Nickname: Lizzy
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Stand: [Iron Maiden]
Description: A large (7') metallic sarcophagus, wrapped in heavy chains and glowing from within with a crimson light. The front of the sarcophagus is covered in jagged, arcane glyphs, and the trailing ends of the chains end in armored gauntlets that it uses to attack.
Abilities: [Lockdown] - Lisbet touches an inanimate object and creates a lock on its surface, anchoring that object in place completely, defying physics. To Stand users, the object appears to be wrapped in chains similar to Iron Maiden's.
Weakness: Objects must be touched to be locked or unlocked, and a lock cannot be applied to living things.

WIP character, getting this up so @Gurren1 can check out the Stand for approval.