Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 27 days ago

Kiara followed when everyone else made their way inside, trying to blend in as she always did. Because of this, she was surprised when the new girl said something to her. She still had yet to remember her name, but this girl knew Kiara’s and that made her slightly uncomfortable. It was strange considering that she had been surprised that Jaii had remembered it. She stared at the clothes, only able to nod at Vera’s words. She had to be some kind of relation to an alpha. The girl had the air about her. The same air that Jaii had.

Slipping into the dress, she found that it was longer than she would normally wear, but it covered her mark and that made her happy. Now if only she had shoes. Kiara made her way to a window, looking out as people reunited. Like Jaii, she could smell that Sam was mated to the healer, and that he was mated to the new girl. She watched them for a moment and knew that was what being mated should be like. Not what she had. Not with a stranger. You were supposed to feel something. You were supposed to know. Her eyes moved back to the outdoors as she thought of what a mess she was in. A sudden pang of longing went through her as she thought of her parents and her store. Without it, who would she become? That scared little girl she was just starting to break out of?

Kiara was moving before she could stop herself. If she was going to feel this way, she would do it alone, not around other people. She definitely couldn’t be like this around her alpha. She needed to be strong and reliable, and she didn’t feel like either of those things at that moment. All she felt was small and weak. It was true that her pack had not been very good to her, but it was what she had. All she had. Now she was here with strangers. When she was back outside, Kiara slowly fell to her knees and placed her head in her hands. With everyone so busy, she was sure no one would bother her, hoped no one would bother her. She just needed a moment to mourn for all she had lost and to decide whether it was worth it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vera gave Jaii a weak smile, reaching up to brush her hand against the back of his. "We have a lot to talk about once your fixed up," she finally said, looking over his banged up body. "She's young. Rhea, I mean. She can heal you all the way, right?" It wasn't anything personal, she just didn't want to put too much on a teenager. Healing could be physically taxing. "Just in case, Kennedy could you run to the basement and get the first aid kit? I don't know what all is down there, but we have one at every location. Guess my dad is paranoid that a fight could happen anywhere." She left Jaii's side just long enough to point her in the right direction, pulling a string above their heads a few steps down past the door to the basement, turning the light on.

Please, I should stay with Jaii. There will be a few lights down there. Maybe some extra blankets too? I don't know. Thank you," she said to Kennedy, putting a hand on her back before going to Jaii. Little did she know there was someone downstairs that definitely wasn't anyone's pack and had been living there for sometime now. He wasn't too keen on anyone seeing him, much less making him leave...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Kennedy had shuffled in with the rest of the rag-tag pack that suddenly formed, making her way in the house with the crowd. She had let out a small laugh as a strange wolf who briefly introduced himself scooped Jaii up and carried him inside. Normally a stranger would be stopped and ran out, but being as he seemed harmless and was in fact helping them, he was dismissed as a threat.

Going inside, she stood idle, not really knowing what to do or say. Standing on the sidelines she waited, until Vera approached her and asked for her to get a medical kit. She nodded and followed her to where the stairs led down to the basement. "Sure, no problem. I'll see what I can find." A small smile was offered on her face before she turned to head down the stairway.

The steps creaked as she made her way down, finally arriving at the bottom. The basement opened up into a rather large area, dimly lit by a few lights that gave off a soft glow. As Kenn walked in, looking around for where the first aid kit may be, a scent filled her nose. Musty and dull...but with a hint of wolf. This made her more alert for a moment, as the scent was not one she recognized. Remembering that Vera's pack had probably once filled the old house, she relaxed. Spotting a steel frame with shelves lined in what looked like cloth, she approached to find several blankets folded on the cold shelf. "Here we go, now where is that med kit..." She turned and spotted a white box on an old desk a few feet away. Grabbing it, she smiled and began walking back to the staircase....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As he came back one of the girls offered him pants which he took with gratitude. Putting them on, then he tore the curtain and wrapped it around his neck like a scarf. He smiled at the girls comment of them being big. Though to Dakeyras none really seemed big.. He was mostly only in his own company or fighting other wolves who were his size as well. Yet it was a good thing. If the males seemed big and strong there would be less intruders trying to cause rockuss. And if the alpha has his heart and head at the right place, more people might come to join. Dakeyras knew that. And for the time being the young alpha wasn't that bad. Dakeyras looked around the room. It got crowded and it was obvious he was not needed anymore. He slowly backed away and our of the room. As he excited a smile drew on his face. These were an interesting bunch of wolves for him. As he relaxed c all of his thoughts fell on Kiara. He wanted to find her and talk to her,see if she is okay. As he couldn't find her inside he looked out. Seeing her kneeling on the ground he went to join her. It seemed she didn't notice him coming to her from behind. Once right behind her he knelt v down. The inner side of his his knees and thighs brushed against her sides under her arms. Her scent drugged Dakeyras, making him lose his balance for a moment, causing his hands to dig into her hair. Arousal woke in him making him uncomfortable. "So what's on your mind girl? Mind sharing your thoughts. " Dakeyras asked hoping she won't turn around and see the bulge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 27 days ago

Though she was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t feel him approach, Kiara did notice when he sat behind her. It was hard not to when he was basically wrapping his legs around her. Well, that was an exaggeration, but why did he have to be so close? Why couldn’t he just leave her alone like everyone else? That was a great question, she thought. She should really ask it. Instead, Kiara found herself turning a bit so she could see him.

