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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


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Jasper nodded to Jaii, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I ah…thanks for the offer, but I’ll be getting back to the city as soon as possible,” he said. “Thanks again, Vera.” With that he headed upstairs, Kennedy following just like he’d offered. “You got a room yet?” he asked her, turning a corner until he reached where he’d been staying. He was just as messy as the stereotypical bachelor, a few crumpled shirts on the floor and the bed not made. “I hate to leave this room, has the most floor space, but I guess it doesn’t really matter. All of them share bathrooms and have the big beds,” he shrugged, pulling out a duffle bag and starting to put his things in them. He had rented a storage that held most his things, which was yet another financial burden at the moment.

“So what’s your story?” he asked, looking up at her as he went through a couple drawers. “I’m sure leaving your pack for this one you left some family behind. I know I did when I left Vera’s.” Jasper zipped the first bag up, looking up at her with a smile. “I can just feel the tension downstairs. Must have been a nasty split.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Kennedy followed Jasper to the top of the stairs and into the master bedroom which he had claimed as his own. Looking around she smirked, seeing the mess of shirts strewn and left to wrinkle on the floor. "Room? Ah, no. Don't really have much to unpack even if I did," She shrugged and held her hands up, palms facing upward and empty.

She shuffled her feet and looked down, then brought her gaze back to his. "Well, I'm originally from the Carolina coast. Moved up here young to finish school and go to college." Kennedy leaned against the doorframe of the closet and crossed her arms in front of her, watching him pack his things up. Another strange feeling deep in her gut arose, and she swallowed nervously, then cleared her throat. "Not so much family, they stayed in North Carolina. But it wasn't as hard as I thought, everyone that even cared a bit left too. Breaking the bond was weird though..." A lopsided grin played across her face and she laughed lightly. "Yeah, you could say that. We sure didn't just walk right out of there."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

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"Sam, I would like you to become my beta. If you will accept."

Sam listened to Jaii's words, before realizing the actual depth of them. They resonated in Sam's mind a moment, echoing in the background of his conscious understanding, until he finally took hold of reality once more. He almost couldn't speak, but he stood from the seat, while stepping forward once and standing behind Rhea's figure while looking down to Jaii. His lips curled, almost as if to try and pull the words from inside jaw out, but they only parted to silence a moment. He looked at the battered and bruised boy, before finally speaking aloud, to the entire present company.

"I am honored, and will happily accept, but there are certainly more applicable and deserving members among us of the position. I would never deem myself greater then them, and I would not want to accept this position knowing there are others better fitted for it. If it is what you want, I will happily accept, for you, for myself, but most of all for the pack. I will take it as a duty, not a title, it will be an honor and a code to protect as Beta." He responded and explained while placing his hands lowered hands on Rhea's shoulders comfortingly. Sam stared at the man, before turning his gaze to the various people among the room, and then down to the back of Rhea's head as she loomed over Jaii with her magic. His heart quickened and his muscles tightened under the pressure of the moment.
(Jeremiah Post soon to come. *Maniacal Laughter.*)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vera smirked, leaning down so her face was closer to Jaii’s. “Look at that. You’ve got your own pack going on now.” When Kiara didn’t say much, however, she looked up with a frown. “Do you know her well?” she asked, wondering why someone so shy would follow a pack into such a dangerous situation.

“Hey! Hey, uh…Kiara, right?” she called out, putting a hand on Jaii’s shoulder before walking quickly to catch up with her fellow shifter. “Hey…uh, can we talk?” she asked, smiling. They continued outside, but once on the front porch Vera nodded toward the long bench swing, sitting down and gesturing for her to do so as well. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving. I don’t know what’s going on between you and that guy, but if he’s not your mate then forget him. I know this place doesn’t look like much, but I’m sure as soon as I talk to my dad we can have this property. I’ll play all the right cards and this place will belong to you all. Well, us, as soon as I join,” she said with a small shrug.

“Come on, you’re way too tense…what is it? Can I help? You want to go for a run or something?” she asked, trying to think of what could possibly help her feel more at home…or at least speak, she’d barely spoken a word since they met. Vera swung her feet beneath the seat, unable to sit still for very long. It'd been a busy day, and she wasn't ready to rest yet. “Or we could go find you a room upstairs. What would you like to do?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

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Though the pain disappeared as soon as Kiara was distracted by the girl, her breathing quickened. Her anxiety was through the roof as Vera just continued to talk, obviously expecting an answer. What was she supposed to say to this person? Her hands clenched into fists as she tried to calm herself down, but nothing was working. It was too much. She couldn’t just change who she was overnight.

