Avatar of ArtifactCreator
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    1. ArtifactCreator 9 yrs ago


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Extra Room

The year is 1932.

You were all seeking something, for one reason or another, you had all come together...

Magus, Executor, Enforcers, Freelancers... Whatever you want to call yourself. You all had answered the call of an individual who had contacted you, calling on your services to accomplish a task in trade of what you sought out. It was neatly placed into a letter that had all that was needed to reassured you that what they were saying was true, having found its way to you where ever you were at the time.

Signed by the name of 'Morgan Hayes'

Not knowing what to expect, you guys finished your tasks that had you preoccupied before getting yourselves ready to head over to Europe where your contact wished to meet you in the heart of the twilight word, London.

This will not be your typical Fate/stay night roleplay, as we will be focusing on the group of character that you guys make will be making for this. With the branches of this story will be woven around around those individuals, their backstories and goals will be necessary for painting the opportunities to be explored as a collaborative project between everyone here. The goal of this is to build a prologue with weight behind its story and give our characters depth for the eventually of the Holy Grail War that our story will collide with, there is no doubt about that.

In this iteration of the Type/Moon universe, it will be a blend of the various canons that will allow for freedom of artistic creativity. With the opening as ambiguous as this, we have a variety of options for our story to start off with.

If you guys are interested, I encourage you to join!

As a side note we'll be using the Dungeon and Dragons 5e system to determine to keep everything in check for combat and story purposes, please be aware of this.

  • I assume you guys already know the rules that you should follow with etiquette with each other so I'll get on with the specifics that I wish to say before anything else.

  • Due to the nature of this roleplay that I envision, the activity of you as the player and the quality of your characters will the prime variables that I'll be judging applications on. Reasonably, I can only handle up to 7 characters maximum but small exceptions can be made.

  • Expectation for activity aren't strenuous but just something to ensure that the project does not die out. With at least one or two posts a week minimum for the group that we will be having.

  • After that, its honestly just have fun and hopefully we can create something epic together. I'll be more than willing to help and work anyone if you give effort into what you are providing.

Fen smiled at the gesture as he took the glass offered to him, and drank it without problem before pouring another one before downing it quickly as his first one as well. Smiling at the half-empty bottle already, the liquor would most likely be done by the end of the night if they continued to drink at this steady rate.

"Heh, agreed and who ever falls asleep first is going to get it" He said mischievously to the other two guys, as he looked around. Was there anything happening latter tonight, he didn't remember but hopefully there was something to occupy the long night that they were going to have. Contemplating on getting another shot as he looked at the glass in his hand still, he set his glass to the side and would get his third shot latter. Walking out through the doors and out into the balcony, he looked down at the deck as he saw people walking around still exploring the ship until they were sooner or latter be ushered to their own rooms. The sight would be amazing once morning comes as the sun would rise with it painting the sky with the colors of yellows, oranges and if they were lucky green as well.

Walking back inside the room, he contemplated on what to do but found nothing too exciting to actually do and instead just sat on the arm of the couch. Watching the other two boys to see if they were going to take even more shots, or whatever else was going to happen really as he had nothing to do.
Ugh Runic Magic is hard to actually throw into an post without being so confusing ~^~ I don't have the creativity to combine them so there ya go folks. Runic Magic at is most basic form, aww at how strange and simple it is!
Viona sighed as she didn't care about the events leading up to her imprisonment in this cell, as the teleportation magic was becoming quite cheesy now. Looking around her cell it was an enclosed space with only the door as its exit, she knew that she was probably too weak to do anything about breaking through it as it was most likely locked and reinforced magically. Looking at the gemstone in her hand that she was once previously before playing with in hands, she pondered if she should use it but decided against it.

Deciding what her solution would be, she raised her pointer finger and channeled a very fine and controlled stream of prana as her finger glowed before she went to the door. Using as if her finger was a knife, she carved 'ᚦ' onto the door and looked at her tiny piece of work. What she carved into the door was Thurisaz: The Rune of reactive force, directed force of destruction, conflict, instinctual will, change, purging, cleansing fire and giants. It was a simple rune and its use in this situation too was simple, as with a slight wave of her hand and the addition of a tiny bit of prana as a reactant, the strange marking glowed. The rune at the presence of prana being ran through it activated before the door would splinter and ultimately break if the hardiness of the door was low enough.