She squinted slightly taking a moment to notice that it was tears that caused his image to be blurry, and not her vision. With a small, almost annoyed sigh, she wiped them away and turned her attention towards him once more. It was strange that his presence calmed her so much, but she supposed that was because of the mark. It was even stranger that this annoyed her so much. Kiara found herself moving so that her knees were drawn up to her chest, and her head lay on them. “I miss my home. Don’t you ever miss yours? Surely you had one at some point. No one here really had ties back home, except maybe the healer. I left my parents. And for what? Nothing?”

She shook her head for a moment before closing her eyes. “What are you even doing here? I thought you were a non-pack wolf. Why haven’t you left yet? More importantly, why won’t you leave me alone?” As she asked the last question, her voice broke and she buried her face into her knees. Why was today so hard? Was it because the rest of her life was so easy? Well Karma sucked. In the back of her mind, a small voice told her that this was how things were supposed to be. She ignored it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jasper didn’t know what to do when the SUV came down that dirt road, filling the air behind it with dust. Nobody had been to the location in months, and now his hiding place was going to be found out. He just needed a place to live until he found another job, that was all. Was it so wrong to use a place that was just sitting there, going to waste anyway?

As soon as he could the shifter hid downstairs, not having time to grab any of his personal belongings that were in the upstairs master bedroom. He waited for quite a while, only recognizing one voice- Vera, the alpha’s daughter. She was usually loud enough that everyone in the pack knew who she was, but why she was with a group of wolves he didn’t recognize at all was beyond him. Unfortunately, to his dismay, one of the females came down to grab…a medical kit and blankets? Hm, the wounds must not be terribly severe; he couldn’t smell the blood from where he was.

She smelled good, whoever this girl was, but it was too dark to tell much more than that. He stayed hidden while she grabbed her things, the shadows in the corner helping him stay undetected. Jasper was just about to let her leave when it dawned on him…he would get caught eventually. Finding out what was going on upstairs was necessary, and talking to this girl before Vera found him would be best. She could at least give him an idea of what he was going into.

Before Kennedy could make it up the first few steps Jasper ran forward, grabbing her from behind with his hand over her mouth.”Shhh, don’t scream! I just want to talk, I swear!” he whispered in her ear, dragging her backwards until they were sitting in the corner again, the furthest one from the stairway. He had his chest pressed firmly to her back, one arm around her waist to keep her there. “If you promise to not scream I’ll move my hand, but not until! I Just want to talk!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Walking back towards the stairs, Kennedy opened the plastic med box and checked to make sure it had the appropriate contents. Bandages, tape, gauze, ibuprofen, burn cream, antiseptic... it seemed it was all there. She closed the box and as her foot raised to take the first step of the incline, she was grabbed from behind. The items she held in her hand fell to the floor, a panic ensuing almost immediately. She squirmed, a muffled cry escaping her as a hand reached around to cover her mouth.

”Shhh, don’t scream! I just want to talk, I swear!”

The words did little in reducing Kenn's heart rate and shock. Who the hell does this guy think he is?! She was suddenly being pulled backwards into the dark basement again, to the farthest corner of the cold dusty room. The whole time, her body resisted restraint, muscles pulling away and squirming under her skin as she fought to get free. The words she so desperately tried to get out were distorted and barely recognizable behind the firmly planted hand. Oh, if the man could hear the word choice she had for him he just might be stunned and offended enough to let her go.

Her assailant had her wrapped up against his body, holding her in her place as they stood idle in the room. His body was warm against her back, his arms strong around her. She stopped fighting long enough for him to get his next line in. “If you promise to not scream I’ll move my hand, but not until! I Just want to talk!” Her eyes gave an annoyed roll, but she relaxed slightly and let out a heavy sigh through her nose. A barely audible "fine" could be distinguished through his hand, and Kennedy waited for the guy to let her go. He better have one hell of a reason for this!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jasper would have laughed at her attempt to speak if the situation hadn’t been so strange. In case she attempted an escape he spun himself and Kennedy until he had her between himself and the wall. Finally he released her, though Jasper pressed his hands against the cold concrete wall to trap her between his arms. “Thank you,” he sighed, leaning down to speak quietly to the woman.

“Look, I’ve been crashing here and I just want to know what the hell a bunch of shifters are doing in this house and when you’ll be leaving.” He closed his eyes, giving her a little more room. “Are you part of Vera’s pack? Look, I’m sorry to scare you but I need help getting out of here. Her father would kill me if he knew I was here…” Jasper paused, looking in the direction of the stairs. “He’s…not here, right?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dakeyras noticed Kiara crying as she turned. The scene brought pain to his heart, but he didn't know what to do. As her knees came up Dakeyras put his hands on her calves, gently stroking her. Her words made him thought of home. Yes it was nice for some time,but the bitter memory of his exile, took away all homesickness. Dakeyras automatically touched his neck, he never thought about home, because it always made him remeber that crucial moment in his life.

