Avatar of Baphomini


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5 mos ago
Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am šŸ« 
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branchesā”€goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

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Numan is an umbrella term that encompasses those individuals who fall outside society's definition of ā€œnormal". This broad categorization refers most commonly to people who adopt personas as heroes, villains, or ambiguous figures operating in the space between good and evil. However, it's important to recognize that not all numans conform to these archetypes. Many eschew the path of flashy alter egos and live modest, ordinary lives indistinguishable from the general populace.

Though the exploits of costumed heroes and villains may dominate popular narratives and media depictions of numans, they represent only a fraction of this diverse community. The majority quietly go about their daily business, pursuing careers, raising families, socializing with friends, contributing to their communities, and finding meaning in life's simple pleasures. Their supernatural abilities or atypical attributes do not define them wholly. Like anyone else, their inner lives are complex and nuanced. They contain multitudes.

While the archetypal numans make headlines, they should not be taken as representative of the group as a whole. Numans are first and foremost people. Some may live up to lofty ideals of heroism, others may channel their exceptional natures to destructive ends, but most seek only connection, fulfillment, and an ordinary kind of happiness. Though set apart by their extraordinary traits, numans ultimately want only to find their place in the world as anyone would.

The numan, known colloquially as ā€œsupers", possess extraordinary abilities that set them apart from ordinary humans. These powers, which range from telepathy to flight to manipulating the elements, often seem to defy scientific explanations. While some numans use their gifts responsibly, many humans view them as dangerous anomalies or even threats. This unease has led to open hostility and discrimination. Numans regularly face verbal abuse, with hateful slurs like ā€œfreak" or ā€œmutant" used to dehumanize them. More disturbingly, some businesses refuse them service, and extremist groups openly raise funds to ā€œeliminate" them. Even well-intentioned humans may patronizingly treat powerful numans as celebrities, badgering them on the streets and invading their personal lives to ask them questions as though they were something to be studied. Tragically, many numans live in fear, unable to access basic rights and opportunities. Their distinctive traits, rather than being celebrated, make them targets.

It is for these reasons that for many decades, those with numan abilities lived in secrecy, concealing their powers from the public out of fear of persecution and discrimination. However, this long period of hiding in the shadows began to shift around the early 20th century as attitudes started to gradually change. The most significant catalyst sparking the emergence of numans into mainstream society was the rise of the hero known as ā€œThe White Guardian" in 1912. When a devastating earthquake struck Port Angels, causing widespread destruction, The White Guardian used his abilities to save countless lives and protect the city from total collapse. His selfless and heroic actions captured headlines across the country and even the world. Despite initial controversy and backlash from those who distrusted or feared numans, The White Guardian became a beloved public figure and helped pave the way for more numans to begin openly using their powers for good. Inspired by his example over the next few years, more super-powered individuals started coming forward as protectors and champions of justice. Though prejudice persisted in some segments of society, numans slowly but surely were coming out of hiding and finding acceptance through their admirable acts. By the mid-20th century, the presence of numan individuals was commonplace, marking a profound shift from the secrecy and obscurity that previously surrounded those with extraordinary abilities. The White Guardian's emergence was the spark that ignited a gradual but remarkable change in attitudes, beginning a new era of numans stepping out of the shadows and asserting their rightful place in the world.

Unfortunately, with every hero comes a villain, and, with the steady rise in crime, destruction, and danger in general, it was hard for numans to gain full acceptance, as many humans blamed them for the chaos, regardless of who they were or how they chose to live their lives. Despite the good deeds of many numans, a vocal minority of humans protested their presence, claiming that all numans should be cast out of society once more. These extremists went even further, preaching violence and persecution against the entire population of numans.

Today, despite laws being in place to try to protect numans from extremists and discrimination, many numans still choose to live discreetly among human society. While most don't feel the need to completely hide their identities, many numans make an effort to downplay their supernatural differences and abilities. They try to blend in and live as far below the radar as possible in order to avoid attracting negative attention. This guarded behavior comes from a learned caution - an understandable response considering the lingering undercurrent of prejudice. Numans remember the vitriol hurled against their kind when crime rates rose. They hope to quietly coexist, staying under the threshold that might provoke fearful or hostile reactions. Though progress has been made, numans remain wary, knowing that for every step forward, there are still those who would gladly force them back into the shadows.
The Compound

Coming Soon!
@Baphomini 1. she is a proxy, blessed by her god

2. kinda like recon, if that makes sense?

