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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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He did really know how long he’d knelt there, or how many shots he took, only that now the Legion had broken and were fleeing. Pushing himself back up with a groan he spotted one last fleeing figure, the ragged plume on his helmet bobbing and dancing through the scrub.

Heat shimmers radiated off the lensing ‘barrel’ of his weapon as he took aim once more, and one last flash tore across the desert. Chance alone saved the runner; the fellow stumbled as Sam fired and thus instead of the shot catching him square in the back, it instead hit his right shoulder. The man screamed in pain as he dropped out of sight, probably into one of the innumerable crevasse that crossed the landscape. ”Dumb bastard,” He muttered to himself, lowering his weapon. "Gonna take a while to die now..."

With the camp seeming to be secure, he started to pick his way back to where he’d dropped his gear. Slinging the still hot laser, he unplugged the belt pack and made a face as he checked its charge. Forty percent…shit. Have to try and find a new FC soon. Getting down wasn’t nearly as easy as going up had been, especially at his age, but after a bit of trying and a rather undignified slide on his backend, he dropped back down to the same level as his stuff.

Taking off and stowing his power pack, he pocketed a fusion cell before shouldering his pack and heading for the camp, deciding to let his weapon cool a bit before recharging it. Approaching the camp he saw a few folks gathered around, a couple of them he knew at least enough to give a nod to as he passed, but the others were new, especially the bots.

”Hey kid!” He called out once he spotted Albert. ”Good to see the bull botherers didn’t get ya’.” Reaching the group, he pulled out his flask and took a long pull before swapping it for his pipe. A moment's work had it drawing nicely and he exhaled a cloud of smoke upwards before turning his attention to those he didn’t recognize. ”Sam.” He said by way of introduction.


He approached Camp Foxtrot cautiously and off the main paths to it, keeping eyes and ears out for local wildlife; he came and went from the NCR outposts somewhat regularly, trading on his ‘friendly’ reputation with the NCR to use them as safe spots to rest. That said, it’d been some time since he’d stopped at Foxtrot and given the state of the Mojave at the moment he couldn’t say for certain whether or not the station was still under NCR control.

His musings were interrupted two fold in a matter of moments; first was the distant sound of a verti-bird of all things, something he hadn’t heard in years, but the second and much more troubling was the much closer ‘cough’ and explosion of a missile launcher being fired. A large outcropping of rock still blocking his line of sight to the camp, he rushed forwards to get a clear view.

”Fan-fucking-tastic..” He growled, finally getting eyes on the scene. A Legion Remnant was hitting the camp hard, the earlier explosion must have been them blowing the gate open. Part of him was really tempted to just take a knee where he was and start shooting; the range was not too long and he was a good enough shot that missing would be tough…but there were enough asshole that getting all of them before he got rushed wasn’t a given, and while he was tough in a a close up fight, those weren’t odds he wanted to test.

Overhead the sound of the vertibird got louder, punctuated rifle fire; whoever was up top was trying to provide air cover. Watching the aircraft start to circle, he heard another missile fire and flinched as the smoke trail converged on it, only to let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding as the shot managed to sail clean through the ‘birds open doors.

Looking back along its path, he saw that the shot had actually come from the top of the outcropping he was up against. From there he set to work; dropping his pack, he pulled out his FC adapter and strapped it to his waist before popping out the seated MFC and plugging in the adapter. Weapon ready, he started to climb, banking on the sounds of the fighting covering the noise of his assent. Now was a time for speed, not stealth.

Pre-War he’d never been one for rock climbing, it seemed like a damned foolish way to die, but since then circumstances had forced his hands (and feet) into accepting such a necessity. Now he scrambled up the rocks and through the brush, dried branches and thorns picking at him, but he was too busy to pay them much mind.

Reaching the top, he spotted the backs of two legionaries’ heads, obviously crouched down and from what he could tell by their body language and movement, they were having trouble with the launcher. Standing for a clearer shot, he shot the one actually holding the launcher in the back of his head. At this close a range it was an easy target and he fired a couple shots in quick succession, to burn through the first man’s helmet. As he pitched forwards, dead, the second leapt to his feet in surprise, he spun towards Sam; but before he could do much else, Sam burned him down with three to the chest.

With the pair dead, Sam took up their position, and after a moment of getting him bearings on the camp below, he opened fire. Tracking across the camp he started to target anyone of authority or those with significant weapons.


Sam did his best to move softly in the growing night. He’d been tracking an ex-Legion Raiding party for close to a week now, purely of his own accord; he’d discovered the remains of a small caravan, 3 adults 4 children, all butchered…among other indignities, and marked with Legion iconography. The group hadn’t been bothering to hide their tracks, so the only reason it had taken this long to catch up was the head start they’d had.

Now he picked his way slowly through the scrub, ever so often catching a hit of wood smoke and voices that bit by bit grew louder. Bearing wide of the camp once he saw it not too far off, he made his way along a nearby ridge until he found himself overlooking the raider’s overnight camp. It was a small party of four, sitting around their fire, eating and talking about how they ‘struck a blow’ against the profligates and bragged to each other about what they had done. It took almost all his self-control not to open fire right then, but they were all still awake and in the ensuing confusion one might escape and he wasn’t going to allow that. Instead he made himself rest in his perch, try and quiet the voice that raged for their deaths, and waited for the right time.

To his surprise he actually dozed off, though he only realized he’d done so after he woke up to the sounds of the sentries below him trading off. It was now well into the night and the moon was now starting to set, though it would still be a while before dawn. Shifting forward he brought his rifle to bear, flicking the switch to run it on ‘hot shot’ mode; he didn’t want to take chances.

