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So that's what their names were. Chunji took mental note of those who fought with him at the auditorium. Otis, Ciara, Iraleth, and Hildegrunde. Along with their mannerism based on their brief introductions, this group was an odd group. Nonethenless they were going to see each other for a year. Forming connections would make future interactions more fluid and concise, which would be helpful in situation where a fight may be incurred. That was a smaller priority however. Chunji wanted to focus on his studies before all else.

When the word 'empathy' was said, Chunji immediately reminded of the librarian. Empathy seemed to be a recurring theme, he'd need to find a way to better understand that word. Chunji's eyes followed Alto's movements. The moment Alto drew out his sword, Davil suddenly came out of his seat in a sprint. Only for the sword to bounce off of Alto's head. Out of courtesy, Chunji focused on the demonstration rather than the circus- his peer that was returning to his seat.

Now it was time for questions. Personal Barrier, or PB, seemed troublesome to learn. Chunji would need to make a few adjustments to suit Personal Barrier for his own needs, but it'd be best if he experimented with the original technique. "While I understand the fundamentals, I'm inexperienced in the application of it." Chunji informed the instructor. There were a few spells that he knew that performed the same function as Personal Barrier, so he'd have to borrow some of that experience and try to combine it with emotional essence.

The process of employing faculty seemed to be a difficult job for Principal Raja. Regardless on what Chunji thought about Alto, the man in front of him was Professor Alto. Chunji had to respect him as a Professor and Alto may have some capacity to teaching if Principal Raja was the one to employ him. Alto was considerably younger, when compared to Professor Lumyr, with the age gap being four year. Was there some sort of commonality?

Though they were not jumping straight to learning rather than an introductory course on what to expect from the class. Chunji presumed this was normal as he hadn't been to school before. Either way, what Alto said about Personal Barrier seemed to be a useful skill to learn. Personal Barrier would allow some room for error in the heat of battle. As Chunji had learn during orientation, skill and dexterity weren't enough to avoid injuries. Learning to block more efficient may prove useful.

Seeing Alto prompting his peers and himself, Chunji looked Alto dead in the eye. "Chunji Yi, 18, the average human body consists of 207 bones, I was once bitten by a snake and was bedridden for a month, my goal is to become a doctor." The former information was spoken in a dry tone, which may hint in indifference. While some part was true, Chunji saw that introduction were essential to camaderie. The problem was that Chunji didn't know what to say. His life wasn't particularly interesting and all he knew was anatomy. So Chunji did his best and relayed information that he thought was suitable.

Chunji wanted to ask a few questions but reserved them for later. Would there be more students in the classroom? There seemed to be a lot of vacant seats. Furthermore, how would one refine their ethos? Chunji was fairly curious on what Alto was referring to.

Chunji didn't particular mind with the current setup with the classroom. Students had already taken their 'seats' as the bespectacled student searched for his name. Whoever assigned the classroom roster made it clear that they would've like a certain dynamic. Having Ms. Steeler be with the knight and marksman in the same room was no doubt a deliberate choice to create competitiveness amongst students. There was also the five of them, including himself, who were ones that defeated Gullivier. Perhaps they thought the group developed some sort camaraderie.

Taking a seat in the front row on the left side of the room, Chunji picked up the sticky note. The seat was to Chunji's preference. Up close to where he could hear the Professor and his point of view would give him a good angle to see. It was also fairly isolated from everyone else. The only one who would be on the same row would be the Shadow Witch who was positioned on the other side of the room. It was unknown if the Owl boy would sit there as he had taken his sticky note and walked to the back of the room.

As for the overflowing essence in the room, Chunji decided not to bother with it. Friviously use of his Ethos, as low maintenance as it demanded, would only make him slack and unprepared for situation where he wouldn't be able to use it. For now, Chunji took out a book that he had borrowed from the library and placed it down on to the table. Flipping the book open, he read it until the Professor would enter into the room.
I can probably get a post after today.
Going to have to sit out for a few days. I have exams.
That may prove a little diffucult. I have my hands a little tied right with things, so it'd have to wait until Friday.

EDIT: I'll try to get it done.
A handshake?

"Oh, my apologises," Chunji said without an ounce of embarrassement. The redness of his ears, however, betrayed his true feelings over his misinterpretation. Receiving the vitamin bottle back from Professor Lumyr, Chunji glance at Ms.Steeler. To be more accurate, it looked like a glare that, but it wasn't. "I am relatively inept with social skills. In future cases where small mistakes like these happen, I'd be grateful if you were to be patient." Hopefully that would not be the case.

