Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Accepting: No

(I’m looking for 5-6 players who are allowed up to 2 characters (besides small roles meant to stir up trouble) and are going to be able to post at least every other day or so. I want this to move along, but I don’t want you to be crazy lost if you miss a couple days either. Also, NO ONE LINERS. I despise them, and want posts to have a couple paragraphs each on most posts, if not more. While mistakes are understandable, continually bad grammar drives me nuts. This rp is in 3rd person past tense.)

In a modern day world humans can no longer live in a fantasy that they are the only race walking on his earth. Shifters, packs being able to shift at ease from wolf to human, have made themselves known and want to live in peace...besides a few groups of human protesters it's been going well, but the government keeps them safe as long as they don't cause trouble.

Which normally isn't an issue. There's enough drama within the packs, without causing some outside of it. Specifically, within the Claymore pack. They're a fairly large pack that, frankly, bully others with sheer numbers. Their alpha, Luke (last name based on a writer's choice, whoever plays his son), has a love and need for power, and unfortunately it will be his downfall. Long ago, when his son was just a boy, he heard a prophecy that he would be over taken and killed by one of his own kin. Afraid what his kid might be capable of he has spent his life tearing the boy down with physical and mental abuse. Now, years later, his son has taken the abuse and partly become the man he is today because of how hard his father was on him. All it would take, however, is one more move and he might just snap, fulfilling the future Luke was afraid of.

Our roleplay starts here. Eventually what will happen is Luke will say something outrageous that starts the ultimate challenge and fight, ending his life. The pack will want to banish his son instead of letting him become alpha as is law, but in the process most of the shifters in our rp, if not all, will follow him…thus starting our own pack with their own territory.

This will have challenges of its own, but what’s without a little romance? A few things to know about this world before we go on:

-- There are packs all over the country, and they keep in contact through the internet and in person to create alliances. This is a very modern world. We are located a few hours south of Chicago (so we can get all kinds of weather in there!)

-- Every shifter has a “wolf” that has it's feelings that usually work with the human side, a wolf that wants to get out and run with the pack or fight when challenged. When a shifter sees his mate for the first time he will recognize a certain "pull" instantly UNLESS he/she has an emotional wall up. Perhaps because of trauma in their past or being afraid to love. Once this is overcome they will feel that pull and be unable to leave their mate alone.

-- Once mated, they will mark with a bite that lasts forever and have a mating ceremony (if they wish)

-- A shifter is physically unable to have children with anyone other than someone marked as their mate. Takes care of a lot of problems, eh?

-- Each pack has a bond, meaning the alpha feels everyone and if one is in distress he knows about it. Same with mates, though their bonds are much stronger once the bite, or mark, has been made. This mark can be made even with those that aren't 'true' mates, but it's not recommended...what if you mate, then find your TRUE mate later? What would you do? Also, the healer feels when someone needs their services

--You can put them having whatever occupation you want, but some ones in the pack would include but are not limited to babysitting the kids, cooking and cleaning, being an Enforcer (security) and we need a pack healer

-- Remember, when it comes down to it one must submit to the alpha or leave the pack to join another or become a lone wolf.

-- The pack lives together in one big mansion. They each have their suite of rooms, They are surrounded by pack land, acres to run on.

Those are just some basics that should be known by anyone, both for conversation and drama throughout the rp :)

That being said, I’ll be playing a female who is from another pack that becomes the alpha female of the new pack made when the son leaves.

I have plenty of things to throw into this story, and I hope you do too. I have to warn you, I haven’t done a group rp in a year, so bear with me on some of this! I may leave something out in this or say too much, I don’t know, but if you want to join please fill out the character sheet!

Something else to mention: I’d like to remind everyone that this isn’t just a smut rp. I want a plot and a story. When it comes to romance scenes stick to the rules on this site.

Characters and their positions (remember when I say alpha I mean of the new pack we will be making):

Alpha: Jaii Talon (Vicier)
Alpha Female: Vera Evans (akela)
Pack healer: Rhea Morgan (Vicier)
Alpha of Claymore: Luke Talon (akela)

Pack Members:

Kennedy Rose McCall (The Lamb of Columbia)
Kiara Rydell (Arrayah)

Samuel Napier (ManoftheNorth)

Lone wolves:
Dakeyras Treadmas (orcpunx)

Alika Faren (Kilo6)


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spookyhat


Member Offline since relaunch

Sounds good, werewolves are always fun and spooky.


