Name: Saint Catherine (Hypatia)
Title: Last of the Hellenes, Star of Wise Teaching, Holy Philosopher
Class: Caster
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attribute: Man
Personality: A woman who always walks her own path, yet has a certain distance from normal humans. She is proactive in the sense of being kind while also pursuing her beloved knowledge. Despite being massively intelligent, her exterior personality can have something like a cute streak. Her existence is like that of a artificial lifeform, so that must be kept in mind when interacting with her.
Casters personality is balanced almost in two halves, and she does not show the darker and more taciturn side unless she is speaking as the 'Brain of Alexandria'.
History: The Queen of Egypt and Cyprus who was scourged by the Emperor of Rome for exposing christian beliefs. Born in the purple, she was a Princess of Rome supposedly descended from Constantius. She found salvation through Jesus Christ deep within the Egyptian desert, where she married him at a location that had been transformed into 'Heaven'. She was a great philosopher(scientist), trained by her Father, a genius philosopher-alchemist. He instituted a special training program to supposedly increase her intelligence and physical abilites, in pursuit of creating the 'perfect human'.
However the truth of the matter is, she was something 'created'- a being whose blood was white and marrow was oil.
The truth of the matter certainly lays within the depths of the Giant's Pit- Magecraft of interest: Astrology(Astronomy), Numerology/Kabbalah(Mathematics), Witchcraft
Class Skills:
Territory Creation: EX
Normally, the ability to create a territory advantageous to oneself as a Magus. Instead of creating an exterior territory, Caster manifests an interior one. It acts as an information tapestry not unlike that of the so called ‘Memory Palace’ of a certain Jesuit Priest. Functioning as a proof of existence, it is an eternal and ever expanding information lattice built within her brain(mind) itself. It is a spiritual space with an atmosphere not unlike that of a mental reality marble- a ‘Brain’ worthy of Alexandria, center of the worlds knowledge. Operating off the principles of egyptian metallurgy, it surpasses even the theoretical quantum computers expected within the next several decades.
On the basis of this ability alone, all knowledge checks receive massive bonuses.
Item Construction (False): A
Normally, the ability to create weapons or tools having magic power. Usually it is employed for its main use in creation of Mystic Codes. However in Casters case, its purpose is fundamentally different.
Catherine(Hypatia) employs it for the purpose of production of knowledge(ideas) rather than items. That is to say, the creation, understanding, and alteration of formless phenomenon. This is the capacity of a ‘Philosopher’(‘Scientist’) to create. Like Territory Creation, it is also an ability steeped within the logic of egyptian metallurgy and alchemy. The core lies in production of ‘events’ using the entirety of one's existence. Because of her unique circumstances(existence), Caster has achieved the apex of that paradigm.
Personal Skills:
Crystallized Wisdom: A
Magic Tool that was granted to Caster while wandering the deserts of Egypt. It is the most valuable gift from God that is wisdom(power) itself, crystallized as a marital ring given by Jesus Christ during their wedding. It is directly connected to her and she usually wears it on the appropriate finger. Even if somebody else wears it, a severe headache will occur due to the enormous amount of information.
High-Speed Incantation: A
The ability to speak magical incantations at an accelerated speed. Permits rapid incantations that allow for High-Thaumaturgy even at the speed of a single action. The superhuman calculation and rhetorical abilities of Caster leave a level of efficiency that is to be expected.
Technique Elucidation: A
Skills to interpret and restore more or less anything that can be called a formula. Not just able to repair magecraft, but also damaged circuits and even crests. An esoterica among esoterica even in this era where magecraft still struggles along. That being said, it isn’t useful for combat.
Noble Phantasm(s):
Name: Temple of Ink
Title: Transcend Past Genius
Rank: EX
Classification: Barrier
Range: 1~20
Maximum Number of Targets: -
Catherine was the embodiment of Alexandria itself, its last ‘true’ philosopher. Within that city of understanding lay the hub of the ancient world’s knowledge, the Temple of Muses(Library of Alexandria).
Hero, Erastosthenes, Eculid, Archimedes- all studied within the confines of the Musaeum. It is by the Libraries sheer quantity and quality of information that Alexandria surpassed Athens as a place of knowledge and advancement.
In this incarnation, the Library does not take a physical form. Even so, it is eternally recording, eternally calculating, eternally evolving. It operates as the ‘ultimate tool’, which allows the user to access and use all of its knowledge to accomplish their desires. Thus it acts as a collection of mankind's knowledge; a basis to produce the ‘tools of hope’ which advance human civilization.
The recorded information of the past and present- ranging from math, all the way to texts on magecraft. . . all such information can be counted on at the whim of this Noble Phantasms user. The Library carries a similar atmosphere as the storage device laying at the bottom of the Titan’s Pit.
Certainly it is true to say Caster is the ‘brain’ of Alexandria given a physical vessel, so it also vastly boosts Casters processing power. While it was a place for storing knowledge, the Musaeum was also critically important as a place to both produce and parse information.
All knowledge exists within the singular point of knowledge that is the Musaeum. When it is properly deployed through a true name release, its actual worth is shown as a so-called ‘absolute’ observation device. It ‘observes’ all that is within its range, allowing for even the replication of ‘observed’ events.
This is its true form as a wisdom storing device that gives worth to all it sees.
Name: Wheel Without
Title: Agony Known Not (
Nihil Hic Est)
Rank: C
Classification: Anti-Information
Range: -
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
The Catherine Wheel is one of the Saintly Attributes of Caster. Originally reviled as a weapon for torture, it has lost those attributes in Casters hands. Instead it has become a crystallization of knowledge taken physical form. In both form and function, it acts like a personal digital assistant not replicable in the current time.
The 'wheel' functions as a 'hacking device'(conceptual weapon) that allows its user to interface with and overcome 'formulae' and 'programs' of practically any kind- a tool for hijacking knowledge(information). Within the context of a Holy Grail on the moon, it would be considered a cheat item. It can be called something like the end point of the artificial nervous system developed by the Eltnam family.
With its true name released, it enacts 'absolute knowledge(information) destruction' on the target. It is pseudo replication of the event wherein Caster destroyed the wheels and transformed them from symbols of torture to knowledge.