Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Tani Mudi

Age: 22

Race: Rhevarian


Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Abilities: Tani is fast, durable and exceptionally smart. Other abilities Tani possesses are hidden deep within her DNA and will be revealed later in game.

Skills: Tani is incredibly smart. She remembers everything that she has ever read and is well-learned in other alien races throughout the galaxy which can be a great advantage. Despite being rather clumsy and un-knowing about weapons, Tani is proficient with technology and therefore...if it has a computer chip, she can understand it.

Rank: Class C (Newbie)

Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race):The Rhevarians are an exceptionally rare race thought to have been eliminated many centuries ago. The only proof of their current existence is a single Rhevarian recently captured by the Ebolorians. History tells us the race of Rhevarians lived on a cold climate planet of ice, living underground in vast colonies and thrived as scholars, being the first race to make contact with other 'alien' races. As the Rhevarians are smart, their combat skills are severely lacking. For protection on their planet, they always relied on their devices or technology to do the fighting for them. They have no powers and are very awkward with weapons.

Tani's background history will be revealed in-game

Affiliation (if any): Tani just came in on a shipment of 'new recruits', therefore she knows no one and is alone in her efforts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: In the Dragon tongue, her name is pronounced as a whistle, sounding through three polyphonic notes. Most species cannot pronounce it, so she has adopted the common tongue translation: Moon, of the family Razor.
Age: 20
Race: In the common tongue, Moon's race is known simply as the Dragons, due to their obvious resemblances.

In addition to the photo, Moon also has small vestigial wings on her shoulders. When fully extended, they measure a meager two feet from base to tip. Far too small to be functional, but large and muscled enough to deliver a beating. Her body is covered in half-healed scars, a result of her spacecraft crashing.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"

Abilities: Dragons are a blind race, their eyes having become vestigial millennia ago. Moon relies on two other systems in order to 'see'. First, echolocation. This is used primarily for enclosed spaces and her immediate surroundings. Secondly, all Dragons have a degree of extrasensory perception. Any life forms within a 150 metre radius can be sensed by a Dragon. Moon can identify someone's presence by their distinct 'life imprint' as easily as most races can identify a face. ((Figured the life sensing would be a nice little opportunity for supernatural twists in the plot.))
Skills: Dragons are not raised as a fighting race. They are not taught how to handle weapons. Everything Moon has learned, she has learned in the weeks since arriving in the Ebolorian imprisonment. She is now competent at fighting, though far from proficient. She is strong enough to handle herself, and learns fighting techniques quickly. However, the instinct for violence doesn't exist, and fighting is a learned skill.
What she lacks in combat instinct, she makes up for with her diplomacy. Moon is intelligent, and can easily reason her way out of a case.
She also has a lovely singing voice.

Rank: Class C.
Brief Bio and History: Dragons hail from a planet with one side always facing the star. Originally, life evolved on the light side of the planet, and their eyes served a purpose. But the Dragons migrated to the shadowed side, and over time lost their vision. They evolved their pseudovision, consisting of echolocation and extrasensory perception, as their eyes grew useless. In comparison to humans, Dragon technology evolved quickly. In the span of 1600 standard years, their society surged from primitive to advanced. Medicine, technology, and even spacecraft were developed. A curious race, they began exploring the universe. The Dragons spread, claiming a few new planets as their own, and their numbers grew.

Fate was not with the Dragons, as the first race they came across were the Ebolorians. Soon, Ebolorians were sending raiding parties to the home planets of the Dragons. Hundreds were abducted, and transported to the earliest of these death games. It was the start of a genocide, and continued for well over a century. The Dragons were a gentle race, and had little concept of war or fighting. They were some of the weakest in the games, and most never rose above a rank of C.

Now, Dragons have retreated, claiming a new home on a distant planet. They are not endangered, but they are rarely seen. Save, of course, for the odd curious traveller. Moon is one of these types. She became the captain of her own space vessel at the age of sixteen. For four years, she travelled the universe. She learned the common tongue, soaking up the language quickly. Whenever she returned home, she brought stories for her two younger sisters. They adored Moon, and wanted to grow up to travel like their older sister.

