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『 Hot takes. 』
Most Casual Roleplay threads are secretly Advanced. Not anyone's fault that Casual has 5× as many players in it.
Tables never look right on phones.
Your antisocial character is never antisocial enough.

『 Hello. 』
I wanted my username to be Andrias Cromwell but that's one letter too long.
I'm a bit ill right now, barely able to walk and taking 8 meds a day due to non-alcoholic fatty liver. I sleep too early and I'm in a timezone somewhere east of Asia. Just give me, like, a day to respond to things.

『 Current threads. 』
We are the good guys... right?

『 My own threads. 』
Test scenario.
The forum version of a teenager's sketchpad?

Most Recent Posts

Possibly forgoing any respectful way to haul the dead, Ludvig carried the two remaining corpses unaccounted for, one under each arm like he was carrying long wooden boards. He spun and gently laid them beside the corpse Mirielle was examining.

Looks like Dromele's finally set to leave. Mirielle looks exasperated despite doing really well to hide it. No leads, he supposes.
The other ex-inquisitor seems to be lifting his lantern up in broad daylight. Curious.
The sound of soil being stabbed into with a soft crunch, and promptly tossed aside. Linnie.
He stared at one of the corpses' charred face while commenting to himself.

"S'pose we do need to bury 'em...
Though a more apt location would have been nice. Somewhere a bit closer to their families, perhaps."

The carriage would have been nice to still have, in the moment.

He grabbed his waist, feeling the corpse grime add some strange friction between his hands and polo shirt. Noticing this, he tapped his chest once, poofing away all the dirt, blood and sweat on his exterior altogether in a near-instant. Even the bullet tear on his shoulder area was gone.

That reminded him. He glanced at Mirielle, holding his left hand out.
"I will not demand you to join me regardless, but be aware that you are already involved for travelling in this group. I doubt whoever came after Sir Thomas' entourage will make any distinction between you and I."

"Fair points."

The comment preceding that fluttered Ludvig's heart a bit, while he did indeed realize it was too self-deprecating even for him or for an excuse to basically 'skip work'.
Watching her little plight, he knelt beside her, conjured up a plain white handkerchief, and gently rubbed it on Mirielle's eyebrows, trying not to obscure her sight.

"Suppose I'll make an exception for you and your um... tendency to charge into three men head-on, it does gives me a bit of worry. You'll have my support, just... Don't ask me to kill anyone.
Take off your gloves later, I'll clean 'em for you."

With a little demonstration of the stains on the handkerchief just disintegrating into cyan motes of light. He then waves the handkerchief once, obscuring it with his hand, et voilà the handkerchief is gone. He hoped it gave her just a little bit of levity, as he stands up and gently pats Mirielle's shoulder one time.

"I don't care much for my own life, but yours is a separate issue."


Two more corpses strapped onto burnt posts. Leaving Mirielle alone for now, Ludvig walked towards one of the posts, unsheathes his dagger and, in alarming speed, slashed three times to undo the ropes and caught the falling corpse by the neck.
The half-rotten, half-burnt carcass of a cleric, its head drooping backwards and presenting its blackened missing face towards Ludvig. A slight grimace emerged in his face as he laid the corpse gently down the ground. It does not look any less appealing up close, he thought.

Onward to the last corpse, Ludvig pondered on the efficiency of his sword-path and opted to slice all the ropes with a swift slash through one wavy line. He didn't get to catch that corpse as it went down, stirring up more of the ash and soot that piled on the ground and creating a little smoke cloud. He shielded his eyes then waved the smoke away.
This is definitely not his best work, he thought. He deals best with the living.
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5567187 a rectified mistake in post order
Twenty minutes ago...

Recognizing the veiled threat, and for some reason feeling unusually excited by it--possibly due to the prospect of death--Ludvig's eyes widened, his mouth grinned menacingly as he let out a sinister chuckle--
He covered his mouth, his face back to normal, glancing at Amaris, then Mirielle, then the ground rapidly scrolling beneath their horses' feet. He clasped both sides of his head and sighed, still staring dead at the ground.

"Please stop making it so easy for me to push your buttons."

He glances back at Amaris and smiles, indicating his return to normalcy, although that didn't last long and his smile faded as he spoke further. His arms crossed, before his right palm moved to caress the right side of his jawline.

"At first I assumed Mirielle had the shorter fuse--no offense, Miri--but, um. No, it's you, Amaris. By an incredibly long shot, I have to say it disappoints me greatly.

"It is the usual, isn't it? It just comes right in the territory of people who were born with tremendous power. They're quick to decide on taking people's lives because it comes at really no effort for them to do so. They're quick to make threats for there's no doubt that they can back it up with the power they were born with. Power so great it affects how someone views society and the decisions you make regarding it.

"We're, what, practically the same age? We're potentially ancient beings, you and I, and yet you still lack self-reflection.
You think you're in control, when... Really, it's your power that's been controlling you."

Ludvig's mesmerizing blue eyes glance coldly at Amaris, before switching to Mirielle and smiling gently. He takes a slight bow, much he could do while sitting cross-legged.

