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His attacks were clean and quick. The strikes cut clean and true, yet despite the inflicted injuries the boy didn't crumble. An answer immediately was supplied into his mind. Magic. What type of magic was beyond him, but it was clear that it prevented him from crumbling. Just as Chunji reached to his opponent's blindspot, his opponent turned just in time to retaliate. Chunji exhaled and strike true to his intent. The blade met flesh and a fist was met into his chest. A sharp pain and Chunji was sent skidding back. The soles of his shoes screeching until he finally came to a stop.

That attack was a long stronger than he had anticipated. He removed the grip from one of his hands formed a variety of hand signs before pressing it against his chest. "龙雨洗刷苦难的罪孽." While not exactly flashy, Chunji felt the pain alleviate from his chest. How insufficient. For the first time emotion graced the stoic face. A frown that expressed frustration. Though that quickly faded when he looked back up to his opponent. It didn't matter now. While mediocre, it was sufficient for the current situation. What he had to do now was plan his next action.

Whatever technique or magic his opponent did made him ignore the weight of injuries. No doubt his hamstring was cut, which made it a abnormal on how he was still standing. Was it some sort of body enhancement? The shield thrown earlier had decent weight, but it cracked against the boy's fist. Regardless, it'd take a lot more resources to defeat the enemy in front of him. Something that Chunji didn't want to use early on.

While the boy seemed impervious to lethal wounds, his body still ran on blood. If he cut more injuries onto the body eventually he'd collapse. The only thing Chunji needed to do that was to expend a little more energy on speed. He was initially caught offguard because the boy didn't finally immediately, but he wouldn't fall for it again. However, this came with the drawback of not knowing what else his opponent could do. If he pulled out another trick, then both sides would incur injuries again.

There was another option. Running away. With how everything was position, he could easily run down the bridge and make inside the building. From there he'd use his Ethos to locate the auditorium and find his seat. However that was idealistic. Even if he did run away, it didn't solve the problem of having to fight the boy throughout the building. Not only would he have to focus on running, he'd still have to deal with his opponent. It did not help that there was some sort of commotion happening behind him.

Then there was that. In one quick movement, Chunji jump backed from the battle. Before Chloe could react, he knocked with a quick kick to the head. With the all the injuries she had sustained (having a dagger thrown into her back, getting hit by rays of light, getting hit several times from what Chunji assumed was where her brain stem was, and finally crashing down into the bridge,) there was a high chance she would be out for a while. Her Ethos wasn't something Chunji didn't concern himself with. To begin with, Ethos required conscious effort to stay active. If she was knocked out then her aging ethos would be canceled out. His foot and shoe might have to sacrificed, but it couldn't be helped.

Standing next to the elf's body, Chunji lowered his sword to her neck. For the first time he spoke. "Forfeit and cancel your Ethos." The implication of what he would do as clear as his cuts. If the he made a move, or Chloe, Chunji would make sure to inflict fatal damage to the girl's body. Perhaps this was dishonorable, but that word wasn't in Chunji's vocabulary. The only thing he had to concern himself with was the success of his current objective. Get into the auditorium.
It is time to unleash Chunji's secret technique.
Direct hit.

The dagger planted itself into the elf's back just as he had intended. What he did not foresee was the fact the dagger started to deteoriate into nothing more than dust. It was definitely an ethos in play and the chances of being time related were confirmed. Unfortunately, the injury didn't seem to cripple her given the fact she was still standing. There were still plenty amount of weapons from their deprived owners, that he could throw at the elf.

Chunji's made no effort to acknowledge the girl's compliment, but took note of her. How was a girl with a lame leg able to get this far? It made Chunji wary of her, but his attention was drawn elsewhere. A sudden gust of kicked through the bidge. Chunji stood his ground and witnessed one of the elf's, Chloe her name was, back her up. Accompanying the elf's peer was a strange armored abberation. Despite consisting of the torso and up, it possessed a strong build, and was armed like a fortress. Impregnable would be one word to describe it.

It seemed he was to be his opponent now. Chloe, the elf, flew off to confront someone in the sky. Chunji observed the situation. His opponent got into a fighting stance. The abberation above him was seemingly on the lookout for outside interference, but there was a possibility that it could intefere when he made the first move against his opponent. The crowd behind him seemed more or less content in watching the battle.