Below him, the newly awoken sentry stood before the embers of their fire and stretched, his back to Sam’s position, what little glow remained enough to just outline him in Sam’s eyes. Sam settled the sights and fired, closing his eyes as he did to save his night vision. He’d intended to kill his target outright, but several factors interfered and instead the flash of energy struck the Legionnaire in the small of his back and burned a hole straight through skin and bone.

The man screamed in pain and terror as he pitched forwards, unable to stop himself from falling into the embers.One. The recently relieved sentry, still being partially awake most likely, reacted faster than his still sleeping companions, though that just sealed his fate faster. A twitch of movement in the gloom caught Sam’s eye and he fired again, this time hitting his target square in the face killing him instantly. Two. Over the screams of the first man, he heard crashing in the brush and realized the two sleepers were trying to run.

The low moon was casting deep shadows, and either on purpose, or through sheer luck the pair had bolted into a low crease that gave them decent concealment from Sam’s position. He lanced the dark with a couple of speculative shots at likely targets, his third one drawing another shout. Three. He was annoyed that it looked like the last one would escape, he could still hear someone crashing through the scrub, but the shadows were too deep to see anything, when he heard a short ‘yelp’ of surprise followed by more crashing and then quiet. Four.

Picking his way down, he swapped to his pistol and went to investigate the camp. His first target had stopped screaming, having lost consciousness even though he still lay on the coals, he wouldn’t last much longer. After confirming the fate of his second target, he cautiously followed after the remaining two. The third one he appeared to have hit in the upper back, possibly through the heart and left lung as he was dead by the time Sam got to him. The fourth he found just as dawn broke, laying at the bottom of a small crevasse having obviously fallen while running at full speed.

Both his legs were at decidedly unhealthy angles and smears of blood marked his passage down. Following the sounds of wounded sobbing, Sam stuck his head over the edge of the drop and looked down. Upon seeing the dark silhouette of Sam, the Legionnaire called out between gasps of pain. “Bastard..just...just end already…” Before he could reply, Sam heard a sound, geckos, probably awoken by the noise and smell of blood. It was still a bit too cool for them to be very active, but once the sun was up they’d be swarming this whole area. The Legionnaire had heard the sound too, fear now etched on his pain wracked face. “P-please…just do it…you can’t, you can’t leave me like this!

Sam studied him for a moment then shrugged. ”Why not?” He said before turning away, it would still be awhile before it was warm enough for the geckos and he wanted to be well away from here before then. Tuning out the shouting and invectives from behind him he started making his way North.

Sam Smith

Sam grimaced at the Mayor’s words. ”Fucking parasites.” He growled under his breath. He wasn’t the easiest fellow to get along with, he knew, but even he did what he could to help others, or at very least not add to the suffering that was so prevalent in this day and age…but raiders? They simply fed off the rest in their own short sighted and violent little worlds.

He studied the map as Nicholas gave a run down on what they knew, and was roughing out a few ideas when the names were called. Not hearing his name, he shrugged and made to leave with the rest, only to stop in the middle of the walkway.

Now only those left were the ones that would be carrying out the rescue. ”A word of advice from an old man, if you’ll take it.” He said, his foggy and blood shot eyes sweeping across the small group. ”Give ‘em what they want. Food, ammo, caps, time with a woman or two; promise them whatever they want so long as they give you the hostages and leave the factory…and once they’re clear, kill them all.” His raspy, gravely voice was as hard as iron. ”Kill ‘em all and stake their bodies out for the wildlife, and just maybe the next pack of them will get the hint and fuck off before they become our problem.”

With a small nod to the Mayor, he left the town hall to go see about getting a drink.
Sam Smith

Sam woke with a groan and a stretch, listening to and feeling his body protest; he’d never been a morning person, and things certainly hadn’t improved with age. Climbing out from under his blanket, he got to his feet and stretched once more before getting dressed to start his day.

His place had stared life as a nice pre-War two car garage, the associated house having burned down not long after the bombs fell. Being unclaimed when he’d arrived in Whitlash, he took it over, converting one corner into a sleeping area and the rest into a mixture of cooking and storage. Stoking up the wood stove to push back the morning chill, he rummaged about in the old chest freezer he used as a cooler for food storage. Need to get back out there. He thought as he dug through. He was getting down on his foraged stuff and he tried to leave the pre-War scavenged food for emergencies.

With the stove hot, he set a frying pan on top and tossed a piece of bighorner on to cook. A couple of quick flips to keep it nice and rare he then lifted off the heat and onto a plate. Adding some chopped barrel cactus fruit and a honey mesquite pod to the pan, he put it back on the heat and added a little wine. Once that was cooked, he poured that over the bighorner and sat in what passed as his living/dining area, an old armchair and coffee table.

Once done, he cleaned up and closed the damper on the stove, letting the flames die down. He was about to pull out a map of the area and see about doing a little hunting and or scavving when the bell rang. ”Fan-fucking-tastic.” He muttered. Making sure his armor was sitting right, he snagged his scattergun from beside his bed and tucked it into the thigh holster he’d made for it, before putting on his overcoat, hat and grabbing his carbine from its place by the door.

Gear sorted, he stepped outside and made his way a short distance to the town hall. Already folks were gathering, a low hum of conversations as they wondered what was going on. Positioning himself against the back wall, he took a nip from his flask to drive off the last of the morning chill from his old bones.
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