Her head shook in answer to every single one of Vera’s questions. No she wasn’t leaving, no she didn’t want to run, and no she definitely did not want to go pick out a room. So many things were happening, why would she want to do something like that? Kiara stared at the bench that this shifter was sitting on, but still didn’t move a muscle.

There was one statement though, that troubled her, even though it was something she’d told them all. Dakeyras was her mate. He might not have been her true mate, and she had denied it, but to hear someone else say that he wasn’t… it was wrong, and she felt the need to defend it. If only she could get out the words, Kiara would tell this girl just what she felt about all of this, but she couldn’t. No words came, and her mouth opened just to produce air, as it always did.

Her breathing intensified even more as she failed yet again to say something that she was thinking. What was she doing here? How would she survive? Surely that was why Vera thought it necessary to follow her. To make sure she was cut out to live here. What Vera didn’t know, was that Kiara had no intention of leaving, she just had no idea how to interact with other people anymore. Well, she didn’t know how to react with other shifters. After several minutes, she finally managed to say, “He m-marked… me.” Her legs itched, as if they wanted to run. This was different though. She didn't want to run as a wolf. She wanted to run as a human, run as far as she could and scream.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vera wasn't sure what to do. She was always one to make decisions quickly and take action, so when it came to someone that didn't want to talk, all she knew was to sit with them until that changed. Kiara said no to every question so Vera just nodded, looking forward and leaning back in the seat, waiting.

“He m-marked… me.”

Vera growled, looking toward the forest in the distance that she assumed this loner wolf was in...somewhere. "Well, can't say I don't know how that surprise feels," she laughed, stretching back the collar of her long sleeve shirt to show the mark Jaii had given her. Though she had to admit, the wolf inside her was itching to mark him right back next time they had a moment alone...

"Kiara, I'm so sorry...but hey, if he's not the one then maybe Rhea can do something about it?" she asked, unsure herself. She'd never heard of anyone forcing a mark, though she assumed that's exactly what Rick had planned on doing. "Come here." Vera stood, slowly moving to wrap her arms around the slightly younger woman in a comforting hug. "I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how- how violated you must feel! Well, when you find your real mate, he can cover it up for good, right?" she offered, though she knew it wouldn't do much good." She sighed, the boards creaking beneath her as she took a step back. "If I see him again I swear I'll run him off this land, else I'll break his neck," she hissed, again looking toward the woods. "At any rate, staying on the property as much as possible would probably be best right now. Maybe we can go shopping together later, I know you probably need some stuff now..."


"Huh. Can't say I've ever been there," Jasper commented, shrugging a couple bags over his shoulder before tossing a small one at Kennedy. "Here, you can carry that for me," he grinned, walking past her and down the dusty hallway. He ducked into each room until he found one in the corner. "Have you been out back?" he asked, setting his things on the desk and chair, nodding toward the window. It overlooked a lake with a dock on both ends, a flock of geese just settling in the grass by one. "This place could be gorgeous, really, if somebody cared to fix it up." He paused, his thoughts going back to the kitchen below. "Crap. You guys are going to eat all my food, aren't you?" he laughed, moving to the window. "You guys are all the negatives of having a pack without a single positive. Thank you so much," Jasper added, looking at her with that same smile, a hand on his hip.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

Kennedy caught the bag that Jasper tossed at her, swinging it over her shoulder as she shuffled out of the master bedroom to follow him down the hall. As they stopped at each room down the way, she was able to get a better feel for the house. It might have been a slightly older build, but the house was very nice. The rooms were spacious enough, and each appeared to have at least a twin size bed and a small dresser. They were fortunate enough to have a house to stay in at all, and for that Kennedy was thankful to Vera for offering this place up.

