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A llittle late but we're now 300+ posts!
Dayin dinged and Chunji split his attention off of Emelie for a second to address the notification.

Forest. Help.

Chunji turned back his attention to Emelie. The librarian had a high sensitivity when it came to emotions. None of his classmates, Chunji included, detected anything wrong when they first entered the domain. A theory would be that the demon that was apart of her allowed her a higher sensitivity. It could also be her personality or Ethos.

"If natural leylines are a river of life, what does that make of the artificial leyline?" A question that was seemingly posed to no one. While he hadn't read much on alchemy, he knew the Law of Equvalient Exchange. For the output to be balanced, the input must share the same amount of importance as the former.

The inland occultist kept letting words escape her mouth. Chunji listened closely and heavily considered her words. After pondering an appropriate tale, Chunji relayed his own family's superstition. "While I may not have grown with the main family, I heard it was common practice to find a poisonous snake have it bite children when they come of age." He still had the small scars on his forearm that were like black dots on a blank paper.

"When I was five, my parents went out to find the most poisonous snake that could find in these lands and had it bite me." Those were unpleasant times. Back when his body was not use external pains, did the tears flows. His throat hoarse from the screams and the insincere courage that was curried to put a strong front. "The Mirage Python, known for its vibrant colors, was the poisonous snake that my parents could find. I ran a fever for several weeks after it had bit me." It was said that the more vibrant the colors, the more deadly the animal was. Chunji didn't know if that was true, but it did feel like his flesh was boiling under his skin.

"The reason why it was done was because it was believed that it would bring us closer to our ancestors. That and the belief it helped build poison resistance." It didn't of course. Poison came it different shape and forms and needed a specific antidote to alleviate the worst of it. The poison did grant him a greater resistance to pain, that other than that nothing.

Knowing Emelie well enough that she'd be even more perturbed, Chunji decided to move the question along. "What do you think of my classmates? The two of them right now are expressing their values, but I'm sure what happened at the auditorium gave you a first impression." If Emelie would ask who which one was, Chunji would supply her the information to identify the correct person.

Might have to press F to respects for Chloe.
The trees were whistling, whatever birds were chirping, and the novelty of the silence soon became an annoyance to Shun. After spending some time, Shun was now tired of resting and wanted to do something for a change.

Patrolling around the woods, while relaxing, was also starting to become boring. Same trees, same leaves, same claw marks. Wait, claw marks? The new discrepency wasn't there before, which meant something new was going to happen. "Maybe it'll be fun," Shun murmured to herself as she observed the claw marks.

She'd have to investigate to find the perpetrator of these claw marks. She could handle a group of monsters, putting aside the fact the near death experience, so Shun was confident she could handle a few more monsters. If not, she'd retreat and inform the others of the impending invasion that she'd inevitably lead back to the camp.

Whatever the case, it was the better to rip off the band aid now rather than later. Shun attempted to make a covert effort to follow the markings. A new experience was awaiting for her.
Chunji regarded Emelie with the same dispassionate look he often wore. The metaphor the librarian said could be to both the figurative sense and the literal sense. A war was starting soon between Ciara and Valen. Moreso with Ciara as she bore a look that could kill people. "I don't intrude matters that are unrelated to me," Chunji said in a flat tone.

Aside Emelie's odd choice of words, Chunji seriously considered Emelie's rhetorical question. Did he have any particular enemies? There were none that he could think of, but maybe he did unknowningly create a few enemies. "None that I am aware of. If there are, they're completely one-sided." His dislike for Ciara was present, but not enough to turn into animosity.

"Today... One of my classmates had to be sent to the clinic after he failed to manifest his personal barrier. My Professor has soured the class's perspective on him. Now, two of my classmates are involved in another engagement." Chunji didn't seem particularly unhappy nor elated at the details of his day.

"To state the conclusions of today's events requires for the day to end. A large sample data is also preferred as having experiencing only one day is not conclusive enough. Today's event will serve as a baseline of expectations for future reference." A complicated answer to Emelie's rhetorical question. If there was anything that could be read, it was the content of Chunji's words that expose some depth of his feelings regarding today's events.

