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    1. AyaVesper96 9 yrs ago


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(Do ignore the site, I must have copied the site link instead of only the picture at the top)
Project Number:
Sex: Female
Age: 19
80% human, 20% raven

Appearance Details
Hair color: black with a violet sheen
Eye color: dark garnet
Skin tone: very fair
Scars: Quite scarred knees due to multiple crash landings, one small, horizontal scar under her left eye from a piece of shrapnel from an exploding projectile during a training exercise.
Tattoos/Piercings: multiple ear piercings in the lobe and helix of both ears, single labret piercing in the middle of her lower lip. Small skull tattoo on the outside of her left ankle, done by hand
Height/Weight: 5’8”, 130lbs
Significant Markings:
Large, flexible wings resembling a raven’s, though built larger in proportion to hold the body’s weight, glossy black feathers at the nape of the neck (varying sizes, some up to five inches). Long sharp nails, similar to talons.

Due to her being part bird, Merel’s bone density is less than that of the average human, especially in her wings, where the bones are hollow. Attuned to other birds, she can sense if there is another animal or human is nearby based on their behavior. She is fast and agile, though prefers to stay out of unnecessary fights.

Merel is rather timid and shy, often coming off as secretive or untrustworthy. She prefers to stay away from most people, though she usually warms up to anyone who doesn’t give her an immediate uneasy feeling. Introverted and quiet, she usually passes unnoticed in a large group of people.
Though usually calm, Merel is prone to the nervous habit of preening the feathers beneath her thick hair, and will even pull out a few small ones if she is stressed, similar to birds’ habit of yanking out feathers due to severe stress or agitation.

If Merel is stressed or extremely anxious, she can be prone to panic, even lashing out at trusted allies or friends. She is very guarded about her wings, as they are sensitive to the touch, and can be easily sprained if pulled or bent the wrong way. Usually cannot control her voice if startled, involuntarily squawking or screeching if in pain or surprise, flapping her wings defensively.

Most of Merel’s memories are of the exhausting endurance flight tests and agility obstacle courses, where she would have to evade obstacles and attack small projectiles, which would sometimes miss and hit her wings. She was also put through stressful and painful “physical therapy” if a wing was sprained or injured.. or even thought of as injured, which was quite often, as the scientists mistook the way Merel would hold her sore wings for injury. Because they could not understand her, or simply wouldn’t listen, she developed a mistrust of all full humans.
After the escape, she lived in the mountain range far from the facility, near a family of ravens that seemed to tolerate her presence. She caught fish, foraged for berries and other wild fruits, hunted rabbits and, true to her carrion-bird DNA, would even clean up after large predators like bears had killed a deer or elk, following the ravens. Though she hates going out in human society, she can hide her wings under a large leather trenchcoat and pass as human.

Optional Information
Likes: Music, being groomed (say if someone she trusts plays with her hair or helps preen her wings), beef jerky, trail mix, shiny objects
Dislikes: getting her wings wet, crowded spaces, going out in public, humans
Crush(es): TBA
Relationships: TBA
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