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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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Quietly listening to the brief on the other three Horsemen, an idea struck him. ”Tha’ Deval one…locals say they c’n get in all sneaky?” He let out a short chuffing laugh. ”Den tha’ one we c’n get flat landed.”

Once he was sure he had Silas‘ attention, he went on. ”Easier den a suckler get ‘is mamma’s milk. Locals get me in ta th’ underside o’ his place, I set up a demo charge…like dat las’ job we got skagged on, an’ den we skip. Once we sure ‘es ‘ome, hit da button, and Deval is no problem. All th’ defence in th’ ‘verse can’t stop that type o’ bang. We hit Madlock an’ Deval; one, two sharpish th’ other’ll get skittish an’ dumb.”

He looked about the room, still smiling slightly. ”Dat, or we jus’ hit up th’ local Belt once we in-system an’ drop some rocks on ‘em. Sometimes easy be th’ best way.”

@Majoras End Okay, a question I've been having issue with. How would a Contract with a demon work? Presumably, said demon would already possess powers of their own.

P.S. The formatting in the C.S. hider needs a touch up.

One more thing! The Powers that Be and the ones that Were. Is it a conflict between two long standing rivals or did one party rebel against the actions of the other and split off?
@golani Heh, I remember that sheet.
@Majoras End Yay! Plus I can tweak an existing sheet I've got, but never got to use
@Majoras End Would a non-human be allowed? (was thinking a 'risen' demon)

Not finding anything else of particular interest in the market, Gerad headed back to the ship and promptly disappeared into the ship’s machine shop to begin installing his new toy.

Absorbed as he was in his work, he barely paid any attention to what was going on around him, save when a harried looking Maklata tried to enter the machine shop. It hadn’t noticed him as it rushed in, and unfortunately, it jostled Gerad just as he was doing some fine tuning. He sent the little rat-like sapient running with a string on invectives that by all rights should have melted the decking.
Now he ‘sat’ in the briefing room as Silas and their newest hire, Ducaelia, covered the mission brief. Hmmm, ‘nother Vandrell; He thought, not for the first time. Meyb’ THIS one’ll let me take a peek at th’ tech…meyb’ ask after.

He’d only been partially listening to the brief, but when some of the words finally clicked, he let out a low whistle. ” ‘Pocalypse you say? Seen a bit on ‘em just ‘fore I mustered outta th’ Milita.” He smiled a bit before rumbling with a small chuckle. ”Never got stompy wit’ ‘em m’self but I know they was pok’n ‘bout some o’ da solo systems to the Great Tribes ‘south’…last I heard Mr. Death there got his fingers burned ‘bout a year after I got out.”
@ShiningSector Well I'm still game. We can just have Gaz wander off to find a more 'confrontational' ship to crew with...

Despite her casual remark, Ceva was actually kind of worried. The Imps usually stuck to their outpost on the other side of the city; other than the occasional ‘bike patrol around the outskirts, they mostly kept to themselves, but with the landing in Haven she figured things would be changing.

Dropping back into her seat, she finished her drink and got back onto the ‘net. Carefully, she made her way into the ‘deeper’ recesses of the local ‘net; buried in there she’d found a message board dedicated to ‘Resisting the foul scourge of the Empire’. They were all talk, but they did do a fair job of keeping track of Imp movements, so they were at least useful. Now there were posts, with images that showed several shuttles, both light and heavy lift, landing at the Imp base.

Disconnecting, Ceva pocketed her key and quietly exited the cantina out of a back door. She was fairly sure the Imps were aware of the message board she’d been watching, and as such she’d made her own plans to keep herself safe; that said, she figured it would be best to relocate.
Back at her own apartment, she gathered up all her identification; a splendidly false collection that identified her as one ‘Riv Hayoa’, droid tech, down on her luck ex-spacer and all around general nobody. Clothes, credits and a few other essentials went into a bag, while the ID went into a ‘flash tube’, a locking plasteel tube with a thermal charge inside that would destroy the contents.

With her bed/sit apartment cleared, she tossed the place to make it look like it’d been robbed, before leaving the building. Moving at a brisk pace, she dropped her door card into the tube, locked it, and set it to flash on a ten minute timer. Making a fairly direct route, via side streets and alleys, to Woln’s shuttle port, she tossed the tossed the tube into a passing dumpster.

