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In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In Dim Halls, the trinity sat and watched. From a Steel, Copper and Stone throne, three men looked at a burning pyre. A festival, a feast, in honor of the gods.
"A day of joy. To keep people happy, one must give food and games." Said the the one on the Copper throne. He lit his torch with the flames of the pyre.
"But it is not a day for US!" said the one on the Steel throne. "All can claim glory an praise. They should worship us if they want our attention."
"Indeed, we would not want the outcast, the unworthy." replied the stone throne.

"But A Spark, it can leap from any fire, any pyre. Even those who do not believe can build and dream, can achieve." the torchbearer continued.
"Very well, brother, we will listen and see. Will you then create when one is deemed worthy?" the one on the Steel Throne pointed his sword to the stone throne.
"I will, as I have done before. Will he carry the hammer, the sword or the torch?" he answered, lifting a builders hammer.
"That is yet to be seen, we have no contenders yet."

The three looked at the pyre. The smell of roasted meat filled the Dim Halls.
"What about the goat farmer, the cook?" the builder offered.
"He is certainly skilled, but not fit for sainthood." the soldier commented.
"Then test him, for he stands in presence of death and fear. What would he do when not afraid?" The torchbearer raised his torch above the pyre.
"That we will. I shall grant him bravery. If he intrigues us more, we shall grant him more." the builder raised his hammer above the pyre.
"And if not, he will live his live as a noble carver, applying skill in his own way." the soldier raised his sword above the pyre.

In Misha's eyes, a fire started burning. Warmth filled his body and voice. He is not afraid, he can never be afraid again.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: The Doctrine of the Three
Titles: The Trinity of Order, Sons of Civilisation
Separate names: Laslo the Builder, Ewout the Warrior and Ingmar the Philosopher
True name: The true name is a combination of metalworking sounds, fires burning, swords ringing and the low humming of three men chanting. These sounds combine into one true title: “mankind’s greatest creation”.

Inspiration: A city living as one machines, where mind, hands and heart are represented by three brothers.
Appearance: the three don’t appear in front of mortals. Instead, they take the form of Saints and Heroes of the faith or civilisation.

Symbols: A hammer, sword an torch, united.
Portfolio: Order and Civilisation
Alignment: Lawful good

Servitars: The divine servants of The Doctrine are Saints and heroes of the faith. They act mostly as guides and mentors.
Weapon: The three weapons of The Doctrine are:
A steel sword
A copper torch
A stone hammer
Animal: none, for animals have no special place in the perfect civilization
Followers: From kings to commoners, crafters to thieves, all who thrive in civilisation follow The Doctrine. Soldiers, Builders and Philosophers are especially represented by the trinity.
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