. “What are you even doing here? I thought you were a non-pack wolf. Why haven’t you left yet? More importantly, why won’t you leave me alone?” He could hear her voice brake. He closed his eyes. Those thoughts, questions he was trying to answer to himself since the moment he had taken Kiara back home. He knew the answers or he guessed he knew. To him it was obvious that the girl didn't like him much and though he felt happy beside her he felt horrible as well. For the first time her presence hurt him.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "No I don't think much of home and no I don't miss it. Why you have left it? Well only you can answer that, if you don't know yourself, if you're not clear with yourself, then this is your problem and noone, but you yourself can solve it. As for why I'm here? Because I helped Jii to get in the house. But most of all I'm here with you because of you. Is that so wrong, though in guess it is. If it bothers you so much then I'll leav." He dropped his hand from his neck and stood up. A saddened sigh escaped him as he stood. He walked away from the house and from the girl on the floor. He turned around with a smile on his face. "Well at least now you talk eh." He said as he began to take off his pants.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

Kennedy wiped her mouth after he removed his hand, giving this stranger an annoyed and irritated glare. She was trapped in the corner by this man, this crazy guy who just pulled her into a dark basement. Putting two fingers on his chest, she pushed him back a few inches. "This is what we like to call personal space," She said as she waved a hand in the air near her face. He didn't appear like he was going to hurt her, so she allowed herself to calm down ever so slightly. Kennedy was still on high alert, ready to put this guy's face in the dirt if he made one wrong move.

She pursed her lips together as he explained his situation, she didn't know this guy at all and she sure as hell wasn't willing to fork over all the answers. But hey, maybe he would let her go if she satisfied him with a brief explanation. "Look dude, we had a bit of a... disagreement with our alpha. Vera brought us here and it appears we will be staying here." He apologized for scaring her, but it still didn't mean she was going to be all buddy-buddy with him. He seemed worried, so she rolled her eyes again and exhaled, "Calm down, he's not here. He doesn't even know Vera brought us here. Now, if you wouldn't mind stepping aside.." Kennedy looked him up and down, it was hard to get a good look at him in the dim light. "Don't worry, I don't bite." At least I won't yet...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"This is what we like to call personal space,” Kennedy stated, pushing him back. Here Jasper was attempting to look intimidating and scary in his grease stained white tank and jeans, arms over her head, and all she did was talk about person space. Well so much for that. He wasn’t sure if he should laugh it off or be angry.

Kennedy summed up the last couple hours of their lives, letting him relax by finally admitting Vera’s dad wasn’t upstairs. “Now, if you wouldn't mind stepping aside…Don't worry, I don't bite."

“No biting? I have to say I find that a disappointment,” Jasper grinned, finally standing up straight though he didn’t move out of her way. “Here’s the deal. I need help sneaking out of here, but my things are upstairs. Or maybe Vera will let me get my things and head out…my car’s parked in the back, I’m lucky she didn’t find it yet,” he sighed, taking a step away from her. “You smell incredible, by the way. You got a mate I should be worried about punching my lights out for kidnapping you?” Jasper added, crossing his arms over his chest. “I guess I’ll just go upstairs and talk to Vera. Crap, this is a nightmare…”
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

Kennedy crossed her arms in front of her and rolled her eyes. “No biting? I have to say I find that a disappointment,” She simply smirked and shrugged, shaking her head slightly at the comment. "Oh don't you worry. I'm feeling a bit feisty today, you might get your chance." Jasper then continued to list off about how he needed help to sneak out... or wait, no he didn't, he was going to talk to Vera about it... or was he? She opened her mouth to tell the poor guy to calm down, but his next comment threw her off a bit and caused her to shut it.

“You smell incredible, by the way. You got a mate I should be worried about punching my lights out for kidnapping you?” Well, this dude was rather straightforward, more than Kennedy had been used to. She quickly regathered herself and narrowed her gaze at him, "Fortunately for you, no." Unfortunately for me, however. She noticed him looking a bit more stressed out again, and she cursed herself silently for being the "good" person. "Alright, alright... Don't worry. I haven't known Vera long but after what I've seen her do today I know she isn't going to throw you out or tell her father."

