Though they were running down a path, Kiara felt better the instant they were in the trees. Finally, she wasn’t out in the open obvious and easy to pick off. She didn’t even have a weapon anymore. Stealth was the only thing she had left that would keep her safe. However, she realized the cloak didn’t hide her very well out here. In fact, it didn’t hide her well during daytime at all, except for in the allies, which is why when they finally reached the house at the end of the trail, she took the thing off and held it in her arms.
A smile found its way to her lips as she watched him trying to breath. Kiara wouldn’t say that she wasn’t tired at all, but dancing definitely had her better off than this guy. Instead, she could actually stand, though she did appreciate the stop. She was reaching the end of her limit as well. At least she could add able to run far to her list of survival skills. Two was better than one.
Kiara heard him talking, but looked at him with confusion when he thanked her. Her head tilted to the side as she tried to figure out why that was. It was true that she had helped him, but to hear someone actually saying those words? It was unheard of where she grew up. People took and then they left. They didn’t care who gave it to them.
“I’m…” She paused for a moment, as she thought of what to say. Of course she knew her name, but did she really want to give it to him? Biting her lip softly, she decided to give it a try. “Kiara. They call me Kiara Black, but I don’t think that’s my real last name.” Her hand grasped his and shook it firmly, her lips turned up in a smile. “Thank you, Cyrus. You saved me a couple times too.”