fashion, exposing large amounts of skin and adorned in golden jewellery.

History: Raised and trained in the classic manner of the Orgravi, Ellyah was sold to an Ageuosan trader when she was sixteen. It wasn’t long before she was auctioned off for a princely sum to Elric Octave’s father, before being sold on once more shortly before his death. As such, the Octave family are no strangers to her, though she never met Elric.

Two more years of service and she finds her current master invited to Octave’s party to see the girl with the demon hair. As one of only a few dozen Ogravi slaves in the city, Ellyah is the next best thing to the red headed Ignia, so naturally she was selected to accompany her new master as a demonstration of his own wealth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

You guys are awesome! I'll be updating the accepted characters in a few minutes and sending out pms to anyone who had a character and has not spoken up, or expressed interest and has not posted a CS. As soon as I get responses, or when tomorrow comes, I shall be posting the first IC. It may just be the beginning of the OOC because that gives your characters the most freedom, but I'm not sure yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by All_The_Science


Member Offline since relaunch

I still live as well!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

Haha I know :) there were only two people I messaged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

Oh also, if anyone wants to play more than one character that's fine. Not necessary, but fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

-raises hand- I am here!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Nosuchthing as good writing

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Can't wait for IC :)
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