Kennedy stepped past him and glanced over her shoulder, "Well, c'mon then. I'm Kennedy, by the way." She walked forward until she spotted the items she had dropped, picking them up and placing them under her arm. Making her way up the stairs, she paused when she reached the top to click off the lights that had been turned on for her descent. She walked back to where Jaii had been placed, now with Rhea hovering over him and assessing his injuries. Placing the items on the table, Kennedy looked at the others. "Well, here we are. Oh, and I found something else downstairs..." She pointed over her shoulder to Jasper, who she now got a good look at in the daylight. She would never admit it to herself or anyone else, but there was something about him that intrigued her... she didn't know if it was his scent, or his appearance, or maybe his attitude. But there was something there.... she caught herself staring and quickly adverted her gaze elsewhere, waiting for Vera to address the man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vera smiled at Rhea, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I trust you, hun. I’m just a little more anxious than normal, I’m sorry. Kennedy is getting the medical kit, she should be back up any second,” she said, returning to Jaii’s side. “And as for being alpha,” she murmured, leaning down so she could be at eye level with him. “that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m still with my pack of course, but the others…have you formed a pack yet? I’ve never seen anyone break off and immediately join another, so I wondered if you all are just a bunch of lone wolves or if you’re together,” she explained, trying to distract him from the pain with conversation.

More than that would probably help. Vera hesitantly reached out and ran her fingers through his hair, though she looked a bit uncomfortable with the action. They really needed to be alone before the day was over. “How does it feel? Can you really feel everyone connected to you in a way?” she asked, glancing at the others in the room. “Choosing a beta would be a wise decision, I agree.”

It was then that Kennedy came back up, placing the supplies on the table and bringing her surprise guest along with her. Jasper was slouching with his hands in his pockets, though it did little to help him stay unnoticed. Course Kennedy announced his arrival as soon as they reached the top of the stairs! Great.

Their eyes met instantly, Jasper looking at Vera over Kennedy’s shorter figure. “Where the h-“

“Before you get mad,” Jasper quickly interjected, stepping around Kennedy so he could talk properly to the woman, “please keep in mind I left on good terms. Vera, I- hear me out,” he sighed, to which she rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

“This had better be good…”

“It is. Well, good excuse, bad for me. Vera, I lost my job a couple months…you know how hard it is for a lone wolf, it’s like appearing in a new country with no real identity or connections. I’m getting back on my feet but I needed a place to live. I never thought anyone would show up here…much less you,” he sighed, rubbing the back of his head. He was usually a confident, excited being but right now he was looking a little broken down. “You a part of this pack now or somethin’?”

Vera groaned, rubbing her temple with her index finger. “Not yet,” she answered, looking back at Jaii. “Look, I need to get him some water. Let’s talk…” And so the two went over to the fridge, Vera letting out a curse when she realized he’d been using electricity and water. “Forget it, I’ll take the blame,” she murmured before going on to explain the situation…and her mating. Honestly, she felt bad for the guy. He’d been through a lot, losing his fiancée when she, a week before the wedding, found her true mate. Bond or no bond, he’d loved her, and while everyone understood why she left and that that was part of hooking up when there was no real bond present, it was still painful to watch. He’d left soon after that, wanting to get away from it all. Who wouldn’t pity him?

Eventually Vera came back with a damp rag and a glass of water, though she didn’t really know if Jaii even wanted it. “Guys, this is Jasper…he ah, used to be part of my pack, but now he’s on his own. He’ll be sticking around for a while,” she said before turning her attention on her mate once more.

“My stuff is in the master bedroom,” Jasper laughed, glancing toward the stairs. “Guess it’s yours now, you’re the alpha, right?” he asked Jaii before nudging Vera, “and yours too, hm? I’ll move it now”

“Shut up, you idiot,” Vera hissed, though her cheeks turned a light shade of red.

