Name: Ignrak the shunned
Age: 58
Race: Ebolorian
Appearance (Realistic drawings or pictures only please): HAHAHAHAHA I cannot draw for shit, so just imagine one, I'm sure they all look the same because warrior species cloning trope. A bit roughed up, from being beaten and broken for many years before the death games.

Gender: Male
Height: 7'8"
Abilities: Mad strong, but pretty weak for his race. I dunno... I imagine the Ebolorians to be like the Yautja (The predator species from Predator), so overall super-beings that can be overpowered by protagonists and many, many, MANY guns.
Skills: Pretty much the same as Abilities. He can juggle, too. And beat motherfuckers with other motherfuckers. Imagine it would come in handy.
Rank: C
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race): Generic vat-born soldier, turned rouge, was captured and sent into his species' death games as an outcast. Hates everything his race stands for and wishes for the overall freedom of the entire galaxy. Doesn't know a speck of English, or common, or intergalactic standard or whatever superawesome megalanguage exists in this universe.
Affiliation (if any): Whichever organization he feels like, although generally whatever goes with his opinions. Generic revolution #34546423564713865934685623496, i suppose, or else he's freelance.