โขโข โโโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโ โขโข ___________________________________C A M P E R S I N C L U D E D Erin Chase | @Vicierโ Tyler Rumancek | @Sapphic Pigeonโขโข โโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโโโ โขโขL O C A T I O N Cabin Eighteen | Deimos Cabinโโ โข Ezra's Tattoo Studioโขโข โโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโโโ โขโขA C T I V I T Y Early Morning Tattoo Appointment โข Tyler's Tattoo___________________________________ โขโข โโโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโโโโโโ โขโข โขโข โโโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโ โขโข ___________________________________I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H Each Other Ezra Griesheim | @Sapphic Pigeonโโโขโข โโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโโโ โขโขS P E C I A L M E N T I O N S Noneโขโข โโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโโโ โขโขT R A N S L A T I O N S | R O M A N I E frumos | It's beautiful Deci ce a fost asta, mm | So what was that, mmโ Am spus cฤ e frumos.. deลi.. | I said it's beautiful.. though.. Te iubesc | I love you Veลnic | Eternallyโ Am nevoie de tine | I need youโ Sunt a ta. Veลnic. | I am yours. Eternally.___________________________________ โขโข โโโโโ โข โ๏ธ โข ๐ฉโ๏ธ๐ช โข โโโโโโโโโโ โขโข | ____________________________________________________________________________ C A M P H A L F - B L O O D | C A B I N E I G H T E E N : D E I M O S
.. It was still warm.
Her eyes, a deep and richly shade of Earth, focused on nothing in particular; Erin's fingers brushed gently over the cracked mushroom-shaped top of the muffin. It was another moment before she was tearing a piece off. And lifting it to her mouth, instead of chewing, Erin simply went through the motion. Her mouth making the chewing action, slowly, and as she did, the fresh but natural burst of sweetness from the blueberries hit her.
It wasn't unwelcomed.. on the contrary; blueberries had always been a favorite of hers. And right now..? Well, maybe indulging in one of her favorite foods was exactly what she needed. Eyes closing; a soft, barely audible sigh fell through her lips. Still, her mind was elsewhere. Back in her kitchen, despite the fact that their walk to first the Hermes, and then the Deimos cabin had given her enough time to gain some semblance of her composure back. Hand dropping back to the muffin she held; before she could break off another piece, however, the sound of the door to Ezra's studio opening caught her ear.
Turning her head towards the door, it didn't take long for Erin to find the source. And not even a moment later, the dark pools of her eyes were settling upon the eldest son of terror. Watching on as he re-entered the room, she shifted slightly in the seat she'd long ago claimed as her own. Her legs folded up underneath her, ".. so.. which one of us do you want as your first victim..?"
Tyler had made quick work of his chocolate muffin he'd chosen for his "breakfast". Fresh from the freezer with a nice bottle of cold milk on the side. There was no other way to eat them. After downing his milk and muffin, he laid himself across the softly padded tattoo table. He had dropped into a light sleep state in the silence that had hung between him and Erin while they waited, though it didn't last long. Soon as he heard the door of the studio pop open he jolted awake, half-startled by the noise. The boy inhaled deeply and rubbed at his sore eyes, trying to force himself awake.
A tattoo. At 6 in the morning. Only Erin Chase would have him up this early for a session. It had taken the young man several minutes in the Deimos Cabin kitchen to make himself some cold brew and a grilled ham and cheese, taking his time to allow the two love birds in the studio to make themselves at home while they ate their own breakfast. He'd already made all the necessary arrangements in his art studio to have everything set up for this morning. If he'd left it to this morning, he would have surely forgotten something to set out for himself.
The young man let himself back into the den, slipping through the door quickly with a foot extended out near the base of the door as he closed it behind him, keeping his clingy Maine Coon from entering the studio, hearing a rather nasty hiss from the other side of the door. Ezra couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head as he turned back to head towards the tattoo table where the clearly exhausted Hermes boy was stretched out. Setting his cold brew aside amidst all the items he had on his supplies table, taking a fairly large bite of his grilled ham and cheese as he looked over everything he had set out the night before just to double check that he did, in fact, remember everything.