Though aside from that little debacle, there wasn't much more to say. The workshop wouldn't be open for a while longer, which meant there wasn't a point in staying around. Chunji's intentions was to locate if there was workshop, but now that he had located it, he'd visit it at a later time.

Though it seemed that his expressions seemed to have disturbed Ms. Steeler, not that he could blame her.

"While, I do have questions, they'll most likely be answered in the future," Chunji finally said. If anything, Chunji would have like to ask advice on where to start with alchemy. After all textbooks were supplementary, the true knowledge came from the person who experienced them. "In any case, I will have to depart canteen. I have yet to eat today." Giving another bow to the Professor Lumyr, he turned to leave. "Have a good day Professor Lumyr, Ms. Steeler."

With that he left the area.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the cafeteria. In the corner of his eye, Chunji could make out a few figures. The owlboy, knight, and the shadow were talking amongst themselves. Gulliver, in his pompous ways, was sitting by himself as Chunji didn't count the mannequin surrounding him as people.

None of it matter much to him as he went to get breakfast. Walking up to one of the lines, Chunji ordered food from one them.
The 'Doctor' watched as another disaster called 'Ms. Steeler,' was coming through. The look on her face made her intentions to obliterate the door move evident as she stomped over. Thankfully, Ms. Steeler didn't blow down the door. There was hint of approval from Chunji as she watched the elf calm herself down, but made no comment. Ms. Steeler disappeared into the lab, leaving Chunji to his own devices.

School was truly an enigma. His parents taught him everything he had to know and didn't allow him go to the lectures at the town they resided in. More often than not, Chunji often heard complaints from his peers about the subject. It was along the lines of 'troublesome,' and 'completely boring.' From his point of view, Chunji was considering their words to be utterly wrong with his experience. Between fighting to death to attend school, having a ticking time bomb as a classmate, a potential possessed librarian, and a lot more to it.

"I should write a letter home soon," Chunji mumbled to himself. Mother and father would have been elated to hear that he was able to pass through the academy's initiation.

Chunji straightened his posture once he heard the arrival of two steps. One, he presumed, belong to Chloe and the other the Alchemical Professor. Needless to say, medical terms could perfectly describe what Chunji was looking at. The Alchemical Professor in front of him was gaunt, almost like a skeleton. Signs of exhaustion were evident and Chunji wouldn't be surprise if the Professor had developed some sort of stomach problem judging by how thin he was.

"My name is Chunji Yi, I'm new student as of yesterday. It is a pleasure to meet you Professor Lumyr," Chunji gave a bow to the Professor. Professor Lumyr, like the other faculty, seemed to be percuilar character as well. It would be in Chunji's best interest to get along with Mr. Lumyr in the upcoming future. As his Alchemical Professor, Chunji expected to see him a lot in the future.

Though for now, Chunji just stared at the hand extended in front of him. Why was the Professor Lumyr giving out his hand? Was Chunji suppose to give him something? Deciding that's what the hand gesture meant, Chunji dug into his pocket. Procuring a bottle full of vitamins, Chunji gave it to the Professor. "I'll be in your care in the future."
"Urk," Awakening to insects trying to burrow inside her skin was gross. Hopping out of her temporary shelter, Shun made a huge effort to ensure none of the insects were on her body, or worse inside her cavities. Once she groomed herself from any pests, Shun took in a deep breath.

The only thing she heard though was the growl of her stomach.

"I should find something to eat," Shun mumbled to herself. Taking a swig of water from her bottle, she took in the air once more. For once, she felt refreshed. All the troubles had cleared itself from the moment her eyes opened and now she was free to do whatever she wanted. For now, she needed to take care of her needs.

If she conserved her water bottle correctly, she'd be able to last through the day before finding another place to refill it. For now hunting was Shun's concern. Now that she was all by herself, the middle school girl would need to each individual task by herself. From cooking, to cleaning time to time, to refilling her bottle, she was now entirely responsible for herself.

With that said, Shun went out to hunt or forage. She'd at least recognize some of the native berries since she consume some before. Though nothing can be safer than a good cooked chunk of meat. Afterwards, she'd plan to explore the world. If she found a place where the earth stood above the trees, that'd be good.
I'm too smart y'know. I even looked at it but I didn't open all the tabs.
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