
| {Full Name} |
Elam El-Rud
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
Human hybrid
| {Gender} |
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |
Yes - “Don’t let anything hold you back...but don’t be a dick about it.”
| {Appearance} |
Most people assume Elam is at least part Zeltros thanks to his ochre skin, though all he can really do is shrug, as his parents died when he was very young. Physically, he’s fit but otherwise average in terms of height or build. A practical sort, he keeps his black hair quite short, which also tends to make the scars on his head stand out; and for scars, he has plenty. Some are old wounds, others are from rather extensive cybernetic augmentations and both kinds go from head to toe. Often he’s been told that a few good bacta treatments could get rid of them, but he likes his scars; to him they tell the story of his life, even if he's the only one that can read it.
The most noticeable augmentation is his eyes, which are a featureless matte silver. These interface with several of his other implants to allow for things such as a HUD display or full spectrum viewing even without his helmet, as well as an impressive built in macro and micro zoom capacity. The rest of his cybernetics are all premium tier and as such, despite the amount of hardware he sports he still looks organic, simply ‘upgraded’.
Clothing-wise, he generally wears a custom armorweave body glove under a set of simple overalls and a cloak. While the overalls and cloak are made from lighter weight armorweave, his body glove contains a cortosis/Maddog steel weave construction; making it extremely resistant to energy weapons…to a point. While the cortosis can dissipate the energy and the Madog steel helps with kinetic blows, none of it is really intended to simply take the full impact the way say Mandalorian armour is; its real intention is to provide greater protection from glancing hits and shrapnel.
His helmet contains a significant sensor system for its size and seals with his body glove to allow for up to an hour in hard vacuum; made from Madog steel, he commissioned it as custom piece from Mandalorian armourer he’s struck up a friendship with over the few years he’s been basing out of Keldabe. While much tougher than a Durasteel helmet of the same weight, it still falls short of the legendary durability of bekar.
Although he does his best to not draw attention to it, his manner of speech and/or the way he carries himself will sometimes betray the fact that he comes from what many consider a planets ‘high society’; his preference however is to interact with folks from less ‘lofty’ backgrounds, in his own words ‘they generally know how to have fun’...that and a burning desire to avoid the sycophancy of ‘court politics’.
The most noticeable augmentation is his eyes, which are a featureless matte silver. These interface with several of his other implants to allow for things such as a HUD display or full spectrum viewing even without his helmet, as well as an impressive built in macro and micro zoom capacity. The rest of his cybernetics are all premium tier and as such, despite the amount of hardware he sports he still looks organic, simply ‘upgraded’.
Clothing-wise, he generally wears a custom armorweave body glove under a set of simple overalls and a cloak. While the overalls and cloak are made from lighter weight armorweave, his body glove contains a cortosis/Maddog steel weave construction; making it extremely resistant to energy weapons…to a point. While the cortosis can dissipate the energy and the Madog steel helps with kinetic blows, none of it is really intended to simply take the full impact the way say Mandalorian armour is; its real intention is to provide greater protection from glancing hits and shrapnel.
His helmet contains a significant sensor system for its size and seals with his body glove to allow for up to an hour in hard vacuum; made from Madog steel, he commissioned it as custom piece from Mandalorian armourer he’s struck up a friendship with over the few years he’s been basing out of Keldabe. While much tougher than a Durasteel helmet of the same weight, it still falls short of the legendary durability of bekar.
Although he does his best to not draw attention to it, his manner of speech and/or the way he carries himself will sometimes betray the fact that he comes from what many consider a planets ‘high society’; his preference however is to interact with folks from less ‘lofty’ backgrounds, in his own words ‘they generally know how to have fun’...that and a burning desire to avoid the sycophancy of ‘court politics’.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
- Corporate Sector Authority Shipyards WU-50 Devastator-class Assault/Patrol vessel (Customized)
- Madog steel reinforced cortosis-weave armoured body glove.
- Madog steel helmet.
