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Chunji and Ciara: We're not Umbralist Gang

"Davil. We talked for approximately eleven minutes in total." Chunji spoke after Davil's heartfelt words. "Two of the minutes consisted of me insulting your capabilities as a student," Then he started to list off all the times they talked. "Four minutes of discussion between Ms. Kyrios, Mr. Arillo, and me regarding your safety, to which I supported but also criticized Mr. Arillo for coddling you." The words of the Doctors were printed out as if they were hastened by magic. "Two minutes then allocated to when I performed first aid with Ms. Kyrios on you, and finally, the remaining time is spent on the now when our classmates started a fight with Professor Alto." Despite that, Chunji didn't seem winded by that analysis.

"You may need to reassess your idea of friendship. I am not professionally trained in this area and don't know if the clinic is either. Talking to the counselor is the most efficient option to find help." If there was anything that Chunji took out of this conversation, he was slightly mildly concerned about how Davil perceived him as a friend. While he didn't have much basis for a friendship, Chunji knew that spending approximately eleven minutes with a peer did not equate to an immediate friendship. Davil had many more problems than just the personal barrier.

Chunji's eyes lingered on the forming barrier that Davil materialized. It was trapped, as he said. The Doctor didn't know any words of advice he could offer to his classmate. Still, he tried his best. "I know little of those names as well," Chunji admitted to Davil. "Yet, I do not care for its name either; neither does it for mine own. As long as I acknowledge its existence and it acknowledges mine, I see no reason to know it." Chunji's eyes furrowed off to the side. His eyes detected movement.

Blood started to rush into his body as he assessed the situation. "Though the time may come when I'll know its name. Eventually, it will come, just like how your barrier will flow out of our body like a breeze." This wasn't good; several enemies were approaching them from the treeline, along with the tumbling of trees.

"泉源的慰安是猴泪眼的子. 11 日 9 月 1500 年"

The bones and flesh in Davil's arms started to heal. It was as if the wound was undoing itself in a completely painless way. However, that was hardly his concern right now. Turning to face his opposition, he got up and stared at the looming threat. "Stand back, Davil. If you get caught, I have no guarantee for your survival." Drawing out his sword, he walked five feet forward. Chunji raised his sword and reflected the fake sun's rays before unveiling his scarred wrist.

In a practiced move, Chunji slit his wrist. Blood poured profusely from the wound as he began his incantation.

春天诅咒一切永恒绽放。 (Spring in eternally blooms curse this)
夏天净化地狱,天堂也随之净化。(Summer with it purify can hell nor heaven neither)
冬天将继续,它们可能在秋天形成任何东西。(Winter into continue they, take may they form whatever in)
秋天,河流流淌着罪恶。 (Fall the through flow sin of rivers)

- 召唤大蛇莲 (Summoning Serpent Lotus Great)

The blood pooled into a singular point and expanded beyond its origin. It encapsulated Chunji's feet and started extending towards the approaching ensemble. Every drop that touched the grass started to wilt away. The pool stopped once it reached halfway before a ripple shook through the lake.

A muddy head slowly emerged out of the bloody pond. Its serpentine body slowly rose above, and its height reached the trees and stared at its summoner. The serpent was constantly rebuilding itself, its muddy body collapsing and rebuilding itself simultaneously. Petals were swathed within the serpent's body like scales, and they circulated akin to a blood vessel.

The spawn of the Great God Lotus Serpent had manifested.

With a foreign word, the spawn immediately threw itself at the enemy. Its immense weight crashed through them and ran rampant amongst the crowd. Its petals cursed any that touched them. The weight of sin deteriorates and saps the water of life. Anything that touched them wilted like a flower.

Chunji grew faint at the rampant loss of blood, though he did not falter at all. The moment he broke his concentration would be the moment the Spawn of the Great God Lotus Serpent turned around and killed him. He had done this many times before and was expected to perform it more times in the future. To falter was to die; one must persevere and strive forward to find redemption.
Shun blinked. She was still alive. The meat that Ayana had fed her was enough to rejuvenate her body. Though as Shun tried to move body but it almost seemed unresponsive. She felt as if she was trapped under a frozen lake, unable to move but see behind the natural window.

How anti-climatic. She had many questiosn for Ayana, but none would be answered as barely a word could escape her mouth. She could only mumble out a few words at a time but her words came out as such.

What now?

Return back to camp? Shun didn't know where the camp was after traveling god's knows how far. Shun wasn't an hiker to know the layabout and even if she was, there was no trail back to the camp. Not that she even wanted to return. Shun could already tell how everything would unfold the moment she stepped foot back into the camp.

More arguments, more pettiness, more drama. If Shun could, she would have sighed without the accompaning pain. Perhaps she was whining, but her honest thoughts were that everybody at that camp was stupid. It would've been better just laying around half-dead on the dirt than sitting around and listening to yappering.