"Sorry for the interruption."

He stands up on his galloping horse, walks two steps to the front and gently pats the horse's neck urging it to pick up the pace a little to move back closer to Carmen's row, as he finally sits properly on the saddle of his horse, or at least for a tiny moment until he raised his left leg, his knee supporting his chin and left arm.
He glanced at Carmen and spoke, but really he's just mumbling to himself.

"I'm really fumbling her, aren't I?
At least I have the old masters to thank for keeping me grounded and, and humble... I wonder what that old coot's doing. Probably still looking for more disciples. I can't imagine being that willing to impart with advice and, and knowledge."

The present.

Ludvig's sleep was abruptly stirred by Mirielle yelling 'sacrilege', and the sight and the reality of their situation came fully into view.
Regrettably he didn't feel anything by it. People die, it happens. Some, in more gruesome ways than others. He felt only apathy towards the dead, but he didn't need to hear their words to know what the two members of the Order must be feeling.
There was a bud he felt a strong need to snip, and quickly, but there was only so much he could do. He rolled off from atop his horse, walked slowly towards the two ex-inquisitors, brushing past Amaris without a glance.

"I offer my condolences for your losses.
I just have... a few words.
I don't really condone thoughts of revenge... But I'm not about to impose myself and dissuade you all from harbouring such notions.
Just know that I will not assist you, should you decide to go down that path.

"Because I am a self-righteous coward."
Ludvig's fist sank deeper into his cheek, closing his eyes and tilting his head in thought.

"Hmm, rebuilding even half-close to their former scale implies funding they usually never have.
It's not even just the money. As I said, instill enough fear to make the followers reluctant in persisting to do it. Funding's already one thing, but loyal manpower is sooo much harder to replace.
Not even to mention facilities, supply chains, human network and connections, plus any potential 'customers' would think twice before dealing with some fledgling peddler they aren't familiar with."

He inhaled, needing to catch some air after that lengthy ramble. The moment of relative silence allowed him to rethink the other party's position, and as he did so his head immediately perked up and straightened.

"By the way, you sounded like Amaris just now. She must have indeed won you over in the end."

A nonchalant thumb up from the right hand still elbowing his knee, while glancing at Amaris.

"I believe it is your victory, my dearest."
The air around Carnatia seemed to differ as she asked Ludvig about whatever insight he gleaned. For a moment it gave him goosebumps, for it was the exact same air with which Carnatia sliced that hangman's calves with pure haste and accuracy.
Surely she wouldn't dare, would she? Not with two people and a horse galloping between them, surely?

He sighed relief as her attention moved back to Carmen, but the air wasn't fading. Ludvig at this point was curious; it seemed like bloodlust, but it may be more accurate to call a zone or a flow state, when one's focus and senses are heightened. Quite nostalgic for him; although to see someone control it, forcibly put themselves in that state--even by using mana--is an underrated feat.

Not like anyone would know, especially those two behind his horse, still bickering about he supposes whether or not they should've killed those soldiers back there. He rubs the back of his horse's nape, urging it to slow down a bit as he stands.
He stands, on top of the moving horse.
He walks back and sits on its hip, cross-legged. Right arm elbowing his knee, supporting his cheek.

To call it bickering is disservice as Amaris unloads with a wave of emotions. Indeed a topic too deep in her heart, though Ludvig felt it to be a little misguided.
Also he found it slightly hilarious that the roles seem incredibly reversed, just based on their outward personalities.

"Ladies, can I sneak in here real quick? Just to say, I'm leaning more towards agreeing with my dearest Amaris, but you don't really have to kill everybody."

He gestures his right thumb across his neck with a snap at the end. During his monologue, he unsheathes his dagger and spins it on his left palm.

"Just the head is fine.
Steadily instill fear into the people below them, as you sow anarchy, and chaos.
Even if a head dares to regrow, just keep snipping at it until the organization dissolves itself, and the rest live their remaining lives scarred and scared. Some would say it can be worse than death, and stress is kind of a silent killer.
That's what I would do, anyway. For dealing with corruption."

Sheathes the dagger back and shrugs.

"Not all of us are capable of massacre. It'll look better on the news papers too, and you won't have some overbearing church-types knocking at your door putting cursed robes on your head."

There's no telling if he's speaking from experience or just acting to look cool in front of the women--an effect that has to be currently being actively countered by unintendedly insulting said women.

Before either of them can begin mulling anything over, he speaks again.

"Like, those soldiers back there, they were working at the behest of the Ealdorman, weren't they?"

He glances back for a bit, making sure Carmen's not paying attention.

"Then just kill the Ealdorman."
Lying down on his moving horse, head resting on arms on the horse's nape. Pink polo shirt still bloodied from the current non-existent gunshot wound, seems he's refraining from magically cleaning himself up for the moment.
Ludvig sat up at the peasant's strange refusal to speak further about the fates of the clerics.

"This sounds like a trap. Why does it sound like a trap?
Uh, excuse me, are you leading us down a trap, sir?"