Dayin popped up in front of him.

Otis had sent a message regarding matters of Chloe and Hildegrunde. Chunji was the second to last to leave class, but he had seen a glimpse of Chloe as he exited down the hall. Soon after Hildegrunde left as Chunji waited outside the classroom that Otis and Iraeleth had entered. Thinking back at it right now, she looked like she was trying to catch up to Chloe.

If you are referring to Ms. Steeler and Nachtnebel may be together. I do not know where they headed, but I remembered Nachtnebel following Chloe.

With that message penned, he looked back at the leylines. "Ms. Emelie, what are you thoughts on these leylines?" Chunji inquired. It seemed random, but this was the only topic they had in common at the moment. "I have felt them out and I can understand the importance of their power. Other than the Primal Leyline, the others were responsive. Did you have a leyline that was incompatiable with you?"

Would using his Ethos expose terribles truths once more? Emelie, the leylines, and the mysteries the Academy kept all held some sort of terrible knowledge. If the Golden Pillar was the culimination of these four leylines, then what ultimate sin did it carry?

That was the intruding thought that came into Chunji's mind as he heard her voice behind him. Ciara was en route to approaching Valen and his group of followers. Chunji knew that Ciara despised Valen based on what he said at the auditorium. Still, he honestly didn't expect her to act this rashly, especially in the presence of the principal.

Should he stop her? It seemed too late, as Ciara had already started provoking Valen. Even if he did try, Ciara would not appreciate his efforts. They did not have any sort of bond that would provide a strong persuasion, nor could he have constructed a proper sentence that avoided criticizing her for her rash decision.

It was better for him to not interfere at all. Ciara was confident she could handle the aftermath, and Chunji didn't see any point in dragging himself into someone else's problem.

Chunji headed inside the leyline attunement zone. After experiencing an overcharged Leyline, leylines became a topic of interest to Chunji, from its immense amount of essence to the potentially horrifying ramifications that dwelled within the artificial leylines. It would have had a lot of potential if Otis had been both knowledgeable and interested in it.

There were four leylines, from what Chunji could feel. Four of them had distinct feelings, and one actively rejected him. It was out of compatibility, but the Primal Leyline felt stiff as he observed. Leylines were like rivers, a comparison many people must have agreed with as they stretched across the academy.

The Arcane Leyline felt 'solid.' In the way of a tower that breached the skies, the Arcane Leyline felt endless and disappeared beyond the horizon. It stood above everything below and held command over the essence stored within. A foundation that was built and continued to be built as time progressed.

An inverse to it was the Divine Leyline. While the Arcane Leyline was solid, the Divine Leyline felt as if it was fluctuating. The Divine was more encompassing in how the Arcane Leyline was encapsulating. An idol upon the hill that stood over the town. It shined radiantly in the day, yet it cloaks itself in the darkness of the night.

The Occult Leyline, in contrast, was unstable. Not in the way that it could be used, but it was considerably unpredictable. In the way that man can never predict the weather, the tide of the Occult nearly lashed out at random when Chunji tried to sense it. A feeling that Chunji was familiar with and didn't seem to be particularly bothered by it.

The Primal Leyline was left relatively untouched. Once Chunji received no response, he didn't bother to try to tap into it again. A matter of incompatibility for all, he was considered.

What was most curious was how each connected to the Golden Pillar, where Principal Raja was standing. Was this the precipice of leyline knowledge? How did the leylines not combust once connected with every one of them? It was a question that Chunji both mused and discarded. He felt that connecting them like that came at a great cost.

The announcement would come soon. Dayin had gave him the result and he would provide it at the ceremony.

The Sword of Wund. It was fitting admittedly. If blood was drawn by a sword, then so too will a healer be nearby.

How many leylines are there in the attunement zone? I'm going to try and have Chunji interact with them.
By the time Shun woke, Duncan and Asahi were long gone on their own adventure. Shun didn't think too much as it was their own decision to leave the camp by themselves. She also wasn't the one who could criticize their situation, since she did the same thing yesterday. From what she gathered, other than Ayana, no one noticed her disappearance nor seemed to care that much.