It took hearing Erin's voice carry over to him for him to snap out of his inner monologue, turning his dark gaze over to the girl sitting over in the chair in the corner of the room. Taking a moment to look between the two demigods before him, Ezra motioned down beside him at the boy on the tattoo table.
"He's already posted up over here, and you look relatively comfortable in your perch there," the eldest son of Deimos smirked, tilting his head to look down at Tyler. "You're getting this on your side, yeah?" Ezra waited for Tyler to give a light nod, nodding back himself.
"Alright, you wanna take that hoodie off for me, man..? Don't wanna risk getting any blood, ink or plasma on it, ya know? Then lay down on your side, back facing me." Ezra took his seat on his saddle stool, continuing to eat his breakfast and enjoy his cold brew while he let the son of Hermes complete the task he'd asked of him.
Tyler nodded, forcing himself to sit up before slipping off the table onto his feet. Brushing the hood off from the top of his head, he reached up with both hands, firmly grasping the neck of the hood to pull up over his face, tugging the hoodie and t-shirt off in one swift pull to leave his upper body bare. The son of Hermes balled his hoodie up before setting it at the top end of the table he'd be laying on, figuring it would make a good pillow for him once he laid back down. Tyler reached both arms behind his head, using one to force the other by the elbow down his back further to reach a spot on between his shoulder blades that itched.
It dawned on him a moment after he began to itch at his back, wondering if it was the tattoo he'd gotten while he was gone. He'd have to ask Ezra after the session if it looked like it was healing well or if it still needed time. It had been well over 2 weeks since he'd gotten it, but even he knew tattoos could take up to four weeks to heal on the surface. Not to mention months on end to fully heal. Especially one as big as he'd gotten on his back.
".. side..? Thought you were getting it on your forear-.."
Having let her attention fall back to her hands; it was as she once again lifted her gaze, a confused little crease forming between her brows, that Erin's voice fell off. The words lost - the sentence dissipating from her mind as quickly as it formed as her dark gaze drew instantly to the extensive art that now adorned the back of the man she knew she loved.
The warmth still held by the barely eaten muffin slipped from her hand. Scattering crumbs over the otherwise pristine clean floors of Ezra's studio. However Erin didn't seem at all aware that she'd even made a mess, let alone lost her breakfast as, quietly, she got to her feet. The gap between herself and the Hermes boy closing, and once it had her gentle touch was against his bare skin. Gaze roaming, taking in every little detail she could of the dragon as it soared up his spine, Erin found her fingers doing the same. The very tips of her fingers trailing, almost feather-light, down the silhouette of the dragon. Following the outline, until, they joined together at the center point of the creatures tail.
".. e frumos.."
Possessed almost - Erin seemed to act first. The thoughts not even having time to form in her mind as, pressing her front against his back, she brought her lips to the dragon. Pressing a gentle kiss to the very center of its head; she allowed her lips to linger, perhaps a moment too long before she was pulling back. Though even still, her touch remained. Fingers curling lightly against his bare back.
That's right. It was gonna be his forearm that he was getting the tattoo on, not his side. She was getting hers on her side.
"Shit, you're right. I guess I didn't really have to take my hoo-" the son of Hermes' words were cut short as he felt his back being touched, a chill running up the length of the boy's spine as he froze in place. He could feel Erin's fingers tracing over the outlines of the dragon on his back, chuckling softly with a hint of nervousness to it as he peered over his shoulder at her.
"I forgot to tell you I'd gotten this done while I was gone," Tyler dropped his head then, staring at the floor in front of him as he stood there quietly letting her admire the work. "Gus' uncle did it for me, and it only t-" again, the boy's words were cut off by Erin. Though this time, it wasn't by her actions, but by her spoken word. She'd spoken Romanian. Again.
Two times in the span of a single morning couldn't have been coincidence, right? Coincidence..? I THINK NOT! There was no way the poor boy was that tired that he'd imagined her speaking in his native tongue twice.
