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    1. Bazmund 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Back at the guild after a long absence. Much changed since I was gone?


Medical student living in Scotland, a lover of beer and steak mostly - but also writing, and politics. Because why not make myself even more divisive.

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This has taken long enough that I'm convinced it's dead, so I'm out. I was really looking forward to playing, put quite a bit of time and effort into my character, and I really, really don't appreciate the disregard you have for everyone's investment here. If you're too busy to run games then that's genuinely fine mate, but you need to manage expectations around that, and ideally not commit to running anything if you can't.


Just realised I probably should've tagged you guys in my post, since some random motherfucker is approaching your characters and acting friendly.
To hitchhike was a dangerous practice, to do so this late at night and so far from civilization a riskier prospect still - but the drivers who'd been picking him up on and off on his long walk out to Boring had found themselves lucky enough to be harmless themselves, or wise enough not to push it if they weren't; now, Rose was on the approach to the farmhouse proper.

Initially his plan had been to arrive a few hours early and stake the place out, see if he couldn't get eyes on whoever it was he'd been more or less instructed to meet out here before they could get eyes on him - but on reflection it seemed a tad hostile, especially considering that he'd at least met somebody in person this time around. In fairness, even when he hadn't, these sorts of meetings had a way of working out for him - sure, there had been mishaps in the past, but more often than not he'd walked away with a new job. For once, there was no need for excess caution.

He still watched for an hour. When he saw others arrive - a woman and a man, each carrying themselves with a similar kind of nondescript weight, as if it were a secret rather than something physical they were wearing. Rose had felt and seen the same weight in himself at times - when he caught snatches of his own face, reflected in windows as he passed them by, or when he thought back to that night, and that indestructible woman; some posh bitch who didn't see staff as people, who took them to bed for sustenance rather than company, whose skin bore strong against not only blade and bullet but bomb as well.

Normally that weight meant nothing. Everybody had secrets. Everybody would feel them on some days more than others - everyone knew what it was like to have that guilt-fear burning a hole in their stomach, the idea that they'd done something or found something out that could get them into serious trouble.

Normally it was normal - and normal meant nothing.

Not tonight. Coincidence is a mask worn by conspiracy, and this conspiracy involved him.

His plan had been to watch from concealment in a surrounding field, then move around the house to gain access from the rear, and either join the meeting in progress or avoid an ambush before it happened. But this felt right.

Right enough.

Rose worked his way from cover in the field back to the main road, and started to walk up the path towards the house - and his suspected-colleagues - much more openly. He held up a hand in greeting and beamed a grin at them.

"I was beginning to think I was on my own out here, you know."

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Ever paranoid, Rose decides to break his stakeout and approaches both Ximena and Fr. Stone at the front end of the house.

Perks: None.
Hoping to get a post up today myself, had some deadlines and mega stress recently that is hopefully now clearing up.

@Smike Yeah, I know lol. I figured that as long as I gave him a different perk and a different modus operandi, it would probably still expand our collective range of options for dealing with things - and after all, when it comes to collecting information and getting into hard to reach places, is there really such a thing as too much?
@DeadDrop Ayo I meant to reply this morning but it obviously didn't go through. Should I make up a perk for now, seeing as he's not got any edges with perks? Or do you not need the edge to get the perk?

I chose it because you told me to pick a perk, and I don't have any edges with perks. I'll have another look and see what I can do to rethink his Edges, but I have to say it was really really confusing for a moment there, because you told me to pick one, and then told me I can't have one. I'll tag you again when I've either redone my edges and perks, or chosen to simply go without a perk.

Are there gonna be perks for all the edges at some point, or is it a case of use it or lose it?

Edit: Swapped arsenal for global access. He's still good with weapons and doubtlessly has at least a personal carry piece, but I figure that's not quite what arsenal means, so it's an alright swap.
@DeadDrop Ayo I meant to reply this morning but it obviously didn't go through. Should I make up a perk for now, seeing as he's not got any edges with perks? Or do you not need the edge to get the perk?

I apologise if this has all been said somewhere before by the way, it's not that I've not read your stuff, it's that I'm sort of dyslexic and often miss things in text.

Edit: Just in case it's the right idea, I went ahead and gave him All Access Pass, to fit with his infiltrator/soldier vibes and skillset. I've written it in such a way as to make it clear that he's limited in that department without help from others, because he was quite dependent on his handlers for info and prep work rather than doing things purely solo.

Turned out to be more changes than I expected. I still wouldn't call this a total rewrite, but it came close.

Some very good points, I can add an addendum for his Days Gone after he drops off the radar. I've been feeling him out a bit more since writing him and there are some changes I want to make anyway - in particular, I think his attacks weren't communicated right; he's not meant to be an action hero, and the new unit working on his case file are intended to be working through cold cases. He's willing to work on Ops because he enjoys it, and he feels it's the only thing he can succeed in - and the heat on him isn't so hot, there's no active manhunt any more and he works under a false identity.

I also think I'm going to reduce the influence his connections to his previous job. They're meant to be a pretty generic shadowy organisation who organise deaths for profit, and their reach is also meant to be fairly global, which means I don't want Jack to be too closely attached to them still so he's desperate enough to stay in Baltimore. He won't have any membership of the organisation any more, and he'll have cut all formal ties with them - his Arsenal will almost always come from something else, or more rarely there might be an incidental contact from his old job he has a favour from. This also means that another reason he has to go on ops and be in this cell is that he has lost his old lifestyle and job, along with its benefits, so this is also partially a way to keep living while staying in touch with the new world he's learned exists.

As for how he got involved with the supernatural and became a hunter to begin with, I'll cover it in more detail when I expand his Days Gone a bit, but it boils down to him having been issued a contract for someone who turned out to be involved in the supernatural themselves, who then survived his attempt as a result. He survived their reprisal by running and hiding, and then went on to do what he'd mostly always done by seeking out people who knew how to hunt the supernatural, so that he could do so himself.

I'm happy to make changes, ofc, but does this address your concerns so far?

Edit: I think I'm also gonna have him slip off government radar way earlier so that this is a real cold case. Their files will drop off very shortly after his pattern changes and he becomes more professional, to represent his shift towards a much more covert way of living, and I'll reduce the damage he did to them as well so there's a bit less heat on him.

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