Just immediately straight to the point with his question as usual, and of course only to gauge the peasant's subtle facial reactions.

"Oh, and actually what's your name? It seems that courtesy hasn't been afforded by any of us yet. I'm Ludvig by the way, I'm an aspiring musician. What's your favourite colour that isn't green?"

He reaches from his galloping horse to give the peasant a handshake, moving horses be damned.
He's not an aspiring musician (anymore), and the peasant's favourite colour has nothing to do with anything. He might still be gauging the peasant's facial expression, or he just wanted to confuse him. Maybe both.
He shrugs and lays back down on the horse, eyes shut. No forewarning.

"I believe him. We're good."

There is no way to tell if Ludvig is lying or being contrarian to what he concluded, if he concluded anything at all. He seems to operate solely on whether the possible result qualifies as fun.
"Hmm, no.
As far as matters resting, killing them might be the best thing to do right now."

Must be a startle for everyone around, Ludvig suddenly being there on his horse, laying down on his back and using the horse's neck as a headrest. Without any necessary input on his part, his horse matches its pace with the rest of the horses.
He chuckled audibly, heading gradually into a laugh.

"I'm sorry, it just reminded me of something. Um...
Nah I'm kidding, we'll be raising eyebrows regardless if we kill them or not, I mean look at us, we don't exactly blend in.
Wouldn't be that far-fetched for them to conclude that the nine heavily-armed newcomers on horseback killed their buddies, eh?"

The unnervingly jovial Ludvig glanced at Amaris and then Mirielle, only one of his eyes open, then crossed his arms and relaxed his head to look straight up, both eyes closed.

"Plus if we're as strong as we think we are, a hundred of them don't pose any threat."

Suddenly, his eyes opened and his smile dropped. He glanced at anyone nearby.

"By the way, I may have misheard him. Did he just mention a witch in the mountain?"

He gritted his teeth onto his right thumbnail, and muttered a 'tsk'.

"Please be someone I've never met before..."
"Huff... That went well.
None of us are injured, none of them are dead... I hope."

Can't discern the status of the captain from this distance.
Never mind, Ludvig can barely hear their captain yelling. Can't quite make out the words.

Carefully stepping over the unconscious soldiers' bodies, he walked towards Mirielle, arms spread out as if leaning into a hug and/or a beso, but backing out at the last moment when he realized the blood still on his hand and clothes.

"Ah, Miri! Muy fantástica, mi dulce-- Uh, oh. Oops. Forgot about that."

Palming¹ his left shoulder to heal the wound away while his clean right fist is gently raised, awaiting to be bumped.

"Did they name the Order of the Golden Sun after you, or did you develop spells that, erm, matched the theme?
Either way, you're blinding hot, in several ways."

He winked. It's a cheesy line and he knew it too.
Looks like Mirielle isn't injured. One of the musketeers was kneeling peacefully, bless him.

"Uh, did I burned you? It shouldn't happen. My bad?"

"No no, I'm fine... Ooh, that guy isn't. Uhh, hold that thought, Miri."

The other musketeer had a visible gaping hole in his hand.
Ludvig knelt beside the injured musketeer and held his arm. For this much missing flesh, the commensurate pain will have to be on the level of...
With his other hand, he pets the soldier's head.

"Ooh, this is bad. Just relax. Alright? You're gonna feel, um, about the same as stubbing your toe on the corner of a wall.
Around two-hundred consecutive times.
Bite into this, can't have you gritting your teeth or biting your tongue."

in case of refusal to bite,
"Tsk. Your funeral."

Passes a rolled-up clean handkerchief from out of nowhere² and puts it horizontally in the injured musketeer's mouth.
Ludvig's hands then glow¹, both grasping the soldier's gored hand.

¹『 Heavenly Dragon's Inverse Healing Palm
² part ofGroom
Ludvig turned around, yanking the hangman along with him while maintaining the chokehold he had on him. He raised his thumb with his left hand, while his right hand continued to burn the hangman's mana and inflict immense pain¹. Underneath his gambeson, the hangman's veins should start to be more visible and blackening. Consequently, the wounds Carnatia inflicted will have also healed to a point as if it never happened.

"Ghehe. Nice one, Nat².
Urgh-- stop making strange noises. Just pass out quietly."

He glanced for a moment towards the sergeant, right as he said 'wenches', and made a mental note to heal him extra thoroughly later.
Carmen was in the same direction, yelling at Mirielle's direction. He swiveled his head again. One of the musketeers, still with the mental fortitude to escape.

"Nati², assist the peasant, will you?"

He let go of the hangman, switched his right hand's grip from above the ear to the back of his head, and as he began thrusting the hangman's head forward, both Ludvig and the hangman vanished³...

... reappearing right in front of the running musketeer, and if he aimed correctly, both soldiers' heads should impact each other in the middle.

"Aaand concussion."

¹『 Heavenly Dragon's Inverse Healing Palm
² Carnatia
³『 Jumpscare
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