Jasper turned his attention back to Kennedy, the same lopsided grin present that he’d worn downstairs. “Want to come help me? Things are a bit too gloomy down here for my taste.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jeremiah walked slowly along the street. He wore a long trench coat, similar to that of a business man on a rainy day, but alas the day was clear in Boston. It bore little more then a cloudy sky that darkened the way of the world in the town. Jeremiah took no heed to the weather though as he passed several small shops and turned down into an alley way behind a series of buildings. His right hand gripped the handle to a large Bass Guitar case, and his left hand held a large ruck sack.This appearance, to any normal person, would seem no less stranger then any other of a traveler's design. This was Jeremiah's key, blending in, beneath the surface. He walked for several more minutes down the alley before stopping outside a black door with a red "X" spray painted on it like graffiti. He nodded his head to himself and set his sack and case down gently and then stripped off the trench coat quietly. Once it was removed his normal attire was shown under a leather vest, which also had an under-arm holster for his pistol, and a series of riot gear pieces covering his feet, shins, knees, and thighs. His arms wore no protection and his forma shirt was only covered by the limited protection of the leather vest. He knelt down and unlocked his Guitar case to reveal the 45-70 Brush Gun, and then he unzipped his ruck sack to reveal a series of traps. He took out a bear trap and quietly began setting it up just outside the door, luckily the door opened inward and the trap was set right up against the base board. Then he took out a few canisters of aerosol spray with no labels, that had been placed in duct-taped Ziploc bags.He set the three canisters over, still in there packaging, and then took out a small stun-gun looking mechanism with a trigger, though rather then a stun-gun, it was actually a miniature dart-gun. He set the dart-gun over inside the Guitar case next to his rifle and then began to empty the rest of the ruck sack. He had pulled out several small smoke bombs and a few stink bombs by the end of it, both of which were cheap to buy at novelty shops around the country. He set the case and the sack over out of the way, placed the dart-gun n his belt, held the rifle in his right hand, and had unpack the aerosol canisters. He raised his left hand, with the first canister in it, and quickly sprayed the compressed contents within before hustling to do the same with the other two. Each canister was filled with the aerosol formula of shifter urine and was a key to this operation. He ducked behind a dumpster across the alley and watched as three fairly burly men in large, blood-stained aprons rushed through the back door. The first planted his leading foot right into the bear trap and fell forward bashing his head on the ground and knocking himself out, while the other two were slung into a rage and stepped out into the alley way. Jeremiah rushed forward from behind the dumpster and got a good ambush hit on the first of the two men, a larger male of African-American ethnicity who bore tribal tattoo over his face. The male was stunned and wobbled back, but his comrade, a male of Caucasian ethnicity who looked as if he were a professional steroid jockey, had tackled Jeremiah to the ground and raised his right fist and let loose a series of three heavy strikes that almost immediately broke the left side of Jeremiah's jaw. Jeremiah, in a lashing moment of pain, lost his rational thinking and slid the barrel of his rifle, which was now pressed to his leg under the hulking shifter, to the stomach of the shifter and pulled the trigger. The shot burst through the skin and spiraled it's way through the intestinal track of the male before exiting through his back just on the right side of the spinal cord near the tailbone.The lead round flew out into the air creating a burst of bloody rain to shower forth from the exit hole and then began to flood through. The flood caused blood to seep from the man at an astounding rate, which caused Jeremiah to become bathed in a red river of victory. The man, nay, the beast of a man stood after rolling the deceased blood bag off him and smiled with a wicked grin as the second shifter regained it's footing and grip on the situation, and then began to charge Jeremiah. This act was faulty and unsuccessful like the first, because Jeremiah stared the shifter through and through as he closed in before snapping his pistol from it's holster in a whipping manner and it's barrel collided with the head of the shifter and it's form was shifted upward in a concussive explosion as a 9mm round began to drill itself through the skull of the dark male. The figure of the deceased male began to slowly fall forward and crashed to the ground like a falling wall. Jeremiah snuffed with a grin as the hole in it's head began to leak a mixture of blood and torn grey matter. He awed at the sight a moment before turning his attention to the unconscious victim of his bear trap that laid on the floor like a large baby. Jeremiah almost let a snicker escape as he knelt down over the large Scandinavian male and ran his right, blood soaked, hand over the bald top of the male. Several finger trails of blood lined the crown of the shifter as Jeremiah smiled and pet the unconscious figure before standing back up. He looked around, down the alley, and then back up before looking up to the dismal cloudy skies and then back down to the poor shifter. Jeremiah lifted his right foot, which bore a heavy boot that had steel plates in the toe and heel, and he then began to drop it several times upon the crimson lined head of the male. Jeremiah halted his boot after several kicks and stared a moment at the hole of blood, brain, and shattered bone left in place of the once pristine shifter's head. He curled his lips slowly at the sight, and then almost non-nonchalantly wiped his boot off on the shifter's chest and let a slight huff pass his mouth as the blood began to drain down and out from the busted skull. Jeremiah then moved the bodies into the dumpster he had hid behind in the first place, and stood just outside the door on the right side, braced against the wall.

He took a moment to breath, while reaching into his right pocket and pulling forth an older model MP3 player and flicking it on with a small button. When it buzzed to life he pressed the tiny arrow buttons into the menu and selected a song, it was "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. The song began to play and Jeremiah rapidly launched himself, or rather what was considered to be him, into the building and he found himself in the back, processing room, of a butcher's shop. The back room was clear, due to it's occupants death mere moments ago and he took this time to access the room. It was, in all obvious observations, a normal butcher's room, but Jeremiah knew more then that. He pressed on and scanned the doorways, two doors leading to the front and to an office, with another leading to the adjacent room where the meat was hung in a temperature controlled freezer unit that was nearly as large as a series of storage units. He drew his pistol into his left hand while holding his rifle in his right hand and he stood between the office and the front room's doors with each firearm aimed to the doors. He took a deep breath and fired each gun twice, while then flicking his Brush Gun forward to activate the lever action mechanism with one hand before quickly darting to the Freezer unit's double doors and ducking in behind the wall. He holstered his pistol quickly and the novelty stink bombs he had stashed in a pouch attached to his belt and he readied them, and then as the shifters from the front and the office entered the processing room, he set them off and scatted them as best he could inside the large unit. The smell caught their attention and drug them across the processing room right into the freezer unit. This was what Jeremiah wanted, they were right on top of him, but they could no longer smell him. He had quickly vanished in the dense and thick freezing mist that was imminent in the whole room at all times, and he would slink quietly from one side of the room to the other, tapping the walls or banging a hanging side of beef every so often before running to another part of the room. He was using this to not only stir the shifters, but to also get a number of how many there were present. The room was getting harder to see in with the freezing mist mixing with the clouds from the stink bombs, but this didn't discourage anyone. Jeremiah had counted at least four more shifters, those of which were all fairly made of medium builds and were exactly half & half in gender, two females with two males.

