Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Shall we keep our character sheets here, or put them in the character tab?

R i s e C o m r a d e s

I lie, unmoving in the chamber, I don't know how long I've been here, but I must leave. A voice reverberates in my head. "Rise if you would comrades...For that is our duty" The Old Wolf of Farron has summoned me. I rise from the ground, swords in hands, my behemoth on my back. I wear a medium type armor on me. Light, but protective, and my ever looming thrall hood adorned. As I approach the exit of the chamber, I am met with yet another voice. "Come undead, join Veldrick, and help restore our fallen world." The land of Irythill is as chilly as ever, but I continue, ever approaching the dark, looming building in the distance.

Does thou have thine eternal power to restore thou'st hope once lost to time. Perhaps, but one fact still lies true.
Us undead, can't even die right.

Gives me

C o n n i p t i o n s
Played through DS3 4 times so far, i'm going to love this.

Going to use my actual DS3 character for this

Straight out of Irithyll, crazy motherfucker named Saegar of Astora
I'm going to explain where he got most of his unique items that you see
Main Swords: He acquired them from a merchant in Astora, before the fire was fading, and before he sought adventure elsewhere
Old Wolf's Sword: Since he ventured into the swamps, he ran across the Wolf's Guild, he became part of them, and climbed the ranks, acquiring this as a sort of "status"
Thrall Hood: When he went for adventure, he thought it'd be funny to steal a dead thrall's hood, and wear it as a symbol, unique to himself
He died in battle as was risen in The City of the Dead
You got me, I'm interested.

Dino RP
Quick post, just wanted to get something in to react to all that had happened. Going quite well, and excited to see where this goes in the future!
Barüvalen Shücktah
Exo Pilot
Sky Mariner

Ben couldn't think this flight could get any more boring. The landscape below, ever changing, yet not changing at all. Just a repeating pattern easily identified with a few things to break up the monotony scattered about. As he sipped his vodka, everything around him seemed to cheer up, brighten somewhat. There was a strange looking creature he had never seen before in school, books, or anywhere else. As the drone commanded him around, he ripped out the central console. Ben guessed maybe he might want to socialize at some point, these people seemed quite similar in some ways to himself. He brushed off the thought as he watched as a few other people converse and listened in on there conversations. Some were trying to console themselves about there gifts, and putting them in a better light than in what they actually were. He looked at his own, and realized that no one really cares in the end, and who knows how the God Child would react to their gifts, but as he was to conclude this thought, the ever present pilot came and interrupted him. As the plane shifted, he moved his glass so that the liquid would not spill out, seeming to hold it sideways.

He peered out the window and saw a cold landscape. Had we really come this far? All Ben could ever remember were the deserts of his homelands, he had never seen snow before. He looked over at the fighting, and in an instant it was all over. He gawked in aw, even if it might not look like it to onlookers, he was quite shocked. He took another sip of his vodka, and placed it down as he heard the final words of the captain, and realized that the bathroom had been occupied for quite a while. He guess a robot got hacked by someone on board and locked itself inside.

Ben chuckled when the pilot also warned the beast to not rip out the armrests on the plane. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. He slumped into his chair, and tuned into some progressive house, his favorite genre. He relaxed slowly, and dozed away, snoring quite loudly, vodka still in it's holder.
I'm definitely hopping on this when an idea comes around, I can imagine the space hamster warriors already...
Yeah, I'm waiting for others to post as well. Just gotta wait it out
New, short post, probably should have added that to the original one, but spaced on it :/
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