There was pause in the battle. Chunji only stood there with his hand gripped onto his sword. Then a flash of light radiated above them. In that instant, Chunji dashed towards his opponent armed to strike. Before he reached there, Chunji grabbed a stray shield and tossed it like a disc at his opponent's head. It was nothing more than a momentary distraction as Chunji started to circle around his opponent.

When it came to martial artists, their stance were crucial to fighting. The same logic applied to swordplay. If Chunji broke his opponent's stance, then he'd have the momentum in the fight. To this effort, Chunji swung his sword. First swiping his sword against his opponent's legs, he then brought down his sword to strike down his opponent's shoulder.
Shun sat there in stunned silence as her tongue processed the unique golden fluid in her mouth. There wasn't even an attempt of resistance from her as Duncan roughly tugged her for her eccentric act. This taste it was.. it was... "Wow, Duncan. You taste bland." There was no trace of taste whatsoever. The only thing that even registered was a sudden spike of energy in her body, but it wasn't an exciting feeling at all. Shun could only give a disappointed look at Duncan, but that changed as Duncan dropped his golden fluid into Sasuke.

Quickly, things changed. What was once a blessing in disguise soon became that Morpheus movie with the red and blue pill. To be, or not to be. It didn't make sense to her, but what didn't alarm her was the amount of black goob that was emerging out of Sasuke's body. It was disgusting to look at, but Sasuke was still her classmate. "That doesn't look good!" Immediately, Shun rushed over to Sasuke's side.

Asashi was doing his cable magic, but Shun was there to make sure Sasuke wasn't going to choke on whatever he was throwing up. Just like she did with her dad, Shun held him up and tilted him off to the side. That way at least the substance wouldn't clog up his throat. "Asahi, can you do something?" Shun said unhelpfully as she tried to keep Sasuke still. The rancid smell was terrible, but she had to keep her convulsing classmate still.
Don't worry. She's built different. Trust.
The minute a bullet rang out on the bridge was the moment Chunji immediately knew he would need to improvise. Tilting his head to the left, he narrowly dodged a fire ball that would have set him on fire. A silver arc almost sliced his shoulder open if he didn't immediately draw his sword. The student that swung at him flinched back as if he hadn't expected resistance. It was attributed to the apparent confusion he was suffering from, but Chunji was going to exploit that.

In the next instant, the student found themselves unable to move their arms. Blood bled profusely from their elbows as Chunji withdrew his blade. With the threat temporarily neutralized, Chunji had once again parried another blow coming at him before dishing it back at the newcomer. Though with the chaos, Chunji was able to wade through the crowd more easily while deflecting chaos-induced strikes. With the students taking an effort to each other out, it meant there was a lot of more room to work with.

That was until Chunji stepped on something weird. Acknowledging this sudden change of terrain, Chunji looked down. What he saw was a senile old woman below him. A frown graced Chunji's face as he tried to recall whether or not the elderly were allowed into the academy. The question was soon answered by the trail of mummified people that laid before him. On top of the carpet of the drained laid a frilly, elf who seemed to enjoying herself.

Chunji had studied elves before. While the differed in the physiology of a human, their anatomy were relatively the same. She was also no doubt the source of the problems and an obstacle in his path. Was it an ethos or was it some sort of magic? Chunji was leaning more on ethos considering there was no evidence of an incantation nor evocation. Regardless, she was in the way, so naturally he would have to remove her.

Kicking up a dagger from one of the fallen, Chunji proceeded to throw it at the elf. The movement of his body was optimized to allowed him to put greatest amount of force possible in his attack. Where it would land? The arms and legs were too far from his liking to hit, so he only had one choice. The body. The elf had her back to him, so where it would hit was quite obvious. Chunji aimed for her spine as the dagger sailed through the air.
It was dark within the confines the carriage. After being ushered in by his parents, Chunji sat silently still for approximately several hours. As the carriage made several stops, so did new passengers came in. At first they attempted to make light conversation with him. Their attempts failed miserably as Chunji didn't respond to any of their prompts. They knew he was at least listening judging by the brief look he sent them, but he returned to looking straight at him. His soon-to-be possible classmate that sat opposite of him had to look awkwardly away the entire ride.

