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"How lame..." Shun grumbled as she hopped off of the smoking truck. There was a brief wonder if Rin could return the truck to its proper glory. It was quickly shut down as it was brought up because of the lack of necessary equipment and damage. While Rin was a prodigy when it came to mechanics, some things were not fixable unless she were a super mechanic! In that case, Rin had a definite chance of fixing this poor girl up.

Though as Shun began to settle down, something hit in the head. It wasn't anything physical or mental. In fact, it was already there by the time she woke up. "Ugh..." Her head felt like pins were being driven through her skull. The light was nauseous to look at. Wave exhaustion crashed into her. The adrenalin seemed to have faded away once there was no immediate danger. Though despite faltering from the effects, Shun stood strong and straightened herself up. She could endure it.

It was time to address the fact that they were in a portal. A single glance at their environment could tell anyone that wherever they were, it wasn't Earth, which excited Shun, though it was slightly hampered by her concussion. It was still going to be a grand experience of adventure and survival. However, the start was going to be tough. Even Shun could realize the severity of their situation. Most of the students were hurt or injured, the only adult was dead, and she could hear Akito being an ass.

However, she perked up when she heard Yuudai's voice. "Ah me? I'm doing a-okay, Higasa!" As she gave a thumbs up to the buzzcut student. Even though she wasn't feeling exactly well, she wanted to look strong in front of everybody. Otherwise, it'd be a bit of a downer if even she was unwell. "Eh? Is it called the Nobel Peace Poetry? How many trophies are there-" Shun immediately shut herself up when Yuudai began to make up a poem.

It was...

Nothing? Shun didn't get what poetry was all about. Writing and reading words wasn't her thing, after all. "Wow, to think you can even make up a poem right now." She was impressed, though.

Regardless of that, she wanted to know their situation. Inaba, the twins, and Higasa seemed perfect well and assumed that Sato was also fine. Endo, on the other hand, last time she checked, seemed to be in a complete wreck, however. "How is everyone doing, aside from Akito, Higasa?" Shun asked him. "Is everyone gathering up right now? Knowing Class prez, he'd probably gather everyone to some sort of meeting." Shun chuckled at the thought.
Yuichi Miyasato

Nodding to Kauro's command, Yuichi followed it to a T. Though, Yuichi felt this wasn't to be resolved quietly. If Kauro's insane theories were true, and given the context of the situation, were probably true, then Yuichi doubted this would be the only creature that was roaming out of the streets. "Cashier-san. Take the meat tenderizer for yourself. I'll figure out something for myself."

Yuichi doubted he could effectively use the meat tenderizer to its fullest potential, though when the Cashier said something about the fire extinguisher, he nodded. Slowly walking behind the counter, he picked up the fire extinguisher. It was slightly heavy, but Yuichi was accustomed to heavier objects when he was still in training.

"Cashier-san. Hattori and I will keep watch on the door. Can you take a peak outside to see if there's anything out there too?" Yuichi suggested to the Cashier. Out of them all, it seemed like the Cashier would have difficulties in his current state. Not that it mattered since whatever was outside could probably murder them in seconds.

"So what's your theory now, Hattori?" Yuichi said as he dropped the honorifics. With this situation being as tense as is, he doubted honorifics mattered at the moment. He continued while lowering his voice. "Do you think the devil's coming back to drag humanity into hell, or is this god's punishment on the populace for not heeding his word?" A sarcastic tone could be traced in Yuichi's words as he slowly backed up. Though after a few moments, he frowned and looked gloomy. "Never mind. I shouldn't have said that. Sorry.
Cervantes Quixote

"Very well, Mr. Verdan. If you do require assistance, here's my business card." Cervantes said as he drew out a card from his jacket and placed it on the counter. It seemed formal to print out a variety of cards for his business. That and the school's market was big enough by itself; it would sometimes be hard to pinpoint the exact location of Cervantes's shop. "Take care, Mr. Verdan. I pray that your business booms in the next few days." With that, Cervantes left the shop. Mr. Verdan needed all the help he could get after all.

Cervantes closed the door, not that it mattered since the shop was partially destroyed, and began to walk down the street. "Whew, what a day." Wiping his brow of sweat, Cervantes tried to calculate his next move. It might take a little while for Jacob Verdan to open his shop again. From taking account of the missing animals, the cost of repairs, and the amount of time that it required to do them, it would take a week or two for Jacob Verdan to open his shop again. "What a shame. I was looking to buy a creature for myself."

