Avatar of Atroposer
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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    1. Atroposer 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I enjoy drawing new OCs entirely too much.
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I'm not very complicated. I'm an artist who is always learning something new, and though my art isn't amazing, it's improving, which is a good thing in my book. I'm very social online, so feel free to talk to me. My favorite things are traveling, small town restaurants, and late night diners at 2 AM with my girlfriend. I have the ability to waste $100 in an hour, then make $5 last all week and absolutely zero math skills.

I have a plethora of OCs. A shameful amount even. One for just about any situation that could come up.

Most Recent Posts

@Polaris North Feel free.
@Savo No worries! Let me know when you figure it out. I have a feeling I may need to add more weakness, but I wasn't entirely certain. It could be that I wrote her as a discomforting character?
@Surtr Thank you for reading her over. It's down in her weaknesses, which I now realize is poorly organized. "Not to mention, should she harm herself without intent to transfer or become wounded by another, the wound will not heal until pushed off onto another person." So, essentially it'll just be a regular wound.
@luna558 Telasie likes 'red' quite a bit.
Super late to the party but wondering if this is still open?
@TheUnknowable I can see Tes bugging him until he puts one over those two.
@Polaris North Demitrius must be protected at all costs.
Tes was mindful not to blow smoke in the faces of her companions. Someone approached her to tell her to put out her cigarette, but she glanced over and gave a small wave and grin. Usually once people recognized her, she got away with everything but murder. The man hesitated but pretended not to notice the scent of tobacco and clove that was heavy in the air as he walked away.

"Sure!" Tes hummed. "I'm starved. Do you know any restaurants around here? It can be my treat." She offered. Then she hesitated as she put her cigarette out on her palm before dumping in it a trashcan once it was cooled off. She looked at the mark on her hand before ignoring it and heading towards the exit, fully expecting the other two to follow. "So, outskirts of Athens, eh?" She said. "Oh! Hey, Eun, how's that brother of yours?"
This actually sounds incredibly fun.
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