The moment that Tyler opened his mouth to confront her about her use of his native language, the words were caught in his throat as he felt her press against his back. First he felt her press against his backside with her body, then he felt her press her lips to the bare skin of his back. A deep blush rose to the surface of his face as he gave a confused, shy glance up at their mutual friend who stood there seeming just as dumbfounded as Tyler was by the girl's actions.. Tyler tried getting Ezra's attention, looking for a simple sign of confirmation that she had, in fact, just kissed him, but it seemed the other young man was elsewhere.. busying himself to not have to make eye contact with the son of Hermes.
When the eldest son of Deimos realized what was going on, he quickly averted his eyes and started looking around as if he'd forgotten something. Surely he had, right? Well, no. He hadn't. But he would excuse himself anyway and make himself scarce. He knew how Erin was, and.. more accurately, what was going on in that mind of hers. It seemed as though all those talks they'd had in the past had finally sunk in, and whether consciously or subconsciously.. girly pop was clearly making her move. He'd be the good bi gay best friend and make himself scarce for.. however long they needed. If anything even happened. Only the Fates knew.
Ezra shook his head and grabbed a couple of paper towels off the roll, wandering over to the muffin she'd dropped to the floor in her trance-like state. "Damn, Erin. Really? I just cleaned up these floors last night." He hoped she wouldn't actually think he was upset at her, if she could even hear him but if she did, he'd clear it up later.
"I'm gonna go back upstairs and grab a couple of things I forgot, and Er.. Erin. You're not getting outta breakfast that easy, babe. B.E.C. comin' your way when I get back!" He was halfway to the door before he quickly turned back to snag his cold brew coffee off of the table, exchanging a quick glance with Ty before addressing them both as he made his way to the door. "If you need me while I'm gone, text me or come get me. I won't be able to hear you guys down here." And with that, Ezra slipped through the door and pulled it tightly behind him, disappearing upstairs into the Deimos Cabin to busy himself till he received an all-clear message.
Once the door was shut and all that was left in the room was Tyler and Erin, he suddenly became all too aware of just how loud his breathing sounded.. and just how fast his heart was beating in his chest. It was another moment or two before Tyler slowly turned to look over his shoulder at the girl behind him, quirking a brow. Now it was time to test her, to see if she really had spoken Romanian.
"Deci ce a fost asta, mm?"
".. Am spus cฤ e frumos.. deลi.."
Words softly spoken; they cascaded from between her lips like water rushing over the falls as she repeated herself. Though, despite that however, her gaze remained locked upon the gorgeous dragon. Fingertips ever moving as she took her time, tracing them over the various linework - but after yet another moment or two, Erin let her head rise. Her rich dark hues meeting with his stunning blues. By the Gods, she loved his eyes.. They were passion on ice. The clearest cerulean blue- the very same as the lakes surrounding the camp that she liked to draw. She could stare into them for days..
".. I have a feeling you're talking about the kiss.."
The words fell so smoothly from her lips he almost hadn't caught that she was, in fact, speaking Romanian. He wasn't dreaming. He had to admit - initial shock aside - her speaking in his tongue was more than pleasing to his ears. It wasn't until her eyes met his that his face began to burn hot, trying to force his usual smug grin to overshadow the shy smile that threatened at the corners of his mouth. The kiss. His eyes dropped to her lips, holding only for a moment before realization washed over him.
The action was involuntary. Absentminded. Tyler quickly pulled his gaze back up to meet hers. There wasn't a brighter shade of red that the boy's face could've turned at that point. In the sheer height of the emotions going through him, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't pull his gaze from hers. Whether it was out of nervousness, or some form of confidence that his subconscious had mustered.. he couldn't tell ya'.
"You know I was talking about the kiss," he spoke, in English, plainly.
".. I know.." Touch, ever gentle, drawing to a stop against the small of his lower back- the words fell between them softly. A little breathily as she spoke them into existence. Her dark gaze holding fast to his as though it were a life-line she wasn't willing to let go of. Well.. she'd made it this far.. there was no going back now. And that thought cementing in her mind; a shaky resolve seemed to enter her voice. Her next words drawing a little more assertively from her lips, ".. and I'd do it again."