The merchant wasn't a fan of pets, but he didn't dislike them either. The responsibility of taking care of another organism felt too heavy for him to bare in the other world, so Cervantes avoided adopting one. Now, the circumstances were different. Cervantes needed protection. The market clearly wasn't safe from what Cervantes had seen earlier, not to mention the unknowable fate of his future. If he were to overcome it, he'd need to be as prepared as possible.

'Though was Jacob Verdan in the game?' Cervantes thought to himself. He had a lot of game knowledge when it came to Cross Heart Academy. Jacob Verdan must have played some sort of crucial role in the game, considering he was the pet vendor. If Cervantes remembered correctly, there was also a route that played similarly to Pokemon. He had watched a few speedruns before but didn't retain much since the content was rather lackluster in the merchant's eyes. A frown graced Cervante's face, but he pressed on. Jacob Verdan was most likely an important NPC regardless, in comparison to Cervantes, who went nameless in the game.

His eyes darted to a few familiar figures. Reginald, the maid, and a few others. They seemed to be doing their own thing, and Cervantes had his own thing to do. Heading straight to his shop, Cervantes wanted to write up that help request for the bulletin board. The market was probably going to be slow during the day, thanks to the market, which meant that Cervantes didn't have much to do.
Yuichi Miyasato

Yuichi looked at the cashier and then at Kauro. Back at the cashier and then at Kauro. It took Yuichi a long time to process Kauro's theories and speculation on what was going on. Was the app out to kill them? How was it going to kill them? More importantly, why was it going to kill them?! Kauro's theories and conjectures only added more questions to Yuichi's mind as he couldn't properly understand what the orange hair man was saying. "Wait, hold on a second." Yuichi let go of Kauro's shoulder and held up his hands.

"I get that the app might have a connection to the recent disappearances late. I understand that all the coincidences are connected, but..." Yuichi had a frown on his face. "The proverbial chopping block? Don't you think that's a bit much?" How the hell was this guy popular again? It took a lot of restraint from Yuichi to fully voice out his thoughts, but he continued. "Even if it's an alternate future or a parallel dimension, you have no proof for it. I think it'd be best if we'd keep the theories down for now."

Ah, that's right, he forgot to introduce himself. It was better to know the names of the people who were afflicted by the same plight that he had been under. "My apologies; I forgot to introduce myself. My name is-" Yuichi stopped stone cold as he could feel some sort of wave flow through him. The purple-haired boy didn't have to turn around to confirm what had happened. Yet, he still did it out of foolishness.

Blood seemed to leak through the doors of the convenience store. Yuichi took a few steps back and ended up bumping into Kauro, who was right behind him. There was something beyond the windows. Whatever it was, Yuichi wasn't going to find out what. "Cashier-san." In a quiet yet booming voice, Yuichi looked over toward Kazama. "Where's the back exit?"
The familiar stench of gasoline rose Shun from her unconscious slumber. "Ugh... Satoshi-chan, was that you?" Her senses slowly came back to her as she started to regain herself. "Satoshi- Eh!?" Facing the window, she saw her broken reflection against the cracked glass. It stared back at her. "What happens- Urgh..." Shun clutched her head as she rose up from her seat. The world spun around her, and a sickness pooled in her stomach. Did she get a concussion?

The student retraced her thoughts on how this all happened. She minded her own business looking outside from the back of the car. Shun would have liked to sit in the front, but party pooper Masato just had to take it. Though it didn't matter. The back of the car was just as nice to look through. That was until a bright white consumed everything and was followed by an eternal black.

The reality of the situation intoxicated her, but she was immediately sobered up by Masato's yell. "Yes, sir! Yes, sir!" She said back to him. However, it lacked her usual energy and enthusiasm that she would have likely said. Her eyes darted to her seatmate, that was supposed to be there.

He wasn't there.

Shun turned around to look for him and saw that Endo was on the other side of the bus. "Yikes, I hope he's okay," Shun muttered to herself. It seemed like Masato would have to take off Endo. Looking across from her seat were Yuudai and Sato. It seemed like they were still recovering from the crash. Pushing aside the useless seatbelt that was strapped onto her, she headed her way over to the semi-conscious duo.