3. She can reseal her skin, but she can still bleed out if she does it to excess, for example, making her ribs protrude to use
as weapons would lead to her fainting from blood loss and a risk of death

4. Hmmm...this one depends on you, I can brainstorm some more lore and information on the cult if you'd like them to remain for
story reasons

1. Okay, that's what I thought at first but I wanted to make sure! I'm really happy to have a proxy on the team hehehe

2. I am not familiar with Recon and am having trouble searching what this means

3. Oh honey, someone please hold this girl

4. >:3c I think it could be fun to have them still around, but we can talk about this in the Discord server. I'll send it to you now!
@rexgn Eeehehehehehehe, you just won the last spot I'll take for now, my friend. This is gonna be a fun addition with Bezaliel's file specifically advising against prayer in the vacinity of the angel boy and Ana requiring prayer.

I have a few questions though...

1. What is Ana? In regards to the numan castes listed in the info on the other thread. Is she metahuman and just got lucky in getting bone powers to please the cult, or is she a proxy who has been blessed with power by the cult's god?

2. Can you elaborate on how she uses ghosts and spirits as "probes" to "map out the area" ? I'm having trouble understanding what you mean.

3. What...what happens to her skin when she do the bone thing? What happen to her organs?

4. Is the cult still active? Or were they disbanded after the DNCC got involved? I'm curious for story purposes šŸ‘€
@Mintz I can see the DNCC trying to use those trace elements to recreate the substances so they can study them and even continue testing them on Jack <.< The DNCC has crazy tech, especially for 2010-2011, but I can definitely see their attempts being less than successful. I'm imagining a DNCC scientist obsessing over getting these substances right and even testing on themself to cross reference if variances in biology change the result, hehehe, this whole concept is gonna be a really good addition to this world!

@CorviDoggo I just finished setting up the Discord, so I'll be sending that out soon and I'll be getting started on the official thread now!
[indent]By the time they hovered to a landing, Li had come to his senses, realizing that he was, in fact, still alive, and more importantly, had, in fact, been saved by none other than King Stag. Well alright then... he thought, still in shock from it all as the hero looked him over. Normally he'd complain about someone moving him around and picking him up the way the beetle man was. At least, depending on the person and situation. Injury wasn't something he felt the need to worry about since it had never hindered him before and he usually despised when people fussed over him like he was something fragile. He was no porcelain doll, far from it. He was a crash test dummy that broke all logic.


Something about the way King Stag looked him over and tended to his insignificant cut made him feel...different. He accepted it. If only to have the moment last a bit longer. It...was admittedly a bit...weird...to say the least, to have the silk from a bunch of...whatever kind of bug those were. He may have admired King Stag, but bugs were definitely not something Lilian had much knowledge in. The most he knew was that most bugs that were seen were likely female. He also knew that the common belief that people swallowed eight spiders a year in their sleep was, in fact, false, but that didn't do him much good at the moment.

As King Stag finished wrapping his wound, Li cleared his throat a bit, then gave a monotone, "Thanks for that," before clarifying, "Saving me, I mean, and...this," he shifted his leg to motion the bandaging, "Sorry for...uh...costing you Gamma-Burn, I guess? I don't know. Whatever I did, 'cause I surely did something. Sorry for that."

For a moment, he was awkwardly silently, drumming his fingers on his leg and making a few quick popping sounds before he suddenly lifted his camera and motioned it, "Would you mind a quick close-up?" he asked, "I usually only get action shots. It might be helpful in my reporting of this event to include a more personal picture. Maybe...something something good press?"

This was weird. Li knew this was weird. He was being weird, but he couldn't stop. This was the closest he'd been to the hero. The most personal he'd gotten to a hero he actually gave a damn about. Sure there were others. Vortex and Commeround. Though...to be fair they were classified as vigilantes due to their refusal to align with the DNCC... Freebird was an official hero, as was Miss Tori, he'd had direct interviews with both of them, but...he didn't care about those heroes. They were just...blah. Freebird with is 'all-American hero' get-up, and Miss Tori with her...whatever her whole character was supposed to be, that was kinda the point of being, 'mystery'-- man that interview especially had been a drag. Freebird's was no better.

