ArtMonkey is a creative Storyteller
I love the Roleplaying world as it has allowed me to explore my crazy imagination in art and writing. For me fellow role-players are co-storytellers. We use our minds to help form worlds and characters. I am a fan of the fantastical. Strange and otherworldly destinations grab my attention.
So, what sort of world are you looking to help create? I am interested in a group and 1on1 play. Fandoms are fine and I find it to be a fun challenge to think within a preexisting universe. Star Trek, Star Wars and Firefly are some worlds I wouldn't mind dipping my toes in.
Surrealism or dreamscape type adventures are fun to explore. I am more interested in exploration and interaction over conflict/fighting. Depending on the tension of the situation a fight might break out. Pretty much whatever serves the story is OK with me.