"Higasa-kun, Tsubasa-chan, you have to get up!" She said with urgency. While this new situation was giving her the thrills, the urgency in Masato's voice was enough to push aside that interest. "The bus is going to explode! Kaboom! Yipee! Get up!" She tugged on the both of them until they were awake to get the hell out.

Moving out of the way, Shun had to assess the situation further. Rin was in the process of opening a second entrance from the back which seemed fun, but Shun didn't have any time to divert attention to what Rin was doing. What she needed to do was get out of this bus before it exploded!

Or that was what a reasonable person would think. Wouldn't it be more fun if she escaped the bus at the last second? Looking at Rin, it seemed like it was going to take a few minutes for her to crack open that door. Though if she did open the door in time, wouldn't it be fun jumping out through the hidden exit with the bus exploding from behind her?

That would be epic.

"Inaba-kun! Get the door ready!" With that, she began to usher people out of the car. Returning back to Yuudai and Sato since they were nearby. "Higasa-san! You can't get the Nobel Peace Prize if you get blown up!" Shun said as she incorrectly recalled the award that Yuudai wanted to get. Hopefully, that would get him up on his feet. "Take Tsubasa-chan through the back of the bus! Inaba-kun already opened it up!"

With that out of the way, she headed toward the back. Purposefully delaying her exit from the bus, she went to the next pair of students. "Wake up! We need to get out!" She urgently said, though her face betrayed the amount of fun she was having.
Cervantes Quixote

That pricked his conscious. "You're not the only one suffering you know," Cervantes said as he scratched the back of his head. "I was planning to sell that capture net at my shop, but now look at it." All burnt up and being used a chew toy by the flying lizard. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed. Cervantes could already tell what tomorrow's gossip would be. News Headline, "Wild creatures run rampant in Plaza!?" What a mess.

Though, this may give him an opportunity. "Well, I am feeling generous today." With a smile, he walked up towards the shopkeeper. "If I may introduce myself, I am Cervantes Quixote. I am a merchant of many wares," Cervantes paused in dramatics before saying it aloud. "And connections. I can ask some of my 'friends' to help you with finding your merchandise if you'd like. That and I'll help with your shop. Of course, we'll have to write up a contract, but I want to hear your thoughts first."

Aside from the fact that he technically had no 'connections,' he had one resource that could potentially help a hapless old man.

The Heroine.

If would be able to convince the heroine on this endeavor, then he'd hit a jackpot. Though, of course, he'd have to offer something in return to the heroine to convince her. The world revolved in exchanges of course. Whether it be money, favors, or gods, something had to be given away in return. Cervantes would be have to flexible, since he didn't exactly know what the female lead could possibly want.

Though perhaps, he could get that maid into this as well. She did say she wanted to get into a business. Why not have this man teach her the ropes or something? Either way, after this he needed to find people fast.

"What is your name, mister?"
Yuichi Miyasato

"Can you say that again?" Suddenly, the tall student came close behind Kauro and grabbed his shoulder. While his tone seemed polite, the serious expression that demanded an explanation betrayed his feelings. Yuichi wasn't paying attention to what was said beside him. The youth took out his phone shortly after he looked away. Eyeing the same app that seemingly was the source of his stress, he tried to delete it from his phone a second time until he heard the word 'Strange Gospel.'

Whether Yuichi noticed or not, his grip on Kauro's shoulder tightened. "What do you know of this Strange Gospel?" There was no attempt to connect the two. If Kauro was experiencing the same auditory illusion, then he definitely was the only one. The cashier as well if Kauro's guess was correct. How many people were involved with this app? The entire school? Maybe even more?

A chill ran down his spine as he remembered a classmate who passed by him who first mentioned it. Did that mean that kid was also? His grip slightly loosened on Kauro's shoulder. Yuichi's eyes glanced over to the cashier, "Is it the same for you?" Considering that the cashier looked as bad, or worse, than him, Yuichi guess that it would be a yes.

Though what did this all mean? Yuichi's eyes furrowed as he became aware that the arm he had used was his dominant arm. His arm shook as Yuichi tried to contain himself.

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I added a few more details.

EDIT: Woops didnt' realize I posted my cs again. Mb.
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