Dragon spacecraft function as an extension of the captain's mind. The machinery uses an artificial form of Dragon ESP, allowing the ability to sense life forms and objects to be greatly expanded. The view links directly to the captain's mind. As a result, no other species is capable of piloting these ships. However, technological malfunctions can be deadly. Moon's equipment was damaged by a tiny asteroid, and she found herself miles off course, unable to steer her craft.

She crashed down on the Ebolorian homeworld, and barely survived. It very well may have been better if she'd died in the crash. Injured, alone, and terrified, she was immediately thrown into the arena.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Athoriel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ra'al Thraine
Age: 27
Race: Sarakaine
Gender: Male
Height: 7'2''
Abilities: Increased dexterity and speed, immense strength and above average intelligence. Has a third lung that filters out noxious gases.
Skills: Talented hand to hand and weapon combatant, proficient marksman.
Rank: Class B
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race): Ra'al or simply Ra was,as he felt, born too late into existence. His race on a downward spiral from the war that had occurred centuries before his birth, scattered and broken across the galaxy, he lived a life of constant running and hiding from Ebolorian forces. His parents taught him all that they could of his heritage as they jumped from planet to planet, getting what work they could as mercenaries or merchants, as they had told;

The Sarakaine race were a noble people, bred and genetically modified for war they conquered their own and many of the surrounding solar systems, allowing what they deemed 'lesser races' to become a part of their empire. Their rapid progression soon led them face to face with their first formidable foe, the Ebolorians. Neither race would bend to the others will, war broke out and for many years, proud Sarakaine warriors gave their lives for their homeland, never yielding and never losing an inch of their territory to the Ebolorian threat.
The fighting came to a stalemate, neither race having a great enough advantage over the other to push an overall victory, that was until the day Ebolorians branched out into another sector of space to discover a race known as Rhevarians, whose technology and knowledge dwarfed both races. Somewhere along the line they took that races planet and forced their scientists to formulate a bio chemical weapon that was destined to doom his people, sending their advanced biology into overdrive, morphing them into mindless biomass that produced the same body altering chemical. The effect was slow and devastating as medical personal tried to figure out a cure, bringing back test subjects to their home planets without knowing the adverse effect the chemical would have on these subjects later on.

The story burned a deep seeded hate in him for the Ebolorian race and the Rhevarians for succumbing to their power and becoming the manufactures of his kinds fate. Soon enough Ebolorian forces caught up with their ship, his mother perishing in the crossfire and his father to the cruelty of his tormentors as they were shipped across space. For Ra'al they had another idea, a way to shame his race further after all these years, publicly displaying him at their mercy as he fought in the hellish arena of their home world.

