Click This said
I'm debating between using Log Horizon or Valkyria Chronicles. The factions in both of them should be pretty interesting in this scenario...
Yup! Either should present an interesting aspect to this.
GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
Alright BB-ojou-chan, I've stayed quiet for a while now, but I need to voice my objection to this premise. exactly is going to be making the tea and cookies for the party?
Games don't need hosts, just players!
Dead Cruiser said
Would a technology-based or magic-based faction be more appropriate in this? Judging by how modern the Coalitions are, I feel that my fantasy factions I had in mind would be ill-suited.
Yes, and no. Fantasy factions alone tend to be under powered in faction based crossover roleplays. However, the intent of the coalitions is to allow factions to cover each others strengths and weaknesses by solidly working together. Fantasy versus something more modern would usually mean modern would win. However, if fantasy has a modern ally, they both become far, far, far stronger. It's all about balance; just fantasy alone will not be enough. Team it up with a modern or sci fi faction(Which is the intent of coalitions) and the story becomes very different very fast.
You can freely modernize or stay in your current tech level if you so choose. The infrastructure from Old Earth is still around, so with help from coalition members it shouldn't be to hard.
We'll be starting today if all things go as planned. Please submit any questions you have via PM or on here.
A quick question to all those interested; what faction are you going for, and what coalition are you placing them in? (Assuming you have decided)