<Snipped quote by Artifact>
Indeed it is. Please attend to your friend over there, first. I'll keep this vile monster busy.
Aeron: *a flash of energy attempts to cut off Apex's hand, which works, but it grows back, as the disembodied hand grips tightly like a vice grip*
Apex: Kaboom.
*the hand explodes violently like a payload of multiple warheads, which would normally cause catastrophic damage, but Aeron stands in one piece, unmoved*
Aeron: seriously? your name is Apex and the best you can do is explode your disembodied limbs?
Apex: a villain like you need not know how I dispense justice, just that I will do so swiftly. Should you cooperate, you will feel no pain, and your sentence will be served. If you resist... it would only be painful.
Aeron: sentence? You some kind of judge? What is the punishment?
Apex: death.
*clasps my hands together, as an orange bolt of energy appears, and as I wield it like a sword, but instead of swinging it down towards aeron, I flick it like a whip, and it extends, the end of it acting like a bladed flail*
*Accelerates the bolt through the desert such that it strikes Aeron instantaneously from his perspective*
About time someone took out this trash.