A wave of exhaustion slowly washed over her and her eyelids felt heavier. Her eyes closed as she went back into an uncomfortable rest. There wasn't anything else she could do until then.
His words went on deaf to the sounds of battle. Chunji lifted his head, and by the time he did, Ciara, Iraleth, and Alto were consumed by roots and thorns. His Ethos told him everything he needed to see. Ciara and Iraleth are trapped inside the root-like cage with Alto. Seeing what happened at the final stages of the auditorium would bode badly for Alto.

That made him curious.

Why didn't Chloe just touch the cage and activate her Ethos? It was connected to one point, so the cage would have easily withered away from Chloe's withering touch. Chunji could not complain about the initiative since he wasn't a participant in their current battle. Otis must've connected everyone through a mental link and instructed them based on previous interactions and the prick Chunji had felt earlier.

That left him with an awkward situation between him and Davil. His fellow student was beside him as Otis requested him to do so. Now that Alto was occupied, Chunji's focus was redirected to Davil. Like the rest of his classmates, Chunji could count his interactions with Davil with only one hand. It wasn't enough reason not to interact with Davil, however.

"Davil," Chunji called to his classmate's attention. "The numbing spell I cast earlier will cause problems in the future. Make sure to check with the clinic daily for a week." The spell went wrong somewhere, but he didn't know what. A visit to the clinic would be necessary to ensure a full recovery afterward. Though while they're on the subject.

"If I may, I can heal your arms, Davil." Chunji was perfectly capable of restoration on that level. Even with the overcharged leyline, Chunji could cast an incantation quickly and efficiently. "However, there will be some drawbacks. My healing is imperfect as it is." Davil's arms may deteriorate back to their current state, become numb for a week, or worse. Chunji wanted at least consent from Davil to perform his spell art. "Whatever the case, the choice is yours. Your health is the most important."

Davil's injuries aside, Chunji needed to find a way to prevent his future injuries. If Davil was going to be injured when entering the overcharged leyline, he'd probably be damaged when they came out as well. As Otis stated earlier, Davil must put up a Personal Barrier before anything else. So, Chunji needed to find a way to help Davil manipulate it.

The problem was that Chunji wasn't familiar with essence manipulation. He knew the feeling but not the verbalization to instruct Davil.

Considering his next choice of words, Chunji spoke up. "Why do you think you are unable to manifest your Personal Barrier?" The words were delivered in a cold tone. "Remember what Professor Alto said. Emotional and conceptual essence. While this space is void of any essence, there's still essence inside us." It was a reminder, but something Chunji emphasized. "I know you can do it, Davil. If I can do it, so can you."
I'll let Erode post first. I have a test this week, anyways.

Chunji's going to use his ethos on the dome structure. Does it connect to one point like an onion?
Blood, pain, and all things related filled Shun's mind. Her body felt as if it was breaking apart when she barreled through the two monsters as if she was shot from a higher power rifle. Two birds with one stone was a fitting expression for this situation. Her mind finally snapped back as her wreck car of a body came tumbling down to the ground.

Then silence.

Shun thought she would have felt something by now, but her body felt so numb. Her fascimile was pushed her to the limit and now she was paying the price. A deep breath left the student's mouth as her eyes lingered up in the the deep, blue sky. A wave of uncertainty washed over the young girl as she contemplated over her life.

Did I live how I wanted?

For all her bluster and rage like a wave, those feelings were washed away. As if floating on the ocean's surface, Shun's breath became softer as the cold slowly started to settle in. Shun did not feel any regret for her actions. No, she felt grativated for avenging Yuudai's death. A small part of her even rejoiced the fact that she proved everyone wrong. Even if it would come at the cost of her life, Shun didn't mind at all.

Freedom was always followed by consequence. If her life left like the breeze, then so be it.

Shun's eyes closed and took her last breath. Only to have something forced down her throat. She gagged as color returned back into world. The once blue sky was murky with the blood that was clinging onto Shun's face. Shun, having been broken out of her dreamlike state, immediately noticed Ayana, or Oros, was the perpetrator to the force feeding.

"Uuururgh." Was all Shun could say as she tried to speak through the giant morsel going down her throat. Ayana rambled on, but Shun was undergoing through another battle of healing and food. Finally, Shun managed to swallow the meat and took deep breaths. Her body felt much more alive, but still badly damaged.

"...Sure, cough." Ah, her throat was messed up her. But, those words were enough to affirm her standing. At that moment, Shun didn't really care what happened anymore. Ayana? Oros? It mattered very little to her now. Since Ayana/Oros saved her, Shun might as well follow her around. For now Shun would have to wait and recover. After every thrill, a good rest was needed to sink in it.

The air smelled sweet.
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