Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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@Claw2k11 @ScoundrelQueen

The time sauntered along as Simon flipped through his book, the occasional leaf hitting him. The words flew by. Then it was pages. Chapters. Soon enough, he was on time, then he was late. He checked his watch, and cursed under his breath. He had kept his running abilities of times past, and ran at a pace that most people could not keep up for that distance. People, blocks, buildings, all flew past him like a blur. He needed to get to this meeting, it'd be very embarrassing to show up a large amount late.

Soon enough he made it, going down the stairs at record speed, and burst through the doors of the announcement hall, completely out of breath, panting for a break. There was one seat for him, as he was a well known scientist, at the very end of the table. He closed the large metallic doors, and took and slumped in the leather chair, trying to catch a breath.

Everyone was there, and as he looked up, he realized everyone was staring at him. He slumped back into his chair,and tuned into listen to the meeting. Lulu was standing in the center at the very end of the room. As Simon adjusted himself to look presentable again, he recognized many people that he had worked with before, and nodded in recognition towards the many of them.
As Simon rose from his bed, groggily as ever, he crawled over to a tea kettle over his counter. He placed multiple tea bags in and waited, imputing energy to boil the water. Simon had no heating devices, but did have a fridge. His gift completely removed the need for them. Soon enough, his blueberry tea filled the room with a nice smell, and Simon poured himself a cup, while looking out his window. It was a beautiful day outside, but he wasn't planning on spending any of it outside. His job could just barely pay for his house, let alone everything else he needed, so his money slowly ran out, and needed to complete a different type of "job" to get back that money, and as an overqualified chemist, there was one shining one.

Just as he was completing his cup, and heading to go complete his mysterious objective, a message came in through his headset. It was Lulu, his Scientific Officer. They had worked for a while as partners, and when she got promoted, he was put under her command. She had obviously started her day much more successfully than him, as she stated, "Good morning, team leads and representatives. This is Commander Botrelle, checking in to remind you of your expected attendance at this morning’s quarterly research forum. We have a visiting guest, and several matters to discuss, so I expect to see every one of your lovely faces in the Oak Room on Level One Below in fifteen.” He sighed as she said this, and realized his "side project" had to wait for later.

He strode back into his room, and got dressed with the usual, and headed out to the meeting. As he walked along the street he saw many people, some he knew, and some he didn't. He continued business as usual, until he came upon a very beautiful park, complemented by the beautiful day. He checked his watch, and realized he was quite early, and sat down on a park bench, taking it all in, and brightening his day. He spoke to himself, in a low, but audible tone, "On days like these, I sometimes wish I had a better job, or a higher position at least. At least I can distract myself from my boring life every now and then with scenes like these." He took a deep breath, and started to read a novel that he read on his small amount of free time. Pilot
Barüvalen Shücktah
Or Ben

The plane was cold, an offsetting tone to the heat that Ben was used to. He sat and waited as the plane, personal listening device plugged into the port, listening to his own type of music. As he glanced around, he noticed a scarred woman clutching a small pill with a colored piece of paper inside, looking anxious and worried. He scoffed and went back to listening to his music, not paying attention to anyone else, and thinking about how fast the training was. It was a large cocktail of emotions. He was quickly chosen to become this "Herald", that he had never heard about. The training was so fast, and yet he was so efficient with it, quickly surpassing even his own expectations, and now this.

Speaking of cocktails, Ben was getting quite thirsty. He grumbled to himself, unplugged the music, and pressed the drinks button. Near instantly, they hovered over to him, and in a "droning" nature, they stated, "We have non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, which would you like sir?"

He grumbled, in a low volume, and in rather grungy tone, he squeezed out, "I'd like an alcoholic vodka. An entire glass, the strongest you have," and like that, they rushed off to get what he ordered.

Again, they rushed out, just barely missing to spill the vodka he had ordered, and placed it down, "Have a nice flight, and thank you for gracing us with your presence." Ben wondered as they hovered away, and thought. Wow, I really am a really important person, but just as quickly as it came up, he brushed it off. He was going to the place he was going, with all these unfamiliar people, and he just wanted to see Raza, his EXO. He plugged in his music again, and droned into thought, trying to resolve all the things that could happen in his future.

As he sipped his vodka, he remembered all those memories in the past, and how they all led up, separating what mattered and what didn't. Seeing all the different paths his life could play out, and realized that this all happened for a reason.

But then, in that moment. That unbearable boredom, he just wanted some action. And that came to him quick. He wanted off soon.
This week at most, tomorrow at least
@Skull GMT -7 US Coastal

Yeah, almost done with an alien EXO pilot, quite proud of the history of it, going up soon, be on the lookout.
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