Character Name: Spooky Hat
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Aren't we all werewolves? I'm going to be a spooky werewolf.
Age: I would imagine around adult age, so 25 maybe?
Birthplace/original pack: The Spooky pack, from Idaho, because potatoes are spooky
Current Pack: Whatever the one that the original leaders son started
Occupation (can be job within pack or outside it in 'real world'): Resident spookiness (occult) expert and spooky spookster, spookin' it up at a retail gig in Chicago.
More:[/b] Has a spooky hat that he's technically mated with.


General Appearance (no picture necessary, but you can): He looks like a guy with a spooky hat. I guess he's an average nerdy kinda guy.
Wolf Appearance: Spooky scary wolf. With wolfy features like paws and a snout.


Current Goal/Purpose in life: To be more spooky and live to spook another day.
Talents: Being spooky.
Inabilities: Being not spooky.
Fears: THE SPOOKY HAT FEARS NOTHING! Except losing his precious spooky hat.
General Personality: Spooky.
Inner Personality: Spooky.
Secret: Way too spooky.
More: (there's no such thing as too spooky)


General History: He was born and raised, and then he grew up and got a spooky hat.
Present Life: Living with the omega pack seemed spooky, so he spooked it on over to Chicago.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

Just found this OOC haha, I just posted in the Int. Check. I will have a character up sometime tonight :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Character Name: Vera Evans
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Shifter
Age: 21
Birthplace/original pack: Tatlow pack (further south)
Occupation: None, watches children in the pack with her free time


General Appearance: While she’s fit (as most shifters are), Vera isn’t exactly a small girl standing at 5’8. I like the picture minus the cuts of course.
Wolf Appearance: A well groomed white wolf with a black muzzle and black ‘dipped’ tail.

Current Goal/Purpose: To get out of the forced marriage her alpha father is forcing her into. He is NOT her true mate.
Talents: Being rather social, she is great at calming those in distress.
Inabilities:To keep her mouth shut on important topics. Or when insulted.
Fears:Having to submit to a mate that is as abusive and…well, Rick. The man her father, as alpha, is wanting her to marry.
General Personality: She comes off strong-willed and want take crap from anyone. As the alphas’ daughter she has learned how to take a leadership position when necessary. While she’s great at making friends and keeping them close, her unwillingness to submit has turned out to be a turn-off to a lot of dominant males.
Inner Personality: While she’s just as strong as she gives off, she longs for a male to love her for her…if that happened, she’d happily submit and be willing to give a little, creating a real relationship.
Secret: Nobody but her father knows how much she hates Rick…and Rick, of course. She’s made it quite clear to him, but they both want the alliance so much that they won’t listen. Vera hates looking weak, and admitting she was stuck in a horrible situation would make her look so...at least, that's how she sees it. Crying to someone for help is just silly.

General History: Vera is the daughter of a strong alpha within the Tatlow pack, a little south of the Claymore pack. Her mother died when she was young, and from then on her father became distant. He wouldn’t let her get a job, however, so Vera spends a lot of time babysitting within the pack.
Present Life: Her father is forcing her to marry the younger brother of Luck of the Claymore pack, Rick. He has been abusive to past lovers, and everyone knows it. This will create an alliance that looks extremely good for both packs, so of course her father doesn’t care what Vera wants. She’s looking into running at the last minute, but things aren’t looking good for her…what will happen when she’s finally brought in to meet the pack that would become hers once they mated? If her actual mate is seen, how will they handle it? Will he recognize her?
Character Name: Luke
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Shifter
Age: 45
Birthplace/original pack: Claymore Pack
Occupation: Alpha and involved in investments

General Appearance: Stands at 6’4. Not only does he tower over many of the males, Luke is muscular, and hardly ever smiling. He has dark brown hair that is cut short and dark eyes. His skin is dark, tanned from being outside so much, and his hands are rough with calluses from hard work. His face is narrow with high cheek bones. He stays clean shaven and wears wifebeaters with jeans most of the time. A few scars can be seen along his abs and back.
Wolf Appearance: Coarse, dark brown fur with deep, almost black eyes.

Current Goal/Purpose: To keep his place as alpha in the Claymore pack and gain more power within the shifting world. This includes making sure his son stays out of his way.
Talents:Fighting and talking big.
Inabilities: Dealing with losing.
Fears:Losing his position as alpha. He would rather die.
General Personality:Quiet, and not because he’s shy. Luke is always thinking of ways he can make his pack stronger, and he’ll do just that at any cost. As long as he stays the leader, of course. Luke doesn’t understand that there is more to being an alpha than power, such as great communication and people skills. He’s never been a family man, and has grown distant from his son and wife, despite them being true mates.
Inner Personality: Same.
Secret:He’s kept the prophecy a secret from everyone except his wife.