As they walked to the last room, Ken set the bag she was carrying next to the others and peeked out the window. "Have you been out back?" Kennedy shook her head and led her gaze to the view. A small sideways smile appeared, it was pretty neat to look at. Definitely not the worst thing she could be stuck looking at. "This place could be gorgeous, really, if somebody cared to fix it up." She turned and looked at him with a nod, "Definitely, just needs a little TLC." As he moved to the window, she felt her heartbeat quicken as his scent filled her lungs. She took a small step to the side and focused her gaze out the window, but she couldn't help it as her eyes shifted up to meet his. "Crap. You guys are going to eat all my food, aren't you?" his laughter rang in her ears, she stood there for a moment just holding the eye contact and listening.

"You guys are all the negatives of having a pack without a single positive. Thank you so much," Kennedy was finally able to advert her gaze to the side, biting her lip as she did so. Laughing lightly, she tried to distract herself. "Uh, yeah. Well, thus is life." She gave a nervous smile before stepping around him and away from the window. "So uh, speaking of food. I could use a little something, haven't eaten all day." She gave a shrug and grinned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jasper chuckled, reaching out to playfully tug on Kennedy's hair before passing her, leading the way back downstairs. "Fine, I'll make something. We probably have enough lunch meat for everyone at least. Just promise you'll go shopping with me tomorrow, yeah? I hate grocery shopping, and I'm not doing it alone for an entire pack! It's a woman's job," he teased, "Now that you all have less people in the pack, it'll take more work to keep it running. Are you all sure you're up for that?"

"Is Mr. Loner over here giving advice on how to run a pack? Yeah, that makes sense?" It was Vera, who'd come in from outside. "Dinner then everyone should at least try and get some sleep, don't you guys think? Extra blankets are in the closet upstairs, showers already have what you need too. Just ignore the dust on your beds and furniture and you'll be okay. As for which room you get," she grinned," first come first serve."

Vera helped get everyone fed, and much to Jasper's annoyance made sure his 2-liter of Coke was finished off. "Jaii?" she asked when she'd finished her supper, taking his hand and pulling him to the side. "I ah...it's late. We can talk in the morning, okay? But-...we're two adults. And we know we're meant for each other, right?" She was actually blushing at this point, her hands on her hips as she avoided eye contact. "So I don't think it should be an issue if we share a room. I'd um...I'd like that. A lot. But let's keep it PG until we work things out, is that okay? I'm exhausted, as I'm sure you are too," she said, finally looking up at him. "Come on, I'm surprised you're not asleep already. I'll show you the room."

Jasper took his own sweet time eating, and while he made an effort to meet everyone else in the pack he couldn't stop glancing at Kennedy. Was it just because she was the only one he'd talked to in length besides Vera? He frowned, shaking his head. This whole staying with a pack thing would have to end, he was already liking the feel of closeness they all had between one another and it wasn't even a bond he was connected to... With a small sigh, and no word to anyone in particular he went upstairs and to his own bed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the night drew closer, the smell of smog and exhuast filled his nostrils, the unmistakable smell of the city streets and back-alley mess filled his senses. The bumps and cracks in the roads and alleyways jolted through his body as the van continued on, everything was left to his smell, touch, and hearing, as a blindfold covered his eyes. His arm were useless and his legs even more so as tight, hemp rope coiled around his figure and bound him to the greatest degree in the cargo space of the van. His breathing was rough and the slightly unnerved smell of an unrecognizable smell littered the back of the vehicle. Time passed as the man, Jeremiah, was drug through unknown streets and vehicle paths before the city's smell was lost to him and the smell of the forest filled his nose. Two men sat with, burly men with tonfa in hand, and two in the front driving and navigating the van from place to place, before they finally stopped in the middle of nowhere. Thick trees seemed to curl around the van, with only a small clearing at the back doors of the van. The trees were deciduous trees, and they were thicker then many could have said they had seen before, blocking out most of the moonlight now overhead. The two men from the back opened the doors and slung the bound Jeremiah from the vehicle while laughing as their leader, the driver, slammed the front door closed and rounded the vehicle with a cackle.

"My oh my, dear Jeremiah. Do you know how long we have been watching you? How long we have been waiting for this? You are now on the other side of your own work. We have you, bound and happily at our whim. What shall we do with you? Torture? Kill? No,lord no. I think, we will do something much more vile and beneficial to our liking. You see, I think, we should have a bit of fun with your punishment." The leader stated as he knelt down and removed Jeremiah's blindfold. Jeremiah was now face to face with the leader, a white male with blonde hair and an athletic build. His eyes were brown, but in his emotional state that flashed to his shifter form, giving Jeremiah the knowledge that these shifters were the standard Werewolves, but what they were going to do to him was unknown to him at the present time, but he did have a slight idea.