Rolling with that small burst of confidence, Erin's hands rose from their current perch. The warmth of her palms reaching his cheeks as she caressed them. Her gentle touch urging his face to turn just that little further before, with a little rise onto the balls of her feet, the daughter of Hades had her lips crashing against his own. Whatever gap left between them; leaving it practically non-existent as she poured all the emotion she felt for him over the last two years into the kiss they were sharing.
The tone in her voice along with the words she spoke sent a light chill up his spine. Tyler opened his mouth to say something, but as soon as he felt her hands on each side of his face the words were lost to him. It was just like it was in the movies. The girl leaning in in slow motion, the boy's heartbeat echoing in his ears, heart practically jumping out of his chest as his mind took the moment and ran.. overthinking every possible thing that he could in the mere moments between as she closed the distance between them.
As her lips pressed to his, though.. silence. And it was just like that, that time came to a stop. The moment - of course only lasting a mere few seconds - seemed to last a forever.. though as much as the boy wanted to last longer, the angle wasn't exactly the most comfortable. Reluctantly pulling away from her lips, Tyler reached a gentle arm behind him to move her back a step to give himself the room to turn around. Now turned to face Erin, Tyler slowly raised both of his hands up and took her face gently in his hands as she'd done with his before, leaning down to press his lips softly against hers.
Tyler gently pulled away from their kiss but stayed close to her, hands still tenderly holding her face in them as he looked deep into her eyes. "Erin, I-" the boy's voice trailed off, the words caught in his throat before he could get them out. There were so many different things he wanted to say, all the things he'd had on his mind over the last few years, yet somehow none of it seemed good enough now. Even if he simply ignored everything involving him in this situation - she kissed him first - there was clearly something here between them. And it wasn't just a dream.
Clearly unable to get the words out, Tyler clenched his jaw in frustration at himself as he closed his eyes. The son of Hermes let out a soft, hefty sigh before leaning forward to gently rest his forehead against hers, thumbs brushing tenderly over her cheeks.
'Erin, I love you. I've been in love with you for nearly as long as I've known you..' he thought, desperately willing the words to come out.
".. Te iubesc.."
Erin's confession tumbled softly from her lips. The warmth of her breath trickling down between them as, her hands falling slightly, drawing to a rest against his bare chest, she opened her eyes. Once more holding his gorgeous gaze with her own. She could feel his heart.. Beating, hard, beneath her palms. Her own was doing the same, and she had no doubt that he'd be able to hear it. How could he not..? With his gift-..
Erin's words forced the boy's bright blues to flash open, shortly meeting her own soft hazel eyes, the two stood there holding space for a moment or two as her confession settled in with the boy. Her words having somehow cleared the lump in his throat and the tension in his chest, he swallowed hard before responding.
"Erin I've been in love with you for.. heh, longer than I care to admit," Tyler chuckled softly, a shy smile pulling at the corners of his lips as color crept back into his face. "You don't know how many times over the years I've wanted to just," he smirked a bit, shaking his head as he recalled younger-him's thought process on how he would tell Erin. "Scream it at you and run away," the son of Hermes laughed, a soft smile falling over his features as he continued to hold her gaze.
"I love you, Erin Maree Chase. Always have.."
โ.. veลnic..โ
It was soft- almost a whisper as the word fell from between her lips. And hands slipping from where theyโd perched against his chest; Erin found herself exploring his body. The tips of her nails dragging lightly over his bare skin, leaving behind a gentle trail before, eventually, she brought her hands to a stop. Her fingers curling against the defined V of his stomach.
.. he loved her.
Dark eyes flicking back to his gorgeous blues; the thought finally seemed to sink in. And flattening her palms over his sides, she gave a quick shove. Forcing the both of them back against the chair. Her body pressing flush against his as, leaning up, the daughter of Hades once more had her lips crashing against his own.
Veลnic. The Roma word for "Eternally". His love for this girl had lasted this long.. you know what they say.. if it can last longer than 6 months (which is the typical amount of time that a simple crush will last), then it's real love.. four agonizingly long years later, and yet here he was.. here they were. Yeah, "eternally" sounded about right.