General History:He became alpha at a very young age, and his brother Rick is Beta. He loves his wife very much, as they are true mates, but he has let his fear of being over taken come between them.
Present Life: He constantly runs down his son, trying to make him weak and unwilling to ever challenge him. Little does he know he’s doing just the opposite and actually fulfilling the prophecy by acting so foolish and hatefully. His son probably wouldn't even care about getting back at his father if Luke hadn't treated him so badly his whole life. He has also arranged his Beta and brother to mate with Vera, the daughter to a very strong alpha just a few hours away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

Character Name: Kennedy Rose McCall
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Werewolf
Age: 22
Birthplace/original pack: Born and lived with a small pack on the Carolina coast.
Current Pack: Claymore Pack
Occupation: Soccer coach and teacher at local HS
More: ....


General Appearance (no picture necessary, but you can): Kennedy stands at about 5'5", with an athletic build (from years of sports). She has long, dark brown hair that flows down to the middle of her back in waves. Her eyes are a soft blue, truly the window to her soul. Kennedy's skin is a tanned color, naturally from her being one fourth Native American and also from her time spent in the sun.
Wolf Appearance: A sturdy wolf with a mixed pelt, it's colors a blend of grays, blacks, and other earthen colors. Her icy blue eyes are just the same, transformed into a canine form. She is quick and strong, a balance between the two. Intelligent, and loyal like all other of her kind.
More: ....


Current Goal/Purpose in life: To find her place in a pack and feel welcome. Live happily in the city and have a good time while she is still young.
Talents: Very intelligent, athletic, some leadership qualities, hard worker.
Inabilities: Sometimes unable to make difficult decisions without much stress, can get caught up in things.
Fears: Being completely alone (abandoned), thunderstorms.
General Personality: Kind and caring, very friendly. Kennedy is a very loyal and loving pack member. She has a strong personality and is a trustworthy friend.
Inner Personality: Kennedy is very loving and kind when you get down to the meat of things. She has a fear of being along, even though she is sometimes independent. She wants to be a part of a pack and know that she has people to back her up no matter what. If you are able to befriend her, you should cherish that, because once you do she will be the most loyal and trustworthy friend you will ever have.
Secret: Thunderstorms scare her, but she tries to not let it show.
More: ....


General History: Born on the Carolina coast, where there were a small population of other werewolves. With no established pack, Kennedy had no one to turn to besides her immediate family,. Her father was a werewolf, which made her a born wolf. She grew up in a good environment with plenty of love and attention. When it came time for college, she moved away from her southern home to the Windy City, where she still resides.
Present Life: Lives near the city, where she teaches and coaches at a local high school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

You have to have an admin change the title, there is a forum for it somewhere :) On the main page I believe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@spookyhat, the pack name is Claymore. Also, if your character sheet in any way reflects how well you describe while writing, I don't think this is the rp for you. We know nothing of what he looks like, and where is the back story? I'm not looking for every detail in a cs, you can leave some for the rp, but...yeah. Not accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Lamb, definitely accepted :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spookyhat


Member Offline since relaunch

akela said
@spookyhat, the pack name is Claymore. Also, if your character sheet in any way reflects how well you describe while writing, I don't think this is the rp for you. We know nothing of what he looks like, and where is the back story? I'm not looking for every detail in a cs, you can leave some for the rp, but...yeah. Not accepted.

Well then, I assume you think you're too good for Spooky Hat. Spooky Hat will take his hat and leave with his dignity. Good day, sir/madam.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Character Name: Dakeyras Treadmas
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Werewolf
Age: 20
Birthplace/original pack: One of the most northern packs in north Alaska.
Current Pack: OWP- One wolf pack
Occupation: Leather tramp. HE wanders around the world trying to survive; the only thing close to an occupation would be a tailor and a carpenter.


General Appearance:
Long pitch black hair wrapped around his neck, covering a dreadful scar. His right eye is light brown and under a strong sun looks like it’s made of gold with dark brown veins branching through it. His left eye is blank white, and obviously useless for sight. A triangular face with a rose red lips is covered in series of small scars that shine out from colourless white skin. Nose that was once normal is now crude and pitching to the left.
Standing 7 feet tall, the inhumanly wide muscular shoulders and chest seem out of proportion compared to his lean long arms, belly and lean waist. Thighs, butt and soleus’s are strong and bulk. He looks like he has no neck and that his head is fused right on top of his body.
A big dark hooded cloak made out of thick leather covers a brown woollen sweater underneath. Long dark green woollen kilt with a utility belt covers the important part. And some worn out walking shoes are worn.
Wolf Appearance:
A shaggy, huge, black wolf, with a lower left fang half broken. And naturally with a left white eye.
More: has a small backpack with him. On it are two patches of wolfs.


