Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Yo, i'm thinking of dropping in for a lil' bit once my character gets approved
First RP, wish me luck :/
Hopefully I nerfed the bionics with large De-buffs at a close range (Meant for this to be a long range character, but could still have a chance of a close ranged fight)
Also made the cloaking last 1/2 the time, made it larger x6'd the recharge time, and made it noticeable at a closer range
Also checked over the highlighted fields, and I seem to have everything required, if you could point what I am missing out, please do
Edit: I think I fixed the problem
Azrael Foster

Last Image Taken of "Suspect"

2: Local Level
193 lbs.
Cybernetic Humanoid
Rather tall in stature. Dark, tanned skin. Cybernetic hands, right arm, and left leg. Pleasant "Aura" that surrounds him, of reason. Rough face. Scruffy face. Hair shaved to stubble. Sharp, stern jaw. Small mouth. Tired, friendly, and bright emerald eyes. Large forehead. Rough, bushy eyebrows. Long neck. Heavily toned and muscular body. Wide shoulders. Prominent chest. Bottom left of rib cage completely cybernetic. Short Torso. Extraordinarily long legs. Very hairy. Thick layer of grunge covering large portion of body, blending cybernetics with organic body.

Usual attire of dark black pants. Red and black plaid button-up shirt, pockets on top-right, and sides. Gray and black, steel toed boots, area for hidden carry on insides. Dark black gloves. All clothing covering most of cybernetics. Aviators with gold rimmed, and black lenses usually on face, but when talking with known people, put on forehead.

Azrael views the life around him as a set of barriers that one must pass, and doesn't think much of the events themselves, and just tries to go with them accordingly. Realizes his mistakes are parts of his life. He doesn't strive to prevent failure, but instead, embraces failure, and tries to fix himself from them. He is extremely approachable, and hard to anger or frustrate. Most insults will not phase him, and in facts embraces them, and jokes about his own failures, putting new light on them. Very good sense of humor, extremely fun person to hang out with. Very driven by romance, and any resemblance of attraction, Azrael will try and make something of it. Very loyal once a lasting friendship has been made. Extremely trustworthy. Becomes bored or lonely extremely easily. Without someone in his life, depression sets quickly. Thinks very logically, and rarely lets emotions get in the way of decisions that matter for more than himself

Passive Stats
[Influence 2]Military Training: Stronger with higher stamina. Mild buff to almost all other stats. Increased damage and accuracy with projectile weapons
[Influence 1]Slum Life: Small increase to resistance against mind control(persuasion), medium resistance to cold, heat, and lack of necessities
[Influence 1]Lack of Knowledge: Because of lack of knowledge of magic, medium weakness to almost all elemental damage
[Influence 2]Bionic Being
Extreme pain and damage in bionic parts. Slightly stabler while aiming. Slightly stronger with right arm. Can "overdrive" them, increasing power, stability, and speed an extreme amount for a short amount of time, but drains from users energy, making them pass out, and desperately require need food and water after the ability(lasting around 120 seconds). All limbs are hack-able, with mediocre security.
[Influence 2]Sniper Rifle
Large, magnetically driven. Shoots internally heated plasma cartridges. A "Handheld Plasma Railgun". Very polished and clean, dark black. Large strap to sling around shoulder. Slightly obtrusive scope, limits line of sight severely when scoped. Has a normal and thermal view. Extremely silent shot, but constant humming of the magnets and heating is noticeable at a range of 30m. Slow rate of fire and reloading process
[Influence 2]Cloaking Cartridge
Can cloak anything small that the user is touching IE. Clothing and weapons, and the user itself if kept completely still. Any movement will deactivate the device, including heavy breathing. Not completely invisible, noticeable shimmer is left once activated. Dark black carrying pouch, usually strapped to back. 3 in. thick, very large and noticeable. Can be used for 12 hours before a 2 hr charge is required using a box the size of a Tupperware container.
[Influence 1]Backpack
Useful for carrying items inside, that you couldn't usually in your pockets. Gray and black in color scheme. Medium size.
Azrael grew up in the slums of Frixion Prime. Constantly being asked by beggars for alcohol or money. At 18, he went into the military, and grew to absolutely love it, as it consumed his life whole. He became interested in the ops of sniper duty. He went through the rigorous training of survival. On one mission, the enemy figured his location, and lit him up. He lost his right arm, left leg, part of his brain, and part of his left side. All replaced with bionics funded by the military, he was pushed out of the military at 32. He proceeded to continue to work out even more vigorously. He became incredibly beefy. He began to think about his life, he wandered for the next 2 years, wondering about life, until we start his story here. He knows nothing of magic, barely recognizing it as existing, and never bothered to research it at all.
Thank you all for the greetings, it really feels nice to be welcomed, trying to get into an rp, it seems pretty easy to do, as it's been well explained.

I have roleplayed an amount in the past, and I do know the do's and dont's of roleplaying, but this will be the first time I will be doing a forum roleplay. I am quite excited to meet the members of this community and roleplay with all experience types and styles.

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