If that didn't work then she would have sighed and she sat against the wall, looking straight at the door as she pondered a way to get out. Her varied magical abilities were useful but at often times her versatility over potency sometimes just left her stuck in the same situation without any other better way to get out. As her knowledge with runic magic was simple to single letters, as the knowledge into constructing strings of runes was simply too complex for her skill level.
Shhhh... clearly the logical choice :3

Fen glanced his belongings once more as he made sure that he had everything needed for the cruise, pondering if he had missed anything before concluding that there was nothing forgotten. Setting down his bags next to him as he anxiously entered the Taxi pulling out and glancing at his phone looking at the time, he wasn't late as he had an hour and a half to burn before the actual time of the ship leaving. Wondering if he wanted to wait an hour on a ship with nothing to do, he decided to stop at a Starbucks as he ordered something sweet before the taxi continued its trip to the boat.

Arriving at the Docks, Fen paid the driver as he took his large cup of sugar and gave a quick sip before popping the door open and took his two orange duffle bags along with him obviously. Carrying the bags with ease, he motion the driver that he was given the get-go to leave as Fen came boarding area at the docks. Making sure his phone was still in his pocket, he hulled the bright bags up onto the ship after being checked and navigated around til he found his room. Setting down his bags, he pulled out his keys for the door labeled 8414 and inserted the key into the lock before he turned it and opened the door. With a swoop his picked up his two orange bags again in a single motion and took his keys from the front door as he shut the door behind him with a gentle tap of his shoe.

"Looks pretty nice, this was pretty worth it" Fen said as he actually had quite an easy time paying for his portion of the trip, as he never spent a large amount of his paycheck. Only using his money to pay for his car insurance on his Toyota Prius and to make sure he had nice clothes to wear, besides that he saved up his money and sure he went out a lot sure, but he usually limited his spending so that he wouldn't foolishly burn it all at once. Hopefully it was as easy for his other mates to pay for the trip as he was able to but doubted that as they were probably more uninhibited on their spending than Fen was. "Guess I have the small room? Feel free to come join me in my domain" Fenris said with a small smirk at Hunter's form on the couch along with his luggage and quickly disappeared into the smaller bedroom.

Closing the doors behind him, he settled down and placed down his bags on the one side of the wall as he contemplated the small room, honestly preferring the couch but he didn't mind. Pulling out his phone he quickly texted a message, with his pointer finger sliding the message together before he sent it to his mother about him arriving on the ship. She always was a bit paranoid with Fenris not responding or sending a message when he got to a place safely but it was a good habit he guessed. Taking another sip of his drink, it was a quarter full as the sweet caramel taste laid on his chilled tongue with Fenris slightly wondering how this trip was going to be...

Fenris is literally useless in this situation without me getting creative ~^~ I guess I better start warming up my brain juices. Now to plan, hmm....
Fenris Murray

Fen sighed as he looked at the clock on the wall as he realized the time, popping the rest of the croissant in his and briskly pushing down the lump down his throat with the rest of his coffee. He standing up once he was done, Fen brushed his clothes which effectively removed any crumbs and left once Jack too was ready. Heading outside the coffee shop the bell clearly already rang as students were walking around the campus now although few in numbers, suspecting that they only had a few minutes at most to make it the ARC room.

"Hey, I'll race you!" Fen said with a smirk before he got a head start, bursting into a sprint towards the massive building center for the ARC. While Fen may have had a head start, Jack's body was simply just more athletically capable of passing someone like Fen a relatively normal person. But despite this, the two would make it to the center hopefully in time with a bit of spare time, but at the sight of Freddie too rushing dampened their hopes. Proven too that they were indeed late, they saw Coach Stewart was already in the middle of addressing the gathered students. They too have thrown on their own ARC suits as they watched Freddy enter the room first, before Fen next and then leaving Jack for last. Trying to look inconspicuous as he entered the room, he glanced at who else was in the class looking around for something to talk to and blend in.

Fen looked at Rick and Tanya before he decided against walking to them and sighed as he leaned up against the wall and just waited for the session to start. He kept an open ear out to any conversation that he heard, and grinned at the two speedsters' conversation on their plans to screw around with the two gorillas. They were asking for it, as insulting S'tann was just plain stupid and then with Kirean they were just asking for more spite to be added on top. But besides the meatheads, and the obvious lack of S'tann Fen looked before deciding to give up and he pulled out his phone and played with it in the meantime with the classic theme of tetris playing silently as it was drowned out by the conversation of the other students.
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