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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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Wow, I read through all the lore, and this all seems extremely developed, bravo. I'm thinking of making an alien who uses a lot of absolver tech, EXO suits and goes through extreme locations, super excited to get started with this

Predicted time till liftoff of RP?

Edit: Just realized this is advanced, going to be quite the challenge, but i'm taking the risk to be part of this awesomeness
Downtown, Capital City
John Silverton

All the chaos surrounding them.
It's like a plague.
And it would only get worse from there.

A large pool of pure abyss, seemed to form from nothing. Pooling and festering, a foul smell resonating. Thermometers increased, and then he came. Death's right hand man. He was slowly birthed from the pool of death, and as the pool went away, he created his own under himself.

"Now this is nice and dandy. Big man from above came to say hello. Well the father from underneaths greets this new world with open arms."He notices the demons repelling the eggs and smirks, then outright smiles. Idiots.

A very thunderous slam came from the outskirts of the city. He looked to see what had happened, and saw an angel had slammed into the ground, and audibly laughed.

"Hey Balthazar, you see this? I never thought that old man would actually do anything like this. You've really done yourself quite a good place here."
He began a stride to the outskirts of the city, it felt to holy there. Yet on further inspection everything felt too holy, but he kept his path, making his way there with the speed of a moped. He soon arrived to see an archangel fighting off hell's invaders.

"Oh not so fast smart one." He let out a festering, gurgling roar. The imps seemed to gain even more power than before, which they already had plenty. He charged at the archangel and let out multiple swings and slashes. He stopped. Something flared in his eyes, and his sword began to slash and smash with the fire of hell itself backing every swing. "Ha. Not so powerful now huh?"He got a good look at him, and said, "You know, I never liked angels. Always so 'knight in shining armor.'" The second he said this, he charged forth with his shield, waiting to hear the oh so satisfying sound of someone being impaled and then, the reassuring "bump" on the shield.
@Balthazar007 True that, but you get my general idea

I was thinking of rising around you through the ground and kinda absorbing the chaos for a bit, then running into battle.
John Silverton

Death's Right Hand Man
Death Knight
Death's Spawn

17 feet tall, 700 pounds of raw evil some say. A hulking, lumbering large mass. Very 'human-like' hands, yet very long nails. Long, silver hair. Very greasy and matte. Usual attire of iron leggings, large clasped cloak. Large bag of iron rings resembling a chain mail vest underneath. Large, iron helm, engraved with the final words of the most sinful souls. Horns on the side, small eye holes.

John kept his personality, even after the transformation. Extremely low voice. Very intimidating at first, and will not go along with anyone who isn't a demon themselves. Once talking though, he usually keeps to himself. If you do get him to get talking, John is very logical and quite funny. Very dark and satirical jokes are a strong suit. Once a goal has been set for John, he will let nothing get in the way of that goal.
Notable Skills
Intimidation: Because John is so large, it takes quite a large amount of willpower to get past the large appearance and mind shattering battle roar of him. Sometimes causes people of small will to go running the other way. Because of his size, he is very slow, and if against a trained opponent, most attacks can be dodged.
Battle Roar: Since John is usually in the middle of a large attacking force, his roar became a sense of confidence of the troops. Anyone within range of it gains a major morale boost.
Incredible Strength: Because of John's size and Death's transformation, he has gained major strength, enough to move his massive tower shield and Ultra-Greatsword.
Primal Rage: If beaten enough without getting a hit in, will "transform" inside. Letting out a terrible screech, and dropping all handheld equipment. Will become extremely erratic, unpredictable, and much quicker. Attacking only with his bare hands, swiping at anything that moves. Any damage taken during this though, is improved an extraordinarily large amount. Very susceptible to mind attacks as well.
Harnessing Death's Elements: Can imbue his sword with pure darkness, hell's fire, or a combination if need be. Darkness seeps from his being and covers the ground around him.
Death's Transformation: With John's incredible strength, he can hulk his sword around with the technique of a master. He was made to be this way by Death. His Eternal Protector

Death's Ultra-Greatsword
Forged from the deepest depths of hell, this blade was made to do one thing. Kill. It can be imbued by it's one master, John, to increase it's killing potential. It is always with John, a constant reminder to what he did in his past, and what he is tasked to do. It's points on the end are used to impale people on the ends during swipe attacks. Material is the same as John's Armour and shield.
Corrupted Angel's Sheild
One one of John's first battles, angels invaded hell, and he was tasked with the many to fight them back. One of them held a holy shield. Since he lacked one, he took it, and almost immediately, it was corrupted with his evil, and changed to the massive tower shield it is now. The spikes are used to impale