Arriving at the port she bought a ticket for the next outbound flight to Haven using another totally genuine, but utterly fictitious ID of one ‘Pasca Iik’; a newer member of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild with a valid B23-1-14 permit to boot. Shea was worried that the bucketheads might halt flights out as they began to move on Woln, but as the shuttle lifted off that didn’t seem to be the case. As it banked away from the city, Ceva settled into her seat for a nap.

Gerad had spent the rest of his time either working on his gear, or just tinkering in the Legion’s End machine shop. One of his ongoing projects was an ignition catalyzer for the main engine; he was certain he could boost the efficiency over the old ones the ship was using, but Sven had barred him from doing anything to the ship without his approval, going to far as to set up monitor programs to make sure of that, while at the same time ignoring Gerad anytime he tried to push the issue…and all because one time, not long after joining, he blew a main power relay and left them all adrift for a few hours…the panel should have been marked more clearly.
After touch down, Silas gave them the rundown and timeline for their pit-stop on Noctus IV. ”Ta Boss,” Gerad replied as Silas transferred the promised credits to everyone. ”Be back in riky-tik time.” Once again in his armour he set off into the city, using a map download as a guide. While he generally had little use for ‘Free Ports’ like this, he did appreciate the lack of Customs while on a time crunch; most non-Garundin ‘civilized’ planets were a bit hesitant about letting someone as armed and armoured walk about.

As it was, he merely stumped away from the dock to an auto-cab and got in, setting the map for one of the larger arms bazaars. A few minutes later the dilapidated, but serviceable, speeder set down near the bazaar. Vendors were selling everything from easily concealable hold-out guns to shipboard main batteries…though from what Gerad was seeing on his armour’s sensors, some of those weapons were just barely stable piles of scrap.

Winding his way past vendors of all sorts, he made his way to his destination, an old cargo shuttle near the back, which had long ago been parted out of all its flight worthy components. Over the main cargo door was a sign, that in several common languages, simply said ‘Weapons’. Stepping through the hatch way, the crowded space inside had a few display pieces, but very little floor space as the counter was right close to the hatch.

The proprietor was another garundin, though wearing a slightly older model of Militia armour. “Oi Militia, what ya need?” They called out as they saw Gerad. ”Oi Shoppie.” He said in greeting. Crossing the tiny space, they reached out to one another and each grasped the other’s Main hands before touching their helmets together. ”Gerad, ‘lancer now, no been Militia since th’ Trylin Failure.” There was an old hurt there, but it was a familiar pain that Gerad knew how to bear. “Tevan,” The shop owner replied, a whisper of pheromones through his armour filters said ‘female’. “Ancestors keep you.”

”Preciate, Tevan.” He replied, greeting and sympathies exchanged, Gerad got to business. ” ‘eard ye were th’ bes’ shoppie on dis rock fer true kit.” Tevan smiled, her teeth bared in amusement. “Truth dat is, wat ye be lookin’ fer, ‘lancer-boy.”

”Ionize fer my PRP ‘sall I really need. 100 rems should be tik.” He replied. “Youngblood easy dat is,” Tevan said, tapping a few keys on a stand-alone console. “Tell ye wat, 2500 for th’ ionize, an’ I’ll toss this in.” Ducking below the counter for a moment, she came back up with a complete lensing array from a Militia VLA. “My 602 is all spic, an’ I wouldn’ trus’ this lotta cloud-lookers with tech this shiny… ‘side you been th’ firs’ o’ th’ People in me shop in cycles.”

Gerad stared at the array. At first he’d been all set to haggle Tevan down a bit, 2500 was a bit steep for 100 rems of ionizing medium, but the array…unless he was way off, it was much newer than what he had. That said, he was a tad jealous that Tevan had a 602 series VLA; in the Militia the 602s had a near-legendary reputation for power and reliability, and any good Militia Trooper was more than willing to trade some the newer models versatility for a 602. Needless to say those that did get one hung onto it for dear life.

Dat, Shoppie Tevan, is a might fine offer,” He said after a moment. ”An’ I’d be Ancestor’s Damned if I said nay.” Tevan rumbled in laughter and set to working up the order. After a farewell, Gerad stepped out of the old shuttle with a canister of ionize and a shiny new lensing array that he was really looking forward to playing with. Back out in the bazaar, he made his way around, just in case there was something else interesting there.
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