Jeremiah had set his rifle up next to the door, hidden in the shadows, and his pistol was stowed still in it's holster. He had drawn his short-sword and also found a cleaver on a table along one of the walls. These would the perfect silent weapons while inside the freezer unit and he decided to monopolize on his actions quickly. He wielded each blade tightly, the sword in his right and the cleaver in his left, and began to scurry about the freezer fog. He slipped in behind the first female slicing at the back of her knees quickly and then disappearing once more. He left a pair of heavy gashes in the back of her left knee and crippled her to a slow hobble. That knee would now be her death and Jeremiah knew to move to his next target. He ran in front of the first male, slicing the cleaver across his face and cutting open the male's left cheek, but he was unable to get a better hit then that, so he continued right back into the fog. He dart again, this time to the second male, parallel and facing the target. He raised the cleaver up and held his sword firmly to his waist, putting forward, and then side-stepped while running to slam directly into the male. This caused a ruckus of noise to occur from them both, and the sides of beef they hit on the way to the ground, which drew the ear of the others. Jeremiah had luckily planned this assault though and had placed his waist-bound blade into the left kidney of the shifter, as well as having planted the cleaver in it's right jugular. Jeremiah turned his face as the blood of the shifter pooled out from it's kidney and sprayed forth under the pressure of the blade and soaked the man's right cheek and chest somewhat before he took off once more. The other three found the body though after a moment of following the noise. The first male was pushed over the edge of his anger and shifted, but he did not shift into a wolf, he shifted into a Mountain Lion, a Cougar, and began to circle the body a moment before vanishing into the mist. Jeremiah himself was currently taking a few deep breaths as he realized he was bleeding. The shifter he had just killed had done a minor change and drew forth his claws and planted both hands into his stomach. This left a series of ten penetration marks in his lower abdomen that began to trickle blood down his legs and to the floor. It was luckily a slow bleed, which would prevent him from dying anytime soon, but it also meant he had a steady, slowly giving neon sign being placed on him in the room. He shook away the care of his own health and began to focus once more on the task at hand. The task.. He thought about it what he had called it mentally. "A task." No, he shifted his own words. He knew it was more then a task, he wanted it to be more then a task. It was an obligation to him, and one only a handful of people could accomplish. He brought up the blades in a readied position and began moving between the rows of beef once more before finding the second female. She readied herself with her claws and began watching her back, turning every so often to ensure there were no surprises, but this method was only partially effective. She whipped around to check her back once more and unknowingly opened her back to Jeremiah. He rushed forward and slid his sword into the back of her thigh. He had aimed for her spine, but she turned as he attacked and his blade was forced through the front of her left thigh while the cleaver was slung across her chest which ripped through her shirt, cut her bra free, and sliced a large gash into her breast spanning across her whole chest. The female shifter lashed out and clawed at Jeremiah's face, leaving four long marks across his right cheek, which not only created new pain, but also amplified the fact that his jaw was broken. Jeremiah wrestled with the wounded female a moment before the shifted male pounced onto Jeremiah and forced him off the female into a rolling tussle. Both of them whipped back and forth, trying to force the other off of the, while also trying to deal some damage. Jeremiah had gotten lucky and stabbed the sword of his through the Cougar's left shoulder from underneath, but it became lodged in the shoulder blade and was ripped from Jeremiah's grip as the Cougar pulled back and vanished into the freezer fog again. Jeremiah was now left only with the cleaver and a large collection of gashes and lacerations to his chest. He coughed, and then groaned, because of his own coughing. He was now to point of needing assistance soon, less he bleed to death, but he had three shifters left breathing, and while they were injured, he couldn't leave until he saw them headless or at the least breathless.