"What, are you going to bake me some cookies and make me some tea?" He asked sarcastically with a smartass tone and a devilish grin. The leader was irritated, and snapped, which led to the burly males whipping their wooden tonfas off of Jeremiah's kidneys.

"Now, smartass, no. We are going to do something much more wonderful." The blonde male stood and turned to his navigator and smiled nodding. The man took forth a small syringe from his pocket and passed it to his Alpha while bowing and stepping back. The leader then pulled back his jacket sleeve and sent it into his arm. A moment later he pulled the syringe from his arm full of the crimson elixir that was his blood and he smirked kneeling back down in front of Jeremiah. He then looked and nodded to each of his pack members and they knelt down and held Jeremiah still while their Alpha jabbed the needle into Jeremiah's thigh, directly into a vein. "We are going to make you one of us." The Alpha stated while grinning wickedly and letting the blood seep into Jeremiah's blood stream. "We are going to make you a shifter, like ourselves and when you turn I am going to overpower you and make you one of my own, you will be my personal little trophy bitch." He added while patting Jeremiah's left cheek softly.

They let a minute or so pass while Jeremiah sat smiling happily, and insanely at the Alpha. The more the minute passed the more irritated you could see the Alpha's face row angry before he stood up and kicked his heels about. "I don't get it.. why haven't you turned yet? What is this? Is there some kind of protection now?" The man whipped his arms about while Jeremiah finally burst out. His lips parted instantly and unleashed an almost demonic cackle into the woods that echoed between the trees and the hills. "You blundering fool! Did you think a single person could do what I have done so easily, as I have done? You really are a dumbass shifter." Jeremiah seemed to roll over onto his side with laughter as the echoing cackle continued to linger and grow ever louder before he took several deep breaths and brought himself back up onto his knees, the Alpha nearly ready to kill him. "You are so oblivious, aren't you? You can't change..... a shifter! I am already one of you!" He screamed in joyful anger. "I will slaughter you like the rest!" He added as the shifters seem to jerk and step back ready to run or fight, while Jeremiah only took up a belly-drawn laugh and his muscles writhed in pain and his lips perked together and his tongue seemed to jut between his teeth quickly and lick his lips ever so slowly before he let out a whisper. "I hope you... taste salty." His arms jerked and his body curled, creating an immense tension on the rope that ripped and tore the hemp from his figure and his hands latched forward into the earth and he quickly began stripping off his shirt and jutting his pants backwards off his limbs. His bones cracked and crunched, his skull crackled as it assumed a forward fitting form and his skin began to grow a thick, medium length brown fur, and his hands tightened and grew long, hooked, claws off their ends and once his shift was complete he stood up on his hands legs and let out a blood-curdling, mind-shaking, fear-instilling roar echo from his lips. He had shifted, he had shown them his secret, and now they would die at the hands of a massive Grizzly they had assumed was merely a man.