- Westar-20 blaster carbine
- Seresnik C-51 blaster pistol
- Morellian MWC-35c heavy repeater
- Lightsaber (Synth Crystal)
- Madog steel fighting knives x 2
- Advanced Alacrity Implant
- Advanced Bio-stabilizer Implant
- Advanced Combat Implant
- Armoured subdermal hide
- Biocomputer
- Biofeedback Regulator
- Cybernetic Avionics Interface
- Electrostatic Neuro-wiring
- Mental Boost Implant
- Physical Boost Implant
- Optical Implants
- Skeletal Reinforcement Package
| {Physical Abilities} |
- Starship pilot (Advanced)
- Starship/droid mechanic (Average)
- Slicer (Average)
- Non-Force reliant hand-to-hand combat training (Expert)
- Blaster marksman/combat training (High Average)
| {Force Abilities} |
- Art of Movement
- Combat Sense
- Reduce Injury
- Instinctive Astrogation
- Comprehend Speech
- Force Blinding
- Force Convection
- Force Combustion
- Force Deflection
- Force Weapon
- Force Telekinesis
- Force Barrier
- Force Suppression
| {Limitations} |
Thanks to his extensive cybernetics he can’t float in water without external aids and is rather vulnerable to electro-magnetic disruptions especially if he is out of his armour. Growing up his adoptive father taught him that if has significant power or a high station it was their duty to use such advantages for more than just personal gain; as a result he has an exceptionally low tolerance to indolence and arrogance in those who hold such positions in the wider galaxy. This, along with a shorter temper, makes him a very poor diplomat.
| {Personality} |
Despite the assumptions plenty of folks have made about him, because of his admitted ‘noble’ birth, Elam does his best to remain a grounded individual. Travelling the galaxy, either for work or his own interest, has led him to many places and peoples and while not every experience has been good it’s shown him the whole spectrum of sentient life, good and bad.
| {Place of Origin} |
Outer Rim (Prefers to keep his actual home-world to himself)
| {Background} |
His earliest life started out with tragedy as his mother died in childbirth despite the best medical care his home-world could provide; and before his fourth birthday he lost his father. His father had been Marshal and close friend to one of the major nobles of his home-world. He sacrificed himself to buy time for the team he was leading to escape after their mission went wrong, a mission that was crucial to the very survival of their world; his sacrifice brought victory. His father’s lord and master, a man who’d already been like an uncle to the small boy, adopted Elam into his family without hesitation and took him as his son; though he would make sure that Elam would always remember both of his real parents.
Despite these early tragedies, his later life was much brighter. He grew up happy and well cared for, when his new father had children of his own a young Elam found himself as the much loved older brother. When he began to show signs of Force Sensitivity he was introduced to Kelsash Matrout, a woman he would come to see as an older sister or favoured aunt, as she taught him the ways and dangers of the Force as well as the intricacies of lightsaber combat and other more esoteric fighting styles. Largely however, he tries to avoid talking about his early childhood, as while there are good memories there, he specifically left to avoid growing up in some looming shadows of ‘expectation’.
Leaving his home system at 21, he’s spent the past fourteen years travelling across the galaxy, doing everything from being a courier to a mercenary/bounty hunter to a farm hand on a newly settled colony; there’s always so much to see and do that he’s rarely in one place for too long, though lately he’s found himself spending more time around Mandalor as he’s made a few friends among the Mandalorians…and even though they’re a tad wary of him, the Jedi of the Enclave seem much more rational and level-headed compared to some of the other splinter groups.
Over the years, while he’s managed to be well paid for his work, he’s sunk most of his credits into extensive cybernetic augmentations, largely with the intentions of both making him more resilient and to at least some degree replicate what he can do with the Force; an early incident saw his connection to the Force temporarily blocked, his survival coming down to a bit of skill and a lot of luck…not something he wants to rely on if such a thing happens again.
The past few years have been relatively normal…or as ‘normal’ as it can be considering the state of the Galaxy; his most recent adventure of note being a less than fun trip to Raxus Prime at the behest of a rather wealthy client. While not somewhere he’d ever care to go again, his job there ended up being more profitable than he’d expected. On top of successfully completing the job he’d been sent there to do (and the sizable payout that entailed), while clambering through a millennia of wreckage he found something amazing.
Buried in what was once an XS light freighter, he found several metal bars in a crate along with a holocron that turned out to have been made by the Je’daii Master Tem Madog. After several attempts to unlock it, it turned out it was a detailed overview on how to make ‘Madog Steel’, an ancient alloy that stood as a near rival to the legendary toughness of Mandalorian beskar, though sadly the Je’daii Master did leave out the exact ratios that made up the alloy. As fate would have it he would have plenty of time to study the holocron as the noxious nature of Raxus Prime damaged a number of systems in the rundown YT-2000 he owned, forcing short hyperjumps with long cool-downs between each one, and several EVAs while at sub-light to ‘fix’ engine issues; while landing may have allowed him to make better repairs, given the state to his ship he had his doubts as to whether or not it would take off again.