He brought himself up off the floor after a moment of concentrating and trying to press back to the doorway and his rifle. He rushed himself, but went no faster then a fast crouch, as to avoid making too much noise. He finally reached his rifle, and just as he did the first female, with the sliced knee, attempted to tackle but failed as he whipped the stock of his rifle around his hand and snapped the shoulder brace off her forehead knocking her back, but not unconscious. He stepped forward and braced the barrel to her head and squeezed the trigger and followed it with a snap of the lever to re-chamber a round. He stepped over her body, while kicking her head once, and then bracing himself for another attack as the noise would give him away. He took a deep breath as another wave of adrenaline flushed itself through his body and he felt invigorated, and just in time, as the shifted male pounced once more, but was easily dispatched by a series of three shots to the torso from his rifle sent the cat of a man wailing in death before it's lifeless figure finally met the floor. Jeremiah was relieved that the male was dead, assuming he was the strongest, but in his loss of blood, and equally a loss of oxygen carrying life fluid in his head, his mind had slipped and forgotten that felines have a Pride Mother, who is the opposite of an Alpha Canine. The other female... She laughed, and her raspy, but almost seductive laugh echoed in the freezer unit as she moved in and out of sight rapidly. Even when injured she was fast, and still highly able, she was beyond a predator. Jeremiah quickly grasped his pistol from it's under-arm holster on his left side, with his left hand, and fluidly stashed it into his belt around behind his back as she launched forward at him. He whipped his rifle, as if to take aim and fire, but she grabbed it and ripped it from his grip and then latched her hands around his throat and began to squeeze, cutting off his air supply. His mouth hung open as he slowly began to gasp heavier and heavier for air, but she only tightened her grip and began to lift him slightly off his feet with her shifter strength. He instinctively latched his right left hand around her arm trying to pry her grip loose, but to no avail, and then he reached around with his shaky right hand and gripped his pistol from his belt and then embedded the barrel in her laughing mouth, shoving the metal down her throat, before pulling the trigger several times and nearly eviscerating her entire jaw, throat, and esophagus. Blood and bits dripped and hung from the massive hole in the back of her head, while blood spray scattered the floor behind her and chunks of bone littered the way. Jeremiah released her body, as her hands released his neck, and he gasped for breath while spartan kicking her body backwards to the floor and then pumping her sliced chest with the rest of his clip. He snorted in anger at her lifeless body, and all the rest as he gathered his things and then exited into the alley way. He stood nearly dead, blood stained and blood soaked all the same, with his own blood pouring from his injuries and his jaw hanging shattered in a manner leaving him unable to speak. Once he passed the bloody carnage of a Hunter's Rampage and it's victims he was met with a black cargo van and a few men who quickly took the man and shuffled him into the back of the van.
Sam laced his lips around her's in return as she kissed him, the caressing nature of her passion gift to him as he pressed back with his own and then parted them as she pulled away and spoke. He listened to her voice, a slight discerning nature brewing in the back of his head as she spoke with such a sorrow sounding meaning. Before she could begin pulling away too much he gripped each of her hands with his own and held them warmly with care before curling his mouth into a slight smile and replying. "There is no need to sound so sad. You are just going inside, and I will be in there in a moment myself. You need to calm down first of all, now go on." He smiled releasing her hands while gesturing for her to go and smiling as he turned as well and strode back to the vehicle.

Once he made the trip, the whole thirty second walk, he opened the back of the SUV and pilfered around through what little bit of stuff he had stowed back there before he came upon a small traveling pack. He peeled it open and rustled around inside it before finding a spare set of clothes, albeit an incomplete set. He pulled forth a pair of boxers and a pair of jean shorts, alongside a belt and some socks. He dressed himself before laughing a moment at the idea of him running around without a shirt. He had thought about how ironic it was that humanity, prior to the truth of werewolves and shifters, had made all manner of movies and shows featuring werewolves that were cast by handsome men, paid to act while shirtless and here he was filling that stereotype out of circumstance. He made his way back up and into the new house while his chuckling faded and he rounded the doorway into the room Jaii was in, alongside Vera, Rhea, Kennedy, and then another male standing with Kennedy. The new guy set off a cautionary alarm inside Sam, but he knew if Kennedy was still ok, after meeting him, it would be ok for now. Sam looked about the room, surveying everyone, especially the unknown male, before realizing Kiara wasn't present, and neither was the other unknown male she had arrived with earlier. The situation was strange, dire, and pressing in many ways and Sam had no time to start questioning everything, he simply stepped back a moment as Kennedy mentioned finding the guy in the basement to Vera. Sam began to listen, not only to Kennedy, but also to Rhea, Jaii, and Vera. Everything seemed so surreal, to break away from the Claymore pack, to drop everything, to leave everything, to just ship out without a word, certainly lines would need to be dropped to family and friends within the Claymore Pack to ensure full closure, but it would be rougher for some to do so, then others. It would certainly take time more then anything if they planned to survive outside of the Claymore Pack. Jaii was now Alpha, and if word got out he could be challenged and the rag-tag group could easily be absolved into yet another Pack, or they could be simply attacked and wiped out by sheer numbers or force if another Pack had the gull to do so. The situations brewed in the back of Sam's head as he played out the varying possibilities, but few compared to the idea of losing Rhea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

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“I only talk to you,” she whispered as she watched him walk away. Kiara assumed that the male would be going off to shift and possibly never come back, but she hoped. She didn’t go after him, but she hoped that he would come back anyways. Letting him go was the natural thing to do. She had no idea who he was or why he affected her. The more he was around, the more confused she became. The young woman was already having self-identity issues, and now with everything that had happened… well she just didn’t need complications in her life. Not any more, that was. Her fingers grazed the mark on her thigh and she pushed the pang that she felt deep behind the wall where she could pretend it had never existed.

It was a few minutes later that she found herself back in the room with everyone else. She was probably the only shifter that was not set on edge by this man, only because she had already had a new encounter today. Besides, weren’t they all outsiders now? Lone wolves? Or were they a pack? It was hard to decide. Of course, they wanted to be a pack with Jaii as their alpha, but Kiara had no idea how the logistics actually worked. She had been born into Claymore, not sworn in. Because of this, she had no memory of what had bound her to Luke. Was it just a subconscious loyalty? Was it a choice? Was it something formal that had been performed for her by her parents?

