| {Full Name} |Ezali Halkirn / Clan Halkirn / House Vizla
| {Age} |35
| {Species} |Miralan by birth, Mandalorian by choice
| {Gender} |Female
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |Yes/Neutral
| {Appearance} |A bit shorter than average and slender, but well muscled from wearing beskar’gam. She keeps her hair short of ease of wearing under her armour, and keeps it back with an ever present golden hair band that was a present from an ex-girlfriend (whom she is still on good terms with). The first of her face tattoos, the six triangles along her cheek bones, came from her Miralan mother Setuo upon the discovery that Ezali was at least a little Force Sensitive; the rest came to mark important moments in her life, and as a way to honour her Miralan heritage.
Across her limbs and torso she bears more than a few scars from those times when her ego out paced her skill; while a good dose of bacta could have healed any of the injuries without leaving a mark, she deliberately had the scars left as a reminder to herself…not that its always worked.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |- Mandalorian Armour
- With the exception of the cuirass, the armour is all durasteel
- The armour was gift from her step-mother Rith, upon her successful verd'goten.
- Cuirass made of beskar, a Clan Halkrin relic dating back centuries, it was once part of Haede Halkrin’s armour (Rith’s younger sister)
- Helmet has a macrobinocular viewplate with tactical displays, comlink with the antenna tipped by a rangefinder for enhance imagery
- Left vambrace contains a shield emitter, sonic stunner and grapple line thrower
- Right vambrace contains a wrist laser, repulsor and wrist missile launcher
{Mini concussion missile loaded - Spare ammo carried on right hip} - Boots have magnetized soles
- Predominantly gray with red highlights. Gold detailing can be found on the vambraces and around the helmet’s viewplate. There is also Miralan style black diamond patterning across the ‘cheeks’ of her armour. Right shoulder has the logo of the free company Keldau’s Reach (Mythosaur skull over two crossed beskad) in blue. - Armourweave body suit
- Black - Armourweave kama worn around waist
- Gray with red accents
- Customized Merr-Sonn Munitions JT-12
- Increased fuel tanks and newer, more efficient, thrusters for improved endurance
- Improved armour. A resin impregnated layer of armourweave bonded to the JT-12 and then covered with a thin sheet of durasteel. While it has added some weight, it had significantly improved durability.
- MM3 Seeker Flechette anti-personnel launcher. Targeted via the viewplate, the launcher can engage up to ten targets.
{Cluster Munition - Single shot}
- Same colour structure as armour
- WESTAR 55 Heavy Blaster Pistol
{Right Thigh} - WESTAR Blaster Carbine
{Mag-locked to JT-12} - 2 V-6 ‘Haywire’ grenades
{Left Thigh} - 2 V-1 Thermal Detonators
{Left Thigh} - 2 Mini Concussion Missiles
{Right Hip} - 2 Mini EMP Missiles
{Right Hip} - Vibroblade
{Left Hip - Styled after a traditional beskad} - A pendant originally given to her mother Madelle by Setuo on their wedding day, Madelle gave it to Ezali after Setuo’s death.
{Worn under body suit}
| {Physical Abilities} |After becoming Mandalorian, Ezali was trained extensively in marksmanship, piloting and close combat, both armed and unarmed. Clan Halkim even managed to convince a few Jedi to come and offer instruction to Ezali and her peers while they were training. A bonus for her was that, when one of the Jedi realized she had a bit of Force talent he taught her how to get the most out of what ability she did have. Now after more than a decade as a freelancer in one of several Mandalorian Banners that ply their trade in the Empire, she is a supremely capable fighter.
| {Force Abilities} |While her connection to the Force is not strong enough for her to directly influence or affect the world around her, she can focus the connection to allow her a kind of hyper-awareness. This can be used as a kind of lie detector during questionings or to significantly increase her spatial awareness and reaction times, letting her fight with an almost Jedi like swiftness.
| {Limitations} |Even now she finds herself being too reliant on her connection to the Force, which unlike those with stronger Force connection, can ‘cut out’ if she over exerts herself. Add to that a bit of Mando ego, and she can and has found herself in a tough spot more than once.
| {Personality} |The reputation of a Mandalorian is that of a taciturn and stoic warrior…and something that Ezali enjoys disregarding as much as possible to the frustration of more than a few older Mandos. Usually cheerful, and with a small smile, she tries to not take things too seriously without reason.
Despite what some see as rather flippant behaviour, she is still a Mandalorian and a consummate professional when needed, willing to do whatever is needed to protect her Clan, her House and her Republic.
Beneath the smiles and the duty however is still a young girl mourning the murder of one of her mothers; and while she’s come to live with the sadness, grief and anger, they’re not going away anytime soon.
| {Place of Origin} |Coruscant - She tries not to think too much about it. Her last memories of there are watching from the window of an evacuation shuttle as districts burned under orbital bombardments while she worried where her mother Setuo was. Any memories from before that just remind her what she lost.
| {Background} |Ezali never knew her birth parents as she was given up for adoption at birth, but she did know she was born on Coruscant. Adopted almost right away by her then newly married moms, Madelle and Setuo, her early life was pretty normal even though the Galactic Republic was in the middle of a war. The only real shake up in those early days was when she was found to be Force Sensitive. Her parents where afraid to loose their daughter to the Jedi, but when the Jedi’s own testing showed Ezali’s connection was at best very weak, they opted to leave her be.
After that, things went back to normal until she was about seven, when her parents divorced. There had been some tension that she’d been oblivious to as a child, but most of the split stemmed from the realization between both Madella and Setuo, that they were better as just friends, then as a couple. There was the expected sadness and such when they split, but they both made sure Ezali knew they both loved her dearly, and once the hurt had passed, things went back much to what they’d been, though with a bit more movement for Ezali as she split her time between her mom’s places.
Three years later, that peace was shattered when General Grievous launched his surprise assault on her homeworld. Woken in the middle of the night by Madelle, they fled to an evacuation shuttle with only the clothes on their backs. As the shuttle fled, she can still remember vividly the sight of whole districts on fire from enemy bombardments, and the chaos that surrounded the Jedi Temple…where Setuo worked. Setuo was one of a multitude of clerical staff the Jedi employed to keep the day-to-day affairs of the Temple in order, and while that night was one that Ezali usually spent at Setuo’s place, Setuo had been working very late the past while as everyone scrambled to deal with the, what turned out to be diversionary, surprise attacks.
Life moved forward however and while they both grieved, they were evacuated along with many others to Mandalorian space. Taken in, Madelle found comfort with a woman named Rith Halkrin, eldest daughter of Clan Halkrin. Though massively different from her life before, Ezali took to Mandalorian life with more ease than her mother at times. Though from significantly different backgrounds, Madelle and Rith fell hard for each other and were married in short order, which lead to Ezali being adopted formally by Clan Halkrin before her thirteenth birthday. She had already been training with the younger members of the Clan but had always felt, and in small ways was, treated like an outsider. Once, however, she and her mother were officially members of the Clan, she was greeted as a ‘lost’ sister and has never looked back.
Upon completing her verd'goten at thirteen she was now an adult in the eyes of her adopted people; and despite the ‘late’ start she got un her training, Rith was pleased at how well Ezali did during her trial. Though Madelle was less than enthusiastic at the idea, at sixteen Ezali set out with a few of her cousins to Imperial space to join on with the Mando ‘free company’ Keldau’s Reach who had set up shop there to take jobs harassing all things CIS.
| {Other} |Speaks Basic, Mando’a, Bocce and some Durese and can understand Huttese, Shyriiwook and Droidspeak