Avatar of BalrogRaptor
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 22 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. BalrogRaptor 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current So I go offline for, like, 21 days or something. I come back and literally no notifications whatsoever ? Wow. The internet LOVES me. I think I'm leaving...Nobody cares !
9 yrs ago
Why does nobody ever join my roleplays ;-;
9 yrs ago
They key to a happy life is to accept you are never in control.
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
I'm the sassy Summer Goat, and I've arrived, bringing summer upon the lands !


I'm a roleplayer and am in many fandoms such as Jurassic Park, Ranger's Apprentice, and House of Secrets. I'm a Tolkienite, Potterhead, Demigod (that's what they call themselves right ?), and in the Mr Mosbey Fmmmmmdom.
My favorite characters are Gollum, Annatar, Tom Bombadil, Treebeard, Dahlia Kristoff, Anubis, Janus, Pan, Sirius Black, Hedwig, Dobby, Mr Mosbey, Will Treaty, Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones, Grishnakh, Gorbag, Snaga, Tartarus, and Thoth.
People call me Dark, as my name's Dark Severus.
My OTP is Wildelia (Will Draper and Cordelia Walker) from House of Secrets.
I've many characters, as I started roleplaying through Google+. My favorite custom/original characters are :
-Fornost the Silver; a great drake inspired by Smaug.
-Thovion son of Thodon; a halfling whose father was a Dwarf and his mother was an Elf.
-Sorgak; a giant six-armed demon who was bound to the ground and was one of the most powerful children of Satan.
-Serpentus; a god who has the bottom of a serpent and the top half of a man, and is the god of serpents.
-Delfaroth; a skin-changer who transforms into a leopard.
-Aratir son of Aratar; a 'silver' ranger inspired by Aragorn son of Arathorn.
-Raptor Oakenshield; a son of Poseidon ranger who is also a ranger and has a pet Stymphalian bird named Tarkin.
-Hogan (forgot his last name); a misunderstood son of Tartarus who lives in his father's realm.
-Goridoc Brandybuck; a very adventurous yet old Hobbit who lives in Tookland.
-Admissarius Eqqus; a Centaur whose upper half is that of an Elf.

Besides these, I've a lot more, but these are probably my best yet.
Have a nice day !

Most Recent Posts

I'll be turning this into fanfiction.

Goridoc Brandybuck, a very adventurous Hobbit, is obliged to go on a perilous quest given to him by [to be determined]...
It was a peaceful night in Tookland. In his Hobbit Hole, Goridoc Brandybuck was having dinner. He was back from a three-week trip. The old Hobbit finished his food and sat in the porch, smoking a pipe. He watched the road and the sky in the peaceful and quiet night of the Shire as his rings of smoke flew up into the dark sky, towards the stars. He sang an Elven song quietly.

'A Elbereth Gilthoniel,
silivren penna miriel
o menel aglar elenath,
na-chaered palan diriel
o galadhremmin ennorath
nef aear, sí aearon,
Fanuilos, le linnathon
Nef aear, sí aearon !'

Goridoc closed his eyes for a moment, his legs spread before him. The Hobbit has grayish-brown hair and a somewhat wrinkled face, due to age. Rings of smoke rose as he blew his pipe, his eyes still closed.

 Varda's stars shown down from the dark blanket of night, their light seemingly reflected across the landscape, for small dots of torchlight lay scattered across the rolling hills of Tookland. The occasional call of a woodland creature would break the otherwise gentle silence, but even they were merry and carried in them the peace that the silence belied. 
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