Name: Ryisa Cade
Personality: Ryisa generally has a carefree attitude about everything. Everything. If it doesn't hurt someone else to badly why not? This often leads to people judging her by what they see as a lack of morals. She has morals just ones that aren't as strict as most other peoples. Wanna sleep around? Why the hell not?
Her motto is to try everything at least three times then you can decide if you like it or not. So if you ask her to do/try something, even if it's the most random of things she will do it 75% of the time. As long as it's not completely stupid.
Ryisa is also a great big nerd, video games, anime, Syfy, cosplay ext. She could go on for hours about the stuff.
She treats her powers as kind of a joke, using them to poke fun at people or pull pranks.
-Human Metamorphing: She is able to shape herself into an almost perfect copy of another human being. Almost, because there is always one tiny detail that if a person was observant would notice is off. It could be a change in color tone in the eyes, skin, or hair or maybe even a slight height difference. Just small things that could go unnoticed. She rarely uses this power except for costumes or to make herself look better in certain clothes and such.
-Voice Mimicking: While this goes hand in hand with Metamorphing Ryisa has had more time to perfect it as it was the first of her power to manifest. She is able to mimic any voice she's heard perfectly. Usually used for impersonations and pranks.
-Muscle Memory: This is the only power she takes remotely seriously as she uses it every day in her martial arts, dance and fencing programs. Though at the moment it takes a minimum of 5 observations for her to be able to do something well. The more she observes the better she gets.
Occupation: Barrista at a funky bar in downtown D.C.
Bio: Her mother died giving birth to her and she was adopted by Robert Banner, a doctor and Wade Rodgers a Lawyer. They made their normal home in the suburbs of Seattle Washington. They later adopted a boy Riker Wyane, though he was older than Ryisa. The first of her powers manifested when she was young, in an attempt at impersonation with her friends. It soon became something she was very good at. The rest came when she was older around puberty. Luckily they showed in the privacy of their home and after discussion with her dads they decided to keep it hush. Though she did start learning moves for her hobbies.
She graduated from highschool and then decided she wanted to travel and see the country. She now resides in D.C. working and seeing what it has to offer.