Thinking of her parents made the shifter homesick once more, and she tried her best to find the reason why she had left. Her eyes scanned the room, and finally fell on Jaii. He was a good man, and a good leader, and had been put through hell by an alpha who did not deserve the title. He had been forced away from his home for protecting his people. They had been friends once, Jaii and Kiara, as all children were. She remembered when he was sent away, remembered how different he’d been when he’d returned. Kiara looked at Jaii and knew he had been the reason she’d left. Dakeyras had taken her away, but the bond to her pack had been severed even before that. She had left for a reason, a good reason. Though she had help, Kiara had finally stood up for something she’d believed in. Yes, she’d never said as much, but she was here. That was proof. As long as she remembered that, she would be fine.

Kiara looked at Jaii and felt hope.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

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When his pants were off b he folded them and laid them on the Suv. Pain, sadness, loneliness and lifeless feelings, began to try and surface. Dakeyras forced them away. He was alone again. Somehow he felt better at some point. He was used to being alone to have only himself to take care of and only himself to rely on. He shifted. Slowly he walked to the edge of the forest. As he reached out he stopped and glanced back. He remebered that Jii still had his coal, but it didn't matter, Dakeyras will get a new one in the next town. The thought reminded him of his belongings he left in the woods. He looked forward into the trees. He stood for a moment before sprinting off into the Woods.like a small fly a constant alarm rang in his head. Telling him to go back. Telling him that what's he doing is wrong. But since it was small Dakeyras ignored it. After some time he reached his pack. Everything except the scarf and Cape Were on it. Dakeyras picked it up with his Mouth and ran off. He was running towards a Hill that towered over the Valley. Once I on it he shifted back into his human form. He put on his kilt and woollen sweater. Sat down and looked into the distance. His view stretched over the whole valley. The site called him down. And from here he could see the house in which Kiara was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Kennedy couldn't help but laugh lightly as Vera and Jasper locked eyes, this should be fun... sure enough, he was ushered off to the kitchen so she could bite his head off. Kenn felt a little bad, but hey, there was no way around it. Turning her attention to Jaii and the others, she looked him up and down as Rhea pokes and prodded the poor guy. He did look pretty beat up, but he still held his spirits high, and that's what mattered. She wondered what would happen now... they had all left, after their dictator of an alpha had been defeated. Was this a pack? The way Sam had spoke when they all left, it had seemed like it would be... but Kennedy didn't feel any different, at least not yet...

Jasper and Vera reappeared from their short hiatus, and Vera announced that he would be staying for a while. Hm, so much for him sneaking off. Just after the two had returned, Kennedy felt a pang in her chest... she felt... empty for a moment. Like she did not belong. But right after that, a new feeling filled her body. A feeling of belonging and family. It was the same feeling she had felt years ago when she came to the Claymore pack... and suddenly she knew what had happened. The bond with her old pack had been broken, and a new one formed with Jaii as the alpha, and the others as her fellow packmates.

Kennedy couldn't help but smile, giving a nod in Jaii's direction. She looked back to Jasper as he spoke up, Vera hushing him as soon as the words left his mouth. “Want to come help me? Things are a bit too gloomy down here for my taste.” Kennedy shrugged and nodded, wondering if he would accept Jaii's offer to join them. Even though she was still weary of this guy, she felt obligated to help him... it was strange, but she ignored it. "Sure," She walked to the staircase that led upstairs and as she ascended she heard Jaii ask Sam to be the beta. A grin played across Kennedy's face and she knew that this was her pack, their pack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 27 days ago

My mate…? Kiara opened her mouth to respond to Jaii’s question, but nothing came. Nothing ever came. Remembering how she had talked to Dakeyras, she tried again. This time she managed to say, “H-h-he….,” and nothing more. He left. It didn’t matter. Once Jaii had asked Sam to be beta… well the question directed towards her was forgotten. It was going to be Claymore all over again. The only difference was that she actually believed in this alpha.

It was a few moments later, that she found her breathing was picking up and she was beginning to feel lightheaded. There was no reason for it, none at all, but it was happening. Her hearing became muffled, and she could no longer listen to the conversations of others. He left… was the phrase that she thought over and over again. The one person who even might have cared for her even a little, had gone away. The one person who she could share her thoughts to, as crazy as that was, wasn’t even here. Kiara was only now realizing that she shouldn’t have let him leave.

The pain in her chest returned full force, and she couldn’t breathe anymore. I need to get outside, she thought. And it wasn’t even that she was freaking out for no reason in front of people who probably weren’t even noticing. She needed to get outside because she needed to find him. What kind of person marks a mate and then just leave her alone. Kiara ignored the tears that streamed down her face, that she assumed was from the pain. Instead, she put all her strength into stumbling towards the door, hoping that she really was invisible and that no one would try to stop her, hoping that she could just make it outside.
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