Full Name:
Leila Michelle Ingram Nicknames/Aliases:
Mitch, Deus Ex MachinaAge:
Sixteen. Or so. Gender:
"Annnnnd... I'm in. Obviously." Hyper-intelligence and technopathy, augmented by rigorous childhood "tutoring." She can interface with most technology via touch, and can access those with transmitting abilities as long as she has contact with something else that can connect or receive communication with such items. Enhanced memory, IQ, and mathematical reasoning.
Leila Michelle stands at a meager 5'3", the second shortest of her sisters; a young woman of unremarkable stature or features. She has mousey-brown hair and a naturally pale complexion, enhanced by her preference to spend time indoors.Her eyes look very nearly human, perhaps even impressively human, considering that they are completely synthetic. Two glass eyes, a soft hazel close to her original natural color, are set where her eyes ought to be. Her face is marked with several bits of scarring.
She has a prim, received pronunciation accent.
She generally wears clothing reminiscent of a school uniform: Polo shirts, blouses, and pants, all in shades of khaki and blue that manage not to clash when assembled into outfits by someone with a distinct vision impairment.
Mitch is a young woman of intense cleverness, determination, and social awkwardness. She has a great deal of ingenuity, and uses it to pioneer new ways of doing things and securing independence.
Despite this, she is hyper-aware of the opinions of others, and often assumes the worst from what those around her say and do. She claims otherwise, but any indication that someone dislikes her is taken to heart.
To compensate, most of Mitch’s life, from friends to hobbies, exists online. She’s an avid and skilled member of the “Hactivist” community, fueled on by an innate sense of justice as well as her father’s mentorship and encouragement to push farther. Her sense of humor reflects the digital world she lives in, and is mostly made up of biting sarcasm, Internet absurdism, and self-deprecation.
Information Processing - When interfacing and utilizing technology with enhanced processing power, Leila is able to accomplish more technically in a very short space of time than a person can hope to. When online, she is able to work at computer chip processing speed, and complete multiple tasks at once without her attention suffering from the division.
Human Computer - Even offline, she has enhanced intelligence and sharp pattern recognition skills.
Guide Abomination - "Father says I needed something more 'robust' to assist me."

-Offline Being, despite her best efforts, still "only human," she cannot access most of the benefits of her technomancy when completely isolated from the grid.
- See No Evil After losing her eyes to an unsuccessful medical procedure around the age of twelve, leila has been unable to see in the traditional sense.
Brief History:
Subject 4 of Project LAMBDA, CODENAME, "LEILA," [REDACTED] Upon participation in [REDACTED,] was deemed the most suitable ... [REDCATED] ...
Adopted by the infamous Doctor Edgar Coyle and sent to [REDACTED]
Enrolled at Lanius School to further establish connections with others in the field.

Full Name:
Genesis CurielNicknames/Aliases:
Gena, Dark Eve, The Serpent, Miss CurielAge:
Take a guess. Be kind. Gender:
Suavity Powers:
"It feels right, doesn't it?"
A consistent aura of charisma and pleasurable sensations follow Genesis wherever she goes. She certainly does not possess mind control powers, but rather a "mind-training" ability: When she makes a request or suggestion, the person she is speaking to is free to reject. If they accept, however, a positive rush of dopamine lights up the reward center of her victim's mind. Over time, repeated requests form a pattern or perhaps an addiction to the high she provides. Using this ability, she can gain trust and eventually dependence from the victim, becoming able to make more and more absurd requests. "Could you tell me more," may eventually advance to, "leave your spouse," "leap off of the roof," or "let me possess your body."
"I can take it from here"
After sufficient conditioning with her aforementioned ability, she is able to take on a spectral form and project into the mind of her victim to pilot his or her body. This is, of course, only after asking permission to do so.
Not that you want to say "no."
The most contemporary take of modern beauty, in any era: Lately, a tall, narrow-waisted minx of a woman with borderline cartoonish proportions. She has slender, high-cut cheekbones and striking dark-lined eyes with pale fuchsia irises. Wavy black hair falls to her mid-back, though the color shifts through vibrant shades of violet and rose in different lighting. A pair of deep, dusty-pink horns protrude from her scalp, though they do little to detract from the otherwise ethereal beauty of her form.
She is nearly guaranteed to be wearing something bordering on scandalous for a school teacher: Tight slacks and scoop-necked sweater, a pencil skirt with a button-up not quite buttoned enough, stilettos no practical woman would walk around in.
Charming, charismatic, passionate, and aggressive. Come say hi and see! Alternatively, fuck around and find out.
Brief History:
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. It said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
And God said to the Serpent,
“Cursed are you above all livestock
and all wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days of your life.
And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel.”