Such was the life of an outlier.

Shun stretched her limbs and walked over to eat some of the breakfast that had been prepared. They were in a good situation, but who knew how long that would last. Savoring the last of the breakfast, Shun contemplated on what she could do for today. She wasn't particularly interested in interacting with her classmates, and she didn't want to sit still.

"I'll patrol the area, get a walk-in." Shun said as she up and left the area. The forest was a serene and quiet, yet could be awfully deadly. Shun wondered if the deer she had seen earlier would appear back to take a sip from the lake. Hopefully, it didn't and hopefully it didn't bring any friends. The last thing she wanted right now was to get into a brawl. Shun was still savoring the glory from her last fight.
Davil must've neglected his Adapa if he hadn't learned essence manipulation from it. However, his problem regarding Personal Barriers might be a unique case. Davil being unable to encase himself in a barrier and traveling into a leyline was a curious case. Maybe it had something to do with his Prime Essence? The incompatibility of a prime essence, say, 'Traveler,' versus enclosing oneself wall seemed quite disjointed and would prove why he could travel from leyline to leyline.

Purely conjecture. In general, Chunji didn't know enough of the essence to make that theory more than a theory. It was a fun thought, but ultimately needless in the end.

Chunji was more interested in his Adapa. The principal said it should cover weaknesses, enhance strengths, and more. Under that statement, it seemed possible to modify Dayin further. Another subject of future interest. He'd need to allocate two more hours to researching his Adapa. He'd like to ask for Otis's insight if time and place were allowed.

Little time left meant little time left to ponder. Students started to gather around for the attunement ceremony.

If Chunji were to give his honest opinions on the event, he'd prefer to flip a coin and join whatever side. The event was to formulate teams and create a competitive environment that would boost the growth of both sides. Chunji despised conflict and, in turn, disliked the need for competition. With or without conflict, he'd reach his end goal.

How would others see the attunement? It was obvious that Iraleth was on Nero's side. With her faith and protector behavior, it was fitting for someone like her to join that side. He presumed Chloe would join Nero based on her 'pacifistic' actions and personality. Rio was a package deal with Chloe. Davil would most likely follow the group that most people he was familiar with. Otis and Ciara were the same as Chloe and Rio, but he didn't know what side they would join. He didn't have enough information on Hildegrunde.

"Dayin. Flip a coin."

A static hum was emitted from Dayin. A coin was flipped. A result was found. An answer that he would provide at the attunement center.

Observe and note.

It seemed his line of reasoning was pessimistic. Otis and Iraleth had successfully retrieved a unwounded Davil from the leyline which meant that Chunji's presence was no longer needed. Having not entered the room, Chunji left without a sound and passed by Room 103. The bright light that shined in 104 shined the same in 103. Chunji didn't know why Otis chose to return back to the room, but it was a situation that didn't matter to him.

As soon as Chunji left the building, he staggered a bit. The loss of blood was getting to him, but he could persevere until the Attunement Ceremony ended.

There wasn't much time left, so it was quite pointless to run back to the dorms to change into more suitable clothing. His spell had cleaned off most of the grime and he didn't break much of a sweat during the fight. That left him in the odd situation of spending the few minutes he had left. It left him with time to reflect on his day.

Bonding with his classmates was an extremely hard tasks. All, except Iraleth to an extent, had drastically different personalities that Chunji found difficult to interact with. Combining the fact he had one of the most green teachers he had in his life, Chunji felt that the journey head was a lot more rockier than he had expected.

Alto said that it was the 'leyline attunement zone.' Was the attunement going to take place in an overcharged leyline? He could have searched for it with Ethos, but he wanted refrain from straining it too much.

"Dayin." In the next moment his Adapa appeared. "Tell me of your functions." In the next few moments, he would familarize himself with the Adapa while he waited. Other than essence mail and the other function, was it possible to utilize the Adapa for something else? Either way, it would good use of his time understanding how it worked.

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