Eventually making back to Mandalore, and finding himself unceremoniously escorted to a landing par well away from population or industrial centres due to the state of his ship upon hitting atmosphere, he landed and set about contacting a Mandalorian armourer he knew to ask a favour. Having contacted his initial client and informing them of his original mission's success, he took his rather substantial pay for the job, sold the YT to a ship-breaker and bought himself a brand new ship.
While that was getting kitted out, he saw to that favour he’d asked; commissioning ‘Madog’ enhanced armour. Helping his friend to translate the ancient Master’s words and notes about the nature of the metal, he then waited as the armoured made him his helmet, armour and knives. Paying his friend well for both his services and his willingness to use his beskar forge for another metal, he set off to collect his new ship. It’s been a few years since then and Elam and his ship are a semi-regular sight around Mandalorian Space.
Despite these early tragedies, his later life was much brighter. He grew up happy and well cared for, when his new father had children of his own a young Elam found himself as the much loved older brother. When he began to show signs of Force Sensitivity he was introduced to Kelsash Matrout, a woman he would come to see as an older sister or favoured aunt, as she taught him the ways and dangers of the Force as well as the intricacies of lightsaber combat and other more esoteric fighting styles. Largely however, he tries to avoid talking about his early childhood, as while there are good memories there, he specifically left to avoid growing up in some looming shadows of ‘expectation’.
Leaving his home system at 21, he’s spent the past fourteen years travelling across the galaxy, doing everything from being a courier to a mercenary/bounty hunter to a farm hand on a newly settled colony; there’s always so much to see and do that he’s rarely in one place for too long, though lately he’s found himself spending more time around Mandalor as he’s made a few friends among the Mandalorians…and even though they’re a tad wary of him, the Jedi of the Enclave seem much more rational and level-headed compared to some of the other splinter groups.
Over the years, while he’s managed to be well paid for his work, he’s sunk most of his credits into extensive cybernetic augmentations, largely with the intentions of both making him more resilient and to at least some degree replicate what he can do with the Force; an early incident saw his connection to the Force temporarily blocked, his survival coming down to a bit of skill and a lot of luck…not something he wants to rely on if such a thing happens again.
The past few years have been relatively normal…or as ‘normal’ as it can be considering the state of the Galaxy; his most recent adventure of note being a less than fun trip to Raxus Prime at the behest of a rather wealthy client. While not somewhere he’d ever care to go again, his job there ended up being more profitable than he’d expected. On top of successfully completing the job he’d been sent there to do (and the sizable payout that entailed), while clambering through a millennia of wreckage he found something amazing.
Buried in what was once an XS light freighter, he found several metal bars in a crate along with a holocron that turned out to have been made by the Je’daii Master Tem Madog. After several attempts to unlock it, it turned out it was a detailed overview on how to make ‘Madog Steel’, an ancient alloy that stood as a near rival to the legendary toughness of Mandalorian beskar, though sadly the Je’daii Master did leave out the exact ratios that made up the alloy. As fate would have it he would have plenty of time to study the holocron as the noxious nature of Raxus Prime damaged a number of systems in the rundown YT-2000 he owned, forcing short hyperjumps with long cool-downs between each one, and several EVAs while at sub-light to ‘fix’ engine issues; while landing may have allowed him to make better repairs, given the state to his ship he had his doubts as to whether or not it would take off again.
Eventually making back to Mandalore, and finding himself unceremoniously escorted to a landing par well away from population or industrial centres due to the state of his ship upon hitting atmosphere, he landed and set about contacting a Mandalorian armourer he knew to ask a favour. Having contacted his initial client and informing them of his original mission's success, he took his rather substantial pay for the job, sold the YT to a ship-breaker and bought himself a brand new ship.
While that was getting kitted out, he saw to that favour he’d asked; commissioning ‘Madog’ enhanced armour. Helping his friend to translate the ancient Master’s words and notes about the nature of the metal, he then waited as the armoured made him his helmet, armour and knives. Paying his friend well for both his services and his willingness to use his beskar forge for another metal, he set off to collect his new ship. It’s been a few years since then and Elam and his ship are a semi-regular sight around Mandalorian Space.