Alister s body did not move he held position as his feet lifted a few inches from the ground. With full meditation synced he hovered there concentrating on the flow of his bodies energies
Elaine nodded "I can conjure a few crows to check the further and harder to reach areas of the land around the castle. And if the need arises I can activate the castles eyes to keep a closer watch on everyone" she said happily. The castle eyes of course was nothing more than a metaphor referring to the small animals and creatures that roamed the castle
Alister sighed as their voices faded away being drones out by the much more finite noises the sound of hearts beating, the small trickling of wind, the cracking sounds of Vs icicles
Alister shrugged and began walking away from the group to find a solo spot so stand alone. He stood there silently meditating in a transitive state fully aware of his surroundings and able to sense even the moments of the tiniest particles