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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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Banging my head against the idea of a pre-War ghoul

Darmon sat against the wall of the holding cell, feeling his bones ache and hoping no-one got too close to the fellow beside him with an open flame; if the pain every time he moved wasn’t already making his eyes water, the ‘humm’ of alcohol coming of the other man certainly would have. With nothing better to do, he pulled the edge of his head scarf down over his eyes and attempted to nap.

Much Earlier

The sounds and movements of his lady companion before him told him he’d done his job right this evening. Her legs wrapped around his waist hard enough to start to hurt as she arched her back howled in pleasure; being spent, but trapped, all he could do was admire her radiance and appreciation of his hard work as a few ‘aftershocks’ of pleasure rippled through her. As she regained her senses and her grip waned, he leant forward and kissed her before rolling to her side.

“By the NINE!” Miss Rexia, a rather striking woman his own age who he’d just spent a rather fun and exhausting evening with while most of the city was at the Arena, gasped as she stared up at her ceiling. “You said you would provide a wonderful night's entertainment but…wow!

He replied with a rumbling chuckle that was surprising for a man his size. ”I would be a poor gentleman if I were to prove myself false, or deliver anything less than my best.” As they both laughed, Rexia got up to get herself a drink from a jug of water sitting on the dresser in her room; this left Darmon with a rather enjoying view as she walked across the room. “I’m going to need a moment…but I do hope you have more planned Mr. Saishir…” She said with a sly grin as she turned to face him.

Propping himself up on his elbows, he laughed again and gave her a grin in reply. ”As it happens, I brought something for just such an occasion;” Shifting, he pointed to a pile of his clothes near Rexia’s feet. ”There’s a wine skin in there, a personal brew of mine, I think that should help. Finishing her drink, Rexia found the skin and after pulling the cork and having a sniff, she took a drink. “Oh wow…” She muttered. From his position, he could see her shift slightly as the weariness from their endeavors left her. “So Darmon,” She said, heading back towards the bed, skin in hand. “Round Two?”

A While Later

After Round Three, or possibly Four, Darmon was standing by the dresser pouring himself a cup of water to recover; he found stamina potions seemed to offer diminishing returns after a while, and he was nearly ready to tap out. While Rexia had stepped out to tend to the call of nature, he wandered over to a window. Idly he gazed at the street scene below him for a few moments before something struck him…there were too many people. The Arena had been hyping the bout between the Grey Prince and the Companion for weeks, pretty much every man, woman and child was going to be there; and a non-lethal match between two fighters of that level of skill should have lasted for quite a while. Lifting the latch, he pushed the window opened as a small group passed below the townhouse. “-s ish BULLSHISH!” One of them slurred loudly. “I paid…paid good Gods-damned coin fer ‘ma tic-tick…ticket an’ the’ canceled ‘cuz a one rock…”

FUCK!!! Hastily closing the window, he downed the water before rushing over to where he’d abandoned his clothes some time ago; as he was rapidly dressing Rexia returned, still naked as the day she was born and riding the contentment of the last few hours…though that quickly was lost upon seeing Darmon madly throwing his clothes on.

“What’s wrong!?”

”Don’t know exactly, but that Arena match ended early…”

It took a few moments for Darmon’s words to register before all the colour drained from her face. “Oh Gods…if they catch you-”

”Trust be, I’m aware!”

Finishing dressing, he snagged the nearly depleted wine skin and downed what was left before returning to Rexia and giving her a deep, parting kiss. ”I truely hate to run after such a wonderful time but… He shrugged and gave her a beaming smile. Despite everything, Rexia couldn’t help but laugh and reply with a quick peck of the cheek. “Yes, go, go, get before my fiancee…or father find you!” With a theatrical bow he swept past her and down the stairs to the front door at a jog. Without breaking stride, he threw the latch and stepped onto the stoop of the townhouse…only to see two men on the sidewalk looking at him in shock. The closest was an Imperial of roughly his own age, though with the soft build of a clerical worker, while the second, older, fellow looked remarkably like the lovely lady he’d just left upstairs.

HEY!!” They shouted as Darmon reacted. Throwing the wine skin in the face of the younger and closer man, he vaulted off the stoop and onto the sidewalk before taking off at a dead run. There were more angry shouts, and the sounds of pursuit behind him, but he wasn’t about to turn and look. He wasn’t really thinking, he was merely trying to evade the significant beating that was coming along behind him, and as a result he found himself heading towards the Arena and the unhappy (and often intoxicated) crowds that’d been told to go home.

The closer he got, the thicker the crowds got and the more frequent the angry shouts from others as he dodged and weaved through them; and to cap it all, he could feel that last swig of stamina potion starting ebb. When that happened he was going to crash like he’d been dropped from the top of the White-Gold Tower. Ahead he saw the sign for ‘Daggerfall Dan’s’. Should be packed, Watch too, won’t beat me in there…hopefully.

Cutting through the crowds at the door to a chorus of more angry yells, a smile started to light his face as he saw a table full of (probably) off-duty guardsmen…just as a young Bretton looking fellow crashed into it, having been propelled by what was either a large Orc…or a small and green tinged Giant; however, before he could puzzle any of that out, a large weight slammed him in the back and his memories got a lot more fragmentary.


The nap wouldn’t come, so he sat there and listened to the others, while he decided as to whether his ribs were broken, or merely bruised.

@Raineh Daze Hey, don't let me stop you; if you've got an idea, run with it. It was just a question that occurred to me.
@VitaVitaAR Can/are AD limbs able to be used as prosthetics? (the functionality of such being dependant on the quality of the limbs construction.)
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