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He's seething, no doubt.

But also huh, did Iraleth's barrage of non-empowered bolts actually break all of Chloe's bones? Girl needs to drink some milk.

I'd be most concern of falling back onto bridge from gravity accompanied by a previous knife to the spine, but it's my own little conjecture xd.

Edit: This is also not me having bad memory. Trust.
Chunji is not tilted btw. Just to clarify. Totally not tilted.

Edit: He is not mad.
The protective words from the shadow witch and the huntress made Chunji back off from Davil. If that's how they saw things, then very well. Accommodating personal feelings and encouragement was another method that cannot be disputed. It was a conflict of interest more than anything. With Otis's words of encouragement, Chunji decided it wasn't his business anymore. Since the 'leader' of this operation was more than capable of things, Chunji had no words of argument.

However, what the owl boy said before changed the Doctor's course of action.

'Very well.' A message from him came across through the connected mental web. Keeping his stoic guard up, Chunji casually passed off his fellow conspirators and started walking down the stage. Many of those who were vying for a seat came looking at him with expectations. Did they think that he went down to personally select them himself? No, Chunji gave off an icy impression if they got in his way and proceeded to head towards Rio's direction.

Oh, there was also the problem of the red-haired Levault from before. His mouth made out words for an incantation. For a moment, Chunji wondered if he should do anything. It didn't take long for Chunji to decide that someone else was better for the situation he was in. The knight seemed agitated by the presence of Levault, so the armored figure was probably going to do something about it. As he passed by the swarm of students, he gave the limbing girl a glancing look before returning his gaze to his destination.

Chunji looked down at the Rio and his unconscious friend. In an awkward silence, Chunji just stood there and said absolutely nothing for the next few seconds. Then he spoke up. "That's not how you wrap bandages." Kneeling down the two, Chunji performed a simple diagnosis over the elf's body. Multiple injuries all over her body, perhaps a fractured bone, and even a broken bone at worst. With that being said and done, Chunji went to perform basic first aid procedures.

Securing the bandages and applying disinfectant across the elf's injuries, next was to address the broken bones. Chunji wasn't equipped to handle such severe injuries, and his magic was insufficient. Despite this, his next actions were quick and precise without fail. Creating a makeshift splint, Chunji gently laid her down on the ground. It was easier on the body that way. After putting on the makeshift splint, he didn't turn to Rio but still spoke. "That should suffice until she gets further medical attention." The elf would still possibly suffer a concussion when she woke up, but that was all Chunji could do at the moment.

With that out of the way, he looked back to where Valen was. "I'd suggest utilizing your ethos at this moment. The man over there seems to have amused himself by casting a spell." A destructive one at that. Now that Chunji was out of position, the spell may harm him now that he was in range of it.
Welp time to do my own thing now~
Exactly. He has that pathethic type rizz that makes people want to take care of him.
I guess Davil really does have that rizz huh.
The minute Chunji was removed from the chair, a scowl immediately replaced his once blank face. Several thoughts circulated through his heads as he grabbed his the sheath of his sword. While he wasn't exhausted, that didn't mean he was incapable of fighting. His eyes trained throughout the darkness and located the shadow witch that manipulated the shadows. His ethos was still capable of tracking her down. All he needed was one small glimpse of a part of her body and he'd shove his sword through her-

The shadow witch's accomplice, from what he assumed, shook Chunji out of his contempt. Head up on to the stage? Considering the circumstances, Chunji was about to add the accomplice on his list of people to kill. The accomplice was uncompromising as the shadow witch was repulsive. Didn't offer a guarantee to a seat, but only made demands to the people around him. If mother and father were here, they'd praise the owl for taking advantage of the sitaution.

A few moments of pause before Chunji dropped his death glare. No matter how look at it, it'd was best to follow along with the owl boy's demands. If Chunji decided to fight, he'd be fighting at a disadvantage. Walking up onto the stage with his bandaged foot, he stood over the crowd as they crashed into the auditorium like a wave.

Of the many, Chunji recognized a few. Rio and the unconscious elf, Chloe, were there. Considering he had to carry deadweight around, Chunji couldn't say he was surprise to see him all battered up. Espescially with his display at the bridge, the bodyguard painted a target on his back. It was none of Chunji's concern though, it was only natural to observe previous opponents to see how they were doing. On the other hand the girl with the limp was still unscathed and smiling even. Chunji was considering using his ethos to see if the limp was just a ploy.

Then there was one that stood out from all the rest. An arrogant, scarlet hair man. Was he supposed to be notable? Gulliver supposedly came from a line of prestige and he ended devolving into a child throwing a tantrum. Chunji's opinion on 'nobility' had drastically dropped since then. That opinon was made worsened when Valen decided to summon a throne. Yes, it was best not to involve himself with nobility. That was a bridge that couldn't be built.

Something tapped into his mind, like what happened in battle, except it lingered. A web of connections that tied their thoughts together. Chunji in his same monotone attitude decided to add in his thoughts. 'The boy by the window.' That was all Chunji added before falling silent again. Whatever connection Rio had with the elf, it was strong enough for the young man to follow through and protect the elf. That sort of action provoked something within Chunji that he didn't bother naming.

With that out of the way, he noticed Davil faltering in his facade. Chunji didn't know when he had arrived, but it only happened when Gulliver was already out. The owl boy demanded perfection, so Chunji decided to carry that out. 'Casually' grabbing Davil by the shoulder, Chunji pressed his thumb onto one of boy's pressure point. "If you can't remain compose, don't bother becoming a student here." The words spoken in an apathetic were clean, cutting, yet quiet like a blade. "What's a hero who can't even face a crowd?" Not that Chunji would know what a hero actual was.

Letting go of Davil's shoulder, Chunji returned to holding onto his blade. If Davil displayed a trace of weakness, Chunji wasn't going to be lenient a second time.
The young school girl sat to her formerly-presently-undetermined unconscious friend. After beating her down, Shun had realized that she may had gone a touch overboard. Her fellow students seemed to have the same opinion. At that moment, it seemed reasonable to Shun to try and knock some sense into Ayana. After everything they went through, it wouldn't surprised Shun that Ayana would be possessed by some sort of spirit from this otherworld.

Though Shun jumped when Ayana started to jump. Unfortunately, it seemed that there some screws loose in her head, but Shun didn't opt for violence as an option again. "Hehe, Ayana, are you alright?" The delivery was shaky, but the sincerity behind it was real. Shun stayed silent at the mention of rock paper scissors. Her face went red in embarrassment over that incident.

When Ayana opened her arms for a hug, Shun made sure to only hug with one arm. The reason being that Ayana probably hadn't fully recovered from the beating of a life time. "I'm glad you're back half-Ayana, half-not Ayana." Without delay, Shun took out some food. She had asked Kumi for some food earlier in the case that Ayana woke up. Now that she it was, Shun took it upon herself to be responsible for her recovery. Grabbing a spoonful of the food, she thrusted the utensil inside Ayana's mouth. After all, that's what friends were for right?

At the time, the rock Ayana was carrying around was picked up by Shun. Shun didn't know why Ayana had it, but it must have been important. Stowing it away into some part of her clothes, Shun was going to give it back to Ayana eventually. Since she didn't ask, Shun decided not to give it back. Her friend's health now was more important than an ordinary rock found on a field.
ERODE will do be going for the power move.
New second objective: Survive
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