Current Goal/Purpose in life: To find a place to settle down. A place of peace and tranquillity. Preferred to find it with a mate… But even this one is not of much importance.
Talents: is great with a needle and a knife. Has a good nerve for storytelling.
Inabilities: Doesn’t value any life, and can sometimes seem cruel or cold because of it.
Fears: nothing for now.
General Personality: He is warm and sincere like a child. Though self-confident and egoistical, he can be humble. Laughing most of the time and careless. He takes all matters lightly and hardly finds anything of importance. Joking about everything and always enjoying life to its fullest, he doesn’t allow anything to dampen his mood. Likes kids and also likes to tell them stories of his journeys imbued with magical elements. Although he has strong nerves, once pushed over the line he becomes cold and simply removes himself from the company.
Inner Personality:
If someone gets to that you’ll find out. No fun on telling everything at the start.
Secret: You’ll find out…. Most likely
More: Loves honey


General History:
As a pup he lived in a medium sized pack at north Alaska. When his father the alpha died Dakeyras’s brother, Decado, took fathers position as the alpha. Although Dakeyras and his brother loved each other Decado gave Dakeyras a choice. Either he leaves the pack or is the packs omega. Dakeyras knew he can’t beat his brother in a fight, so he chose to leave the pack. At his 16 years of age he made a new pack, himself and his love. But after a year a larger pack attacked them. In a fight they killed his lover, but somehow he managed to fight them off and run away with his life. This killed Dakeyras, blaming himself for his loves death and being ashamed for running away after her death, he lost himself. After a year, he lost the contact with his emotions. As he ran around the continent he fought countless of times, rarely losing. Growing more and more confident in his skills and instincts he grew more arrogant and with his capacity for adapting and surviving, gave him a huge ego. Yet the thought of his brother always made him see himself as he was. Understanding he is not immortal and not caring for anything, his personality grew strong and firm, as well as his ego. Because nothing was ever precious to him he never blinded himself from reality, and so he knew how things stand at all times.
Present Life:
Now Running trough the southern lands of Chicago, his greatest worry is deciding on what to eat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheObsidianWolf


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Question... since there are Shifters are there other types of supernatural beings as well?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@orcpunx, accepted

Obsidian, for this one I think we're gonna stick with humans and shifters. Though when I say shifters, it could be others animals. I guess there could be humans who can do some magic, but that'd be it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So what's going on of late?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Well it seems not many are interested, so I may just try and turn this into a 1x1 or give up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

well there is three of us, and maybe people dont even try to ckeck because of the name.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I put up a new, more helpful interest check, that should help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Great XD
Maybe make a new ooc?
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Character Name: Samuel Napier
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Werewolf
Age: Eighteen
Birthplace/original pack: West Virginia/Oak Leaf Pack
Current Pack: Claymore Pack
Occupation (can be job within pack or outside it in 'real world'): He is unemployed, but serves as a Guardian and general maintenance worker for the Pack.


General Appearance: Samuel is not a towering hulk, but he is relatively tall for his age at the height of 6'0" and his build is about as euivalent to what many suspect a male of his age playing Highschool lineman would look like: broad shoulders, toned form, and good joints.
Wolven Appearance:

More: He has three scars running down the back of his left arm.


Current Goal/Purpose in life: His goal is to find somewhere he can fit in, and find someone to spend his life with for the years to come and go.
Talents: He is a good marksmen with many firearms, due to his father's teachings, and is a good hand to have when shooting, or taking apart a firearm. His skills with firearms and firearm maintenance extend from breaking down a weapon to reloading all manner of shells and calibers.
Inabilities: As a Wolf of Valiant nature, Sam has a nearly impossible time backing down from a fight of ill intentions or running from those doing wrong. This often has him fighting in the worst of cases.
Fears: He fears that one day he will be the cause of a loved ones death, or that he will become outcast for his own wrong doing. He also fears though that he will be unable to protect his pack.
General Personality: He comes off as somewhat quite, and sometimes head strong. There are particular moments when he also seems like he is trying to be a "Hero."
Inner Personality: His Inner Personality is essentially his wolf. They are both so similar that he can't actually tell the difference. His Wolf is very Valiant and has a hard time keeping caged when something ill goes down, or when the wrong steps are taken by others.
Secret: This wouldn't be much of a secret if everyone knew, now would it?


General History: Samuel spent his life as a Wolf in West Virginia, as a normal person. His parents, life mates from a pack of aging wolfs, forged their pack as a community of people who wanted to live normally for the majority of their life, and they did so with ease. Samuel grew up, had friends, finished Highschool, and then left home.
Present Life: He is currently holding his own as a member of the Claymore pack and is focusing on his hobbies when he can get the time away from serving as a maintenance man for the Pack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

new people? YAY now we can rock this joint
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