Avatar of Athol


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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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@Sep Yay? Well I hope you feel better soon.
@Sep Well that is rather terrible. Hope you feel better soon.
@Sep So long as it's not some OP 'wunderwaffe', would you allow non-canon blasters? (IE as I'm roughing out my character, I can't find anything I like the look of)

He was glad to hear neither Silas nor Cyne were hot on going after more Hive; some humans had the annoying habit of getting involved in fights that weren’t theirs. Turning his full attention to his hand, he attempted to see if he could do anything with the dung he’d been dealt.


By the time he called it quits he was pours good credits after bad. At one point he’d been up quite high, having won nearly half of Silas’ money and a good part of Cyne’s, before a couple of bad hands, a called bluff and a healthy dose of sheer bloody minded-ness cost him all of that plus his own buy-in. With and annoyed grunt he stepped away from the card game and headed for the ship’s engineering spaces. As he walked he began to sing an old Militia war chant to pass the time.
@TheUnknowable A Battle Droid with the personality of a R2 unit...
I hope we're not waiting on me...:( I've got a case of writer's block that just won't go away.
@Sep (Just doing a bit of character building in my head) Is Maldra close to Hutt Space?
I'm game.
@Arthanus That sounds like a perfect way to drive Gerad crazy! I love it.
@IceHeart Yay, and it took more effort than I care to think about to keep my bio as short as I did :p
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