The grizzly dropped forward from it's hind legs and swiped it's massive right paw at the Alpha, but he jumped back quickly and screamed for his henchmen to attack while he cowered around the front of the van. His navigator lunged forward with a machete he pulled from the back of the vehicle and slashed at Jeremiah, getting a few glancing slices on his left shoulder before the bear reared back and swung the back of his right paw to bitch slap the male to the ground. The other two burly males came in from each side and unleashed a series of blows with their tonfas to Jeremiah's back that did little more then piss him off, he quickly reared up again on his hind legs and extending his front legs out to the side slightly and swiped gingerly, causing the burly men to fall backwards and scramble along the ground before reaching their feet once more, several feet from Jeremiah. He dropped yet again and turned to his right and took a few quick steps to close the distance between him and the his next victim. He charged with a quick burst of speed and tackled the shifter to the ground and then swiped with both paws at his chest tearing through his clothes and then through his chest, cleaving away skin and meat to unveil the ribs and bones in his chest that concealed his organs and heart. He then latched down with his large jaw and crunched away, with one good bite, the right ribs, and spat the bones from his mouth. By this time the shifter was long dead, but Jeremiah was on a blood frenzy and he sunk his snout into the man's chest and blood back after a moment, before turning to face the next shifter, revealing his freshly blood-soaked fur and gnarly form which held the previous shifter's heart within his dripping teeth. He then bit down and swallowed the heart as gush of blood ran from his lips and seeped to the ground. The second burly shifter locked his eyes on the gruesome scene and turned to run, but was too late as he tripped over a tree root and the massive bear had charged once more and now stood over the shifter's back. He lifted his left paw and then placed it on the lower back of the man, applying a painful pressure, before raising his right paw as well and placing it on the shifter's neck. Jeremiah then shifted his weight forward and snapped the neck of the shifter. The blood began to surface from an opening made by one of the ridges on the vertebra. He then latched his gaping maw of a mouth around the back of the shifter's skull and crushed it with ease, which resulted in breaking bone and squirting grey-matter from the holes left by Jeremiah's teeth. He then returned his attention to the van, and the two weasels who were last seen near it, the navigator though was gone. All that was left was the Alpha and he stood at the back of the van, wielding Jeremiah's own .45-70 Rifle at him, with a grin. He clicked the lever down and then back up to chamber a round and squeezed the trigger to pop off a round, but the imbecile was firing from the hip with scared and shaking hands. The round landed to the left of Jeremiah in a tree and Jeremiah huffed in a grizzly manner while slowly turning and walking towards the alpha, who repeated the process of trying to shoot him, and he grew shakier and shakier with each step Jeremiah took before he finally collapsed to his knees before the bear and begged to the beast for his life. The alpha pleaded, prayed, and cried in front of Jeremiah, but it affected him none. He licked the side of the shifter's face before pushing him backwards and biting at his neck, closing off his wind pipe while simultaneously bleeding his jugulars until he stopped breathing and became deceased. Upon the cease of the man's life Jeremiah began to swipe his claws over the Alpha's neck until the flesh and muscle was rendered from the spine and then he once more used his maw to latch onto the spine and ripped the neck from the body. The Alpha's head now hung from the spine, and from Jeremiah's mouth as he began to leave the scene, still in bear form. On his way out he passed a sign on a tree notifying him to his location. He was in East Lyn, West Virginia.
Sam had joined them when they ate, with Rhea at his side joyfully he nestled her into him after dinner and he wrapped his right arm around her warmly. Of all the days in his life up to this point, of all the days that could have transpired instead of this one, of all the days that will come after this one, it was this one that seemed to have sunk into his personality the most. It was this day, that forged who he is and who he will be from now on. He had become more then just another pack member, he was now a Beta, and in love with what he had whole-heartedly knew was his true mate. The meal within itself seemed surreal, to be eating together as a new pack, when they had just up and left their old one after murdering it's Alpha, and many of them had family in the old pack... Rhea had family in the old pack... He almost felt bad for what he had done, he had stripped her from her brother, her school, her studies... from everything. He turned to look at her as she ate, and he tried to smile, but the result was a half-and-half between a smile and a frown. He turned back to his own food and finished it diligently without a mutter of a word. His mind raced too thoroughly for him to be able to speak, but when the meal was over he led Rhea to a room of their agreed choosing and sat her down on the bed. "Rhea... I love you, but..." He paused a moment as he looked into her gorgeous eyes. "I have seemingly, and selfishly, ripped you away from everything in your life. I understand, if you want to go back, you can still go back. You can tell Rick whatever lie you want, you have too much to leave behind. Your brother, your school, everything. You can still get that back." He said smiling, trying to reassure her that if she chose to do so, he would be happy with that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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Dakeyras sat there for some time. Looking out onto the Valley. His mind was wondering of the things that could be and what futures are possible. After some time he became hungry. His stomach felt like it was being crushed from the inside. Dakeyras tried to remember when was the last time he ate, but he couldn't. Getting up he put on his kilt and sweater and slowly walked towards town.

'Hm.... I need some strong food. ... but I need to cook all of the things they have. ' once he picked his food he went towards the counter. As he walked passed a shelf, on which family and party dishes stood he remebered of the others. He had a mate now. Though she detested him, she was his mate and she was in a pack. A new pack that just formed. 'Most likely that they haven't gotten much food.' Dakeyras stood there for a moment. Thinking weather should he go back with some food, or leav them on their own. After a long thought he took as much as he could put in one shopping cart.

On his way back, the day turned into night and the hours showed it was quite late. Dakeyras decided he will spend a night in a hostel and bring breakfast to the others in the morning.
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