"Actually..." Li thought aloud, lowering his camera a bit as he looked up at King Stag, literally having to crane his neck a bit to try and meet the armored man's gaze, "What would you say to an interview?"
@Mintz I. LOVE. This guy's backstory
Ngl, I'm kinda obsessed with it. His story is very well-built and super compelling, and I love the complexity of his character because it!

I'm also in love with this balance of physical and mental capabilities?? It all stitches together really nicely! I like how he's kinda a little cookie-cutter superhero in a way, having the speed, strength, and agility, along with healing, and the telekinesis. The energy absorption? That's gonna be fun with one of the BBEGs I have planned c:

Overall, very good job!

Could I ask you to add an "Amendment" to his "file" when I release the official cs* Just something that goes over the basics of the various drugs he was being tested with? I can see the DNCC confiscating these supplements and the research that went with them in response to his rampage and incarceration, and that information would likely be included with his file!

* That's right y'all, there's more coming! This sheet was just the pre-application >:3c
@CorviDoggo BRUH

I love this bean so much!
The poor baby!
He's not even a villain on purpose.
He just didn't understand!!
Agent Vega is gonna feel so hard for him. He'd definitely see that Bezaliel was never intentionally violent or destructive. Yes, this angel did unspeakable things, and...yes, it probably should still be held accountable for what it did, but I can see Roy having civil talks with Bezaliel and recording progress about the angel feeling remorse for the lives he literally consumed, and just his general acclimation to the world, showing clear proof that just because someone does something that marks them as dark in their shade on the Grey Scale, doesn't mean they themselves are a dark person, but furthermore, that even one who has done unspeakable acts can grow and change and feel remorse for what they've done. Bezaliel is the perfect example of Roy's overall cause!!
@CorviDoggo I have heard tales from the heavens above, and I am shaking in my seat with excitement for the boy to come

@Crimson Flame Alright

It's me. Hi. I'm the problem. It's me.

Let's have a talk here about our friend Pine, shall we? He has a lot of potential, I really think he does, he just needs some refining, I think. If you don't mind some constructive input, I'd like to offer you some guidance in helping this man to be the best he can be!

I'd like to do this by asking you a few questions about Pine.

1. What about his behavior classed him as volatile? Is he uncooperative? Prone to violence? Is he attempting to escape? Think about his demeanor and how he presents. Hounds can be misclassed too! Often they are misclassed as volatile simply because they act out of fear or on instinct, but they can also be misclassed as safe if they play the role right! Maybe you could play with that concept! I could definitely see Dr. Pine putting on a kind face to come off as compliant and well-behaved so that his restrictions are lighter :D

2. How do his powers place him as a high risk in comparison to power sets such as Revenant and Wormhole?
  • a. How does his chlorokinesis include molecular/genetic manipulation? I feel like this is straying away from "control over plants" and steering more into a flat out "molecular control" which can work! But if you want to have him be a plant controlling plants then maybe it should be limited to only controlling the plants themselves, rather than mutating them! Maybe the molecular fuckery comes from simple experimenting, and thus that ability is lost to him now that he's a Hound, since obviously, they aren't going to give him lab access.
  • b. I actually feel like the plant physiology is very well-balanced! Very well done here, maybe in addition to needing sunlight, water, and CO2, he also needs a higher saturation of minerals and vitamins like Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium. Maybe look into some specific species of plants and what minerals they require for healthy growth and lean into that!
  • c. Ok, the regeneration is where I feel we need the most tweaking. While I find it very clever that he can regenerate limbs, given plants literally grow back limbs when they're cut back, I don't know if it's a good idea to have it so he can just, reappear when he's killed. That doesn't make sense! Plants don't magically come back to life when they die. Maybe if you cut down a tree and didn't remove all the roots, the tree would grow back, but that's not killing the tree, that's just cutting it back a heck of a lot, y'know? While this is set in a Marvel-esk universe, and Marvel has Deadpool who can regenerate from a drop of blood, I just don't know about the thought of a character being able to regenerate after being specifically killed. Maybe tone this ability back a bit? Otherwise we have the problem of "What stops an event where every piece of him forms into a new version of him?" Like, if Pine lost his arm, what stops the arm from forming a second Pine while Pine-prime grows a new arm? Reason would say that the largest chunk of him is what regenerates to a new form, yes? But what if he was torn in half? What then? Which half forms a new Pine? Both? Or would he simply die because his vital organs were destroyed? This is a very tricky power that needs a lot of regulation. I love it! And I think with a bit of futzing we can get it to perform well!
  • d. Perfect! No comment!
  • e. Is it poison or venom? Poison is produced, usually, as oils that are secreted from the body, whereas venoms are produced, typically, in glands and can be administered at will. If it's poison, maybe he doesn't have control over it, and so physically can't kiss anyone without poisoning them. If it's venom, is it produced in glands located in his mouth? Maybe he has channels on his canines that the venom flows through. It's intended to be used with a bite, but he lets the venom coat his lips for that good ol kiss of death!
  • f. Why is he immune to poisons? What about a plant, which is killed with poison when it is unwanted in an area, equates immunity to poison? I can see him being immune to his own poisons/venom for sure! But I feel like having him be immune to poisons outright is a little over the top. Plants wither and die when exposed to harsh poisons, and I feel like he should be especially weak to the poisons specifically used for killing weeds and other plants!