Though soon enough the carriage stopped. The carriage man opened the door and promptly left to form a line with his fellow carriage drivers. While being the closest to the door, Chunji was the last one to leave as all the other students vacated from the carriage first. Not that he knew why, perhaps they were interested in learning more about the academy. Chunji followed suit of his classmates and winced as the early sun shined on his face.

Though suddenly things came to a stop. A voice beckoned the crowd of students. Not that Chunji cared that much, he needed to get to his destination. Weaving past the waves of students, her words finally caught his attention. Get to the auditorium by 10:00 AM, otherwise you're expelled. If he remembered correctly his parents told him to enroll into the academy.

And that he shall.

Immediately upon those words, Chunji acted quickly. Elbowing the person directly behind in the center of the chest, it caused the caught offguard student to lose their breath. However, another student would soon take their place, so before that could be done Chunji began rushing forward. In the human body they're several spots which cause the body to tense or lose function. Seeing that his entry to the academy was threatened, Chunji didn't hesitate to exploit that.

Whenever an arm came his way, he raised it up and punched the armpit. Whenever a leg were to try to sweep ahead, Chunji made sure to catch their foot and push them behind him. Chunji made sure to be careful with his actions. The last thing he needed was to accidentally trip someone into a crowd of stampeding students. He wasn't sure of the academy's policy, but he was sure that murder would be widely frowned upon.

Either way, he was slithering through the crowd at a pace. Whenever someone came to obstruct him, he made sure to remove them from his path. Failure, was after all, not an option.
"Phew, what a work out." And not in a good way. Shun had discovered many things about herself during their time in the otherworld. She had apparently had latent superpowers, she hated Duncan, she disliked Masato, and now she discovered that she hated doing menial work. Shaking her wrists around, Shun wiped some sweat off her brow as she looked at their makeshift shelter. To be honest, it didn't look too bad. With Fujita guiding her and Ayana, with Rin providing some support, they were able to construct shelter relatively fast. If they could make a shelter, maybe they could put up some defenses in case they get attacked by the laser wolves again.

Speaking of her classmates, Shun glanced over to Ayana. Contrary to her behavior before, she had become a lot more serious as of late. Did her breakdown cause Ayana to change herself? A frown graced Shun's face before dissipating completely. No... it was her choice. Ayana didn't have to follow her back into the dangerous woods just to comfort her, yet she did. Shun still felt grateful at the gesture. While things may get tough, they still had each other to lean back on.

"Hmmm~ Okay! We'll be right back." Shun nodded as she took a plate of food along with Ayana to the boys. While she didn't particularly like fish being tired and wreary often caused things to taste tastier. She'd agreed with Ayana that the fish was delicious... If only it wasn't fish. Still she couldn't be picky with what they had now.

"Bon appetite!" Shun cheerily followed up with what Ayana said until she saw what was going on. For one, Yuki was very much still incapacitated. The only thing that told Shun that he was alive was the fact he was breathing shallowly. The first thing she noticed, however, was the big gapping wound that appeared in Duncan's stomach. No, a wound would be incorrect to be what she would be describing. It was a hole and it was leaking.

A goldish liquid left Duncan's stomach and grace the grass with its presence. As if drinking some sort of nectar of the gods, the grass started to grow rapidly after intaking it into its roots. Shun looked over towards the others. Masato seemed shocked at the events and Ayano was trying to staunch the bleeding. How would Shun react? Well, one hand she was still furious at Duncan for earlier. On the other hand, that wound reminded her all the injuries they had sustained from being in this hell hole.

Walking up to Duncan, she kneeled down right next him. Taking her finger, she dipped it into Duncan's new chest cavity and withdrew some of the golden liquid. Then she tasted it.

Name: Chunji Yi
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: A reticent young man who performs all tasks to the best of his ability. Chunji only ever responds to a situation but never initiates one. He's often quiet and carries a solemn yet slightly gloomy air. Because of this, people often find him cold and weird, given how non-committal his responses are. However, if there's one saving grace, it's that Chunji is sensible towards others' feelings and input. While he may not do as much, he'll, at the very least, listen to what others have to say.

