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4 mos ago
Steve Mincraft. The dude breaks trees with his fists.


I'm Liv Savell, and here are some things I've written:

Vassal (Call of Calamity Book I)
Goddess (Call of Calamity Book II)
Shepherd of Souls (Shepherd of Souls Book I)
Death Seeker (Shepherd of Souls Book II)
The Thistle Queen’s Thorns (Kindle Vella)
The Last Contender (Song of the Lost Book I)
Emissary to the Frost Wolf (Song of the Lost Book II) Available July 23rd 2024
Title Announcement Pending (Song of the Lost Book III) Available 2025

❖ Co-Author: @Sterling
❖ Website: lsfables.com

Most Recent Posts

I saw "cursed librarian," and my brain ran with it... Kind of :)

I wouldn't miss this!
That sounds good :)
I'm really sorry, but I think I might have bitten off more than I could chew. Life’s really picked up the last week or so.
Yes! We just need a few more takers
Sounds good to me! I really like the story concept
I'd like to declare my interest!

For the purpose of the story, have the companions already been elected as the new guardians? Or will they be at the beginning?
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