Genuine question, why is his description so short? Why not describe his plant form? Where's the detail? Important physical attributes? Identifying marks? Things that would be recorded for informational purposes!

There's no need to state that he be kept in a secure facility! All the Hounds are kept in a high-security compound with a large communal space including a livingroom and dining room, and a private bedroom that doubles as a lockdown cell for each Hound complete with an en-suite bathroom. The procedure should focus more on how to handle him, in addition to what safety measures are taken to keep him under control. The idea of this cs is to write it as an observer, someone who is learning about Pine and his quirks. If you go with the idea of him playing the cooperative fellow, you could have the writer of this "file" be suspicious of Pine's motives and advise handlers and staff to be wary and alert, or they could be oblivious and say that Pine is well-behaved and needs only the standard safety procedures to keep his pheromone power suppressed to avoid accidental usage or something like that!

His history is really erratic and hard to follow. Maybe it could use some smoothing out? Parts that I feel could use some work would be:
  • Who was around for Florian when his parents weren't? Nannies? Other family? Neighbors? How was that experience? Were the people who took care of him good to him?
  • Did Pine try his work on any other living creature before trying it on himself? How hard did he fight to get his project funded? As it reads now, he was rejected and then went crazy. Maybe it should be less dramatic and more of a slow decline into desperation. Maybe the photosynthesis thing is the first work he's offered in years, and he's in danger of losing his job if he doesn't come up with something, then he presents that, and maybe instead of the Dean denying it, it gets laughed at as people refuse to believe that living creatures could survive on sunlight alone. So he goes behind the university leaders' backs and experiments on animals in secret. Successful after many failed attempts, he presents his photosynthesizing rat to the chairmen, but rather than being revered, he's accused of inhumane practices and misuse of university resources, and he not only loses his job, but he's being put on trial and possibly going to prison for animal cruelty. Desperate to show the world what his discovery can do, he breaks into the labs after hours and performs the experiment on himself. Now a plant-human hybrid, he prepares to make his grand display to the public, but the police show up to take him away and he panics. With no control over his new powers, he ends up killing the officers by mistake, but the word gets out, and instead of seeing his discovery as a revelation, people see it as an attack. The police are after him, and the DNCC are being called in now, and everything is looking bad. Pine is on the run now, hiding like an animal. He goes to the one person who always supported him, Evan, feeling that if anyone will help clear his name and explain his situation, it would be him. When he gets there, Evan seems as welcoming as ever, speaking lines about how he knows that Pine is innocent, and he'll happily help him, but it turns out to all be a ruse to keep Pine in place as Evan secretly alerts authorities of Pine's location, and Pine is forced to act in self-defense now to escape once more, now with the added pain that the one person he trusted in his life, betrayed him. He goes to his parents, but they too push him away, and now, a transmuted freak in the eyes of the public, Pine is all alone. Betrayed by the people he tried to help. Betrayed by the people he loved most of all in his life. Pine snaps. If people wont accept him, he'll align with nature instead. Nature never rejected him. Nature never hurt him. But people hurt nature. If the people of the world wouldn't accept him as their savior, surely the plants of the world would. And so he stopped running. It was time to fight. And so he did. Until the tragic day the DNCC finally brought him down.

I uh...got a little into it there...sorry, but maybe that will give you some ideas!
Hopefully, I'm not going too far! If I am, just say so, and I'm really sorry if I've offended you in any way! I just see a lot of potential for this character, but as he is, he feels more like a rough piece of raw mineral, and I wanna help him roll around and smooth out to be a pretty gemstone!!
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