Internally, Chunji is a filial son to his family. Whatever they say, he will uphold. Their hopes lay within him, and he wishes not to squander any of their faith. To achieve this goal, he's willing to follow instructions that would help him improve himself. Anything that he finds trivial, Chunji doesn't put effort into them. Friendships, hobbies, and any desires are perceived as unnecessary. To Chunji, what's the point of something that is going to end eventually?

His duty as a son also carries a negative connotation. If there's anything that he is unable to become efficient in, he becomes incredibly critical of himself. When he finds something he is unable to do, Chunji doubles down and tries to find alternate solutions to the problem. This is most apparent with his lack of skill in healing. Even though he follows the instructions, the healing is inefficient. It has gotten to the point where he has started to use drastic means to improve his magic.

The first generation of Yi to be born in the Vaalin Union.

His parents came from an island called Feng Huo that hosted a variety of factions that succumbed to constant war amongst each other. Seeking a life without danger, they defected from their clan and rushed out on a boat. From there, they landed near the Vaalin Union territory, where they would call their home.

Soon, Chunji Yi was born.

The first memory he had was when he was holding a pen.

Then, the next would be holding a training sword.

Every day of Chunji Yi's life was filled with practical knowledge taught by his parents. Swordplay, literature, mathematics, and any mundane study that they held were taught to him. Chunji was allowed to be a 'kid' in front of his parents but as a string of hope that would grant him and his family a better future.

They lived outside of the Vaalin Union, which often was subjected to a less favorable environment compared to the capital. It did not help with the combination of his foreign heritage and odd demeanor that Chunji was not received favorably by his peers. However, that didn't matter to Chunji. He needed to study, to learn, to breach the gap for his family's goal.

When the High Bishop announced the beginning of the Wingram Academy, it didn't take long for his parents to immediately send Chunji over to attend the academy. It was a long-awaited ticket to escape from the outskirts and enter the capital.

To abide by their command, Chunji followed.

Magic: Occult - Taught by his parents, Chunji mainly focuses on healing magic rather than the destructive curses of his homeland. Unfortunately, Chunji is incredibly unproficient in these arts, and their effectiveness is dimmed due to his incompetence.

Prime Essence: (To be discovered)
Ethos: "透过现象看本质" (Look Beyond The Surface)
The eyes are what behold the world and perceive the reality in front of them.

When invoked, Chunji is able to see in any physical object in front of him. From a human body, he's able to see the internal organs, skeleton structure, and more. From a building, he's able to identify all the cracks and tears that would naturally form along with age and the foundations that support it. To put it simply, he's able to observe all parts of an object.

Chunji's eyes also allow him to focus on parts separately from each other. He can willingly choose to only perceive the skeleton of a body, or switch to perceive the muscles of the body.

Miscellaneous Skills:
Swordsmanship -
Chunji focuses on a more nimble swordplay that relies on quick strikes, parries, and dodges to create an opening that would allow him to deal fatal damage to his opponents. Shockingly, Chunji displays a great amount of skill in comparison to his magic studies.

First Aid -
To compensate for his lack of skill in healing magic, Chunji supplies with medical knowledge instead. Bandaging wounds and alleviating the worst of injuries helps out when healing magic becomes inefficient.

Anatomy Knowledge -
Thanks to his ethos, Chunji has studied how anatomy works amongst a variety of organisms. The joints that allow the limbs to move, the location of important arteries, and the importance of all bodies are known to Chunji. His knowledge is well in conjunction with his medical knowledge and swordsmanship.

Nerves of Repression -
Due to his upbringing, it takes a lot of time to raise an emotion. The mastery to repress his feelings allows him to think logically in serious circumstances.

Yi's Short Sword - A weapon brought over from the war-torn island of Feng Huo. Chunji's been told that it was a family heirloom, but it looks like a normal sword to him. A floral pattern decorates the hilt of the sword.

Medical Kit - A basic kit filled with medical essentials. It carries bandages, scalpels, disinfectant, and more. Though it is seemingly lacking bandages at all times.
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