Name: Tani Mudi
Age: 22
Race: Rhevarian
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Abilities: Tani is fast, durable and exceptionally smart. Other abilities Tani possesses are hidden deep within her DNA and will be revealed later in game.
Skills: Tani is incredibly smart. She remembers everything that she has ever read and is well-learned in other alien races throughout the galaxy which can be a great advantage. Despite being rather clumsy and un-knowing about weapons, Tani is proficient with technology and therefore...if it has a computer chip, she can understand it.
Rank: Class C (Newbie)
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race):The Rhevarians are an exceptionally rare race thought to have been eliminated many centuries ago. The only proof of their current existence is a single Rhevarian recently captured by the Ebolorians. History tells us the race of Rhevarians lived on a cold climate planet of ice, living underground in vast colonies and thrived as scholars, being the first race to make contact with other 'alien' races. As the Rhevarians are smart, their combat skills are severely lacking. For protection on their planet, they always relied on their devices or technology to do the fighting for them. They have no powers and are very awkward with weapons.
Tani's background history will be revealed in-game
Affiliation (if any): Tani just came in on a shipment of 'new recruits', therefore she knows no one and is alone in her efforts.
Age: 22
Race: Rhevarian

Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Abilities: Tani is fast, durable and exceptionally smart. Other abilities Tani possesses are hidden deep within her DNA and will be revealed later in game.
Skills: Tani is incredibly smart. She remembers everything that she has ever read and is well-learned in other alien races throughout the galaxy which can be a great advantage. Despite being rather clumsy and un-knowing about weapons, Tani is proficient with technology and therefore...if it has a computer chip, she can understand it.
Rank: Class C (Newbie)
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race):The Rhevarians are an exceptionally rare race thought to have been eliminated many centuries ago. The only proof of their current existence is a single Rhevarian recently captured by the Ebolorians. History tells us the race of Rhevarians lived on a cold climate planet of ice, living underground in vast colonies and thrived as scholars, being the first race to make contact with other 'alien' races. As the Rhevarians are smart, their combat skills are severely lacking. For protection on their planet, they always relied on their devices or technology to do the fighting for them. They have no powers and are very awkward with weapons.
Tani's background history will be revealed in-game
Affiliation (if any): Tani just came in on a shipment of 'new recruits', therefore she knows no one and is alone in her efforts.