Affiliation (if any): None, his pride keeps him from befriending any of the other races.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Marvin
Age: 27
Race: human
Appearance: ((I'd just like to give credit to the guy who drew this http://hervaline.deviantart.com)) He has fairly short dirty brown hair and dull blue eyes.
Gender: Male
Height: around six feet tall
Abilities: He's fairly strong for his race but he's not body builder he also has two double jointed thumbs. This isn't a real ability but he considers himself very lucky due to a few cases in battle such as his first. He also has a unusual amount of adrenaline production that makes an adrenaline rush last longer and stronger.
Skills: He pretty agile and is very skilled in hand to hand combat. He uses his size to advantage against bigger foes. He also has good aim with rocks the size of his fist and smaller.
Rank: C
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race): Marvin was born on the highly polluted planet of Shkan which was home to mostly humanoids to a pure bred mother and a humanoid father. Due to the fact that his father still retained human DNA Marvin was able to be born with seemingly no repercussions of the alien DNA. He was raised among mostly humanoid peers on earth and the occasional pure bred human. He didn't fit in much due most kids having mostly humanoid parents so he didn't have very many friends. He would get into fight with other fairly often which would usually end in him getting hurt due to most of his fights were with humanoids with powers. When he got to the age of eighteen he joined the army and served in it for quite a few years though he rarely saw battle due to his lack of skill in guns though he was good with grenades, up close weapons or his favourite being his fists. After quite a few years he finally saw action on the battle field but he soon got captured by the enemy when he was given to them as a sort of peace treaty and sent to the prison planet to fight others for entertainment.
Affiliation (if any): None but is very willing to make alliances.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gonzo
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Gonzo Narcissist and Sarcastic Neucance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Asterion Kanas
Age: 120 Young for his age, as his race can reach up in the 500’s
Race: Tauraan (Earthlings called them Minotaurs)
Gender: Male
Height: 7’10” (average height)
Abilities: The Tauraan have many different abilities, mainly because they share many of the qualities of a Human, as well as that of a bull. Asterion possesses a Bovine Physiology, which means he has almost extreme durability, endurance, strength, and animalistic senses such as enhanced hearing, a strong bite, and enhanced smell. Because of his powerful hind legs, he is able to jump higher than most species. He also has an exceptional memory.
Skills: Asterion is excellent in hand to hand combat, and at handling weapons, especially large weaponry such as battle axes and giant hammers. Most of the Tauraan race are born to be warriors, so a fighting spirit is basically programmed inside of him, meaning that he lives for combat situations. Now, Asterion is no scholar, but he is mildly intelligent, and is able to remember names, faces, dialects, corridors, maps, you name it, which comes in handy in a few of the games. He survives by picking the strongest, brightest, and best people to make alliances with to advance.
Rank: Class A (If available)
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race): The Tauraans have lived and thrived on their home planet of Toro for eons, being one of the oldest races in existence. They Tauraans are forged in flames and battle at an early age, for many of the different clans are always in conflict. However, when there is a threat, they know to put aside their petty rivalries for the good of the Tauraan race. Interplanetary travel was conceived later on in their lives, and the first Tauraan to make it into space was a distant relative to Asterion. He crashed landed into a planet called Earth, and was captured and thrown into a labyrinth in Crete, later to be killed by a Human male by the name of Theseus, or so the story goes. No one Tauraan or Human knows what really happened after that Tauraan crash landed. Through further trials and advances, the Tauraan were able to expand their territory and influences into other planets, bashing down all that opposed, and making peace with those who didn’t.
It is safe to say that the phrase “what goes around comes around” applies to the Tauraan perfectly. The first sightings of Ebolorians were on a planet, distant from Toro. The small force that attacked them was eradicated with only slight difficulty, but then, more and more came. It was like a plague, spreading from planet to planet, consuming everything for their own and leaving no prisoners, except for those that were sent to the games.
Once they arrived at Toro, the Tauraan were ready for war. Led by the Great General Kanas, and his son Asterion, the Tauraan held off the swarm for as long as they good. Days turned into weeks; weeks turned to months; months turned to years. For 30 years the Tuaraan successfully fought off the Ebolorian swarm, until one day, they were overrun. The king of Toro surrendered, making a treaty with the victor; the Ebolorians would leave the Tauraan in peace, so long as they gave up the best fighters; Asterion was one of those.
The games weren’t too difficult for Asterion, seeing as how most of the contenders weren’t even true warriors. Those were the ones he was able to cut down the easiest. He knew the consequences of losing, and wasn’t planning on doing so. He was promised riches and freedom if he remained victorious for a period of time, but as the years passed, it was clear to him that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Affiliation (if any): Being a fighter for years, the people watching the games have come to see Asterion as one of the major start of the competition, others see him as sort of a hero figure, one to look up to. The Tauraan root and rally behind him fully, seeing as how he is the only surviving Tuaraan left in the games. He has had many chances to become Cass S, but is too vocal and outspoken to be kept quiet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spookyhat


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Ignrak the shunned
Age: 58
Race: Ebolorian
Appearance (Realistic drawings or pictures only please): HAHAHAHAHA I cannot draw for shit, so just imagine one, I'm sure they all look the same because warrior species cloning trope. A bit roughed up, from being beaten and broken for many years before the death games.

Gender: Male
Height: 7'8"
Abilities: Mad strong, but pretty weak for his race. I dunno... I imagine the Ebolorians to be like the Yautja (The predator species from Predator), so overall super-beings that can be overpowered by protagonists and many, many, MANY guns.
Skills: Pretty much the same as Abilities. He can juggle, too. And beat motherfuckers with other motherfuckers. Imagine it would come in handy.
Rank: C
Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race): Generic vat-born soldier, turned rouge, was captured and sent into his species' death games as an outcast. Hates everything his race stands for and wishes for the overall freedom of the entire galaxy. Doesn't know a speck of English, or common, or intergalactic standard or whatever superawesome megalanguage exists in this universe.
Affiliation (if any): Whichever organization he feels like, although generally whatever goes with his opinions. Generic revolution #34546423564713865934685623496, i suppose, or else he's freelance.
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