"Veลnic," he agreed softly. He'd barely gotten the word out in a response before she'd shoved him back into the tattoo chair and was on him. His body reacting much quicker than his mind could keep up, hands instinctively grabbing her behind her legs to help pull her in flush against him in his lap as he met her lips with his own. His blue eyes closed as he lost himself in their kiss, heart hammering in his chest as their lips connected over and over again, hands exploring new terrain over each other's bodies..
God fucking shit - this mans kiss..
Erinโs hands exploring, just as his own were, it wasnโt until theyโd reached his chest however that she pushed against him. The gap between them returning. This-.. This was real- it was actually happening. It wasnโt just some dream. The deep dark pools of her eyes holding onto the endless skies of his own; she couldnโt help her heavy breathing. Her chest heaving lightly, and for a time all she could do was stare.
Dropping her touch from where it had been resting, it didnโt take her long before she was pulling his stolen hoodie off over her head. Letting it drop to the floor at the base of the chair. Giving them both a couple of moments before she once more lifted her arms. Her warm palms taking hold of either side of his face, and closing the gap, she once more sealed their lips together.
Tyler's eyes flashed open when she shoved him back again, both of them sitting there, chests heaving trying to catch their breath while both their hearts seemed to be nearly beating out of their chests. The dark-haired boy watched her carefully as the both of them sat there staring into each others eyes, simply holding space; part of him wondered if he'd done something wrong.
His negative train of thought was brought to a jarring halt when she sat back to take off his hoodie, leaving her only in her bra and her shorts. Tyler's eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight before him, and for a moment he thought his heart might just stop. This was happening. Right now. Her touch; so soft yet so urgent, brought him back to reality as their lips met again. His eyes closing as he once more melted into her. Arms wrapping around her to bring her in flush against him as she'd been before, breathing her name softly against her lips.
"Erin .."
Shivers. Literal shivers. Running the length of her spine as the sound of her name fell so adoringly from between his lips. And his voice-.. Tyler had always been so soft with how he spoke with her, especially in moments when it was just the two of them, but here..? Now..? Despite its gentle, breathy tone; there was a huskiness to his voice. It sounded deeper.. more intimate; and by the Gods if it wasnโt the sexiest thing sheโd ever heard before in her life..
โ.. Am nevoie de tine.โ
If it was going to be anybody, it was going to be her.
Sunt a ta. Veลnic. The words wouldn't pass through his lips, though he was practically shouting them in his mind, desperately trying to form them for her to hear. His mind was clouded with the unfolding tension between them, both their chests heaving with the antici- ..pation of it all. Gently, Tyler pulled away from their kiss before leaning back into the chair, his hands resting at her bare sides as he tried to catch his breath and let his mind catch up somewhat to what was going on currently holding her deep hazel eyes. His eyes straying for a moment, looking over her in all her glory before him. It was both the most beautiful and most sexy image he'd ever seen. Hell, his imagination couldn't have ever drummed this up. Two words slipped through the boys mouth before he really had a chance to process what he'd said, his face flushing brightly as he stared at her shyly, though every bit as serious as he'd been before.
"Teach me.."
โ.. Gladly.โ
Tyler had lain back in the chair, and as he had, Erin found her touch slipping to his bare chest. Her fingers curled gently against his skin, though it only lasted a moment before she was pulling them back. Drawing her hands together in front of her body; her actions were slow.. purposeful as she popped the button the front of her shorts, working the zip down until the waistband was hanging open over her hips.
Not stopping there, however, her hands trailing further up her body; Erinโs dark gaze refused to leave his gorgeous blues as she twisted her arms. Slipping them up behind her back. And taking only a few short moments; it wasnโt long before the black lace of her bra was coming loose around her. Falling forward as she took a moment to remove it altogether. Letting it fall to the ground beside the chair while she herself once more leant forward. Her touch returning to his body, hands slowly drawing down to the waist of his jeans as she once again brought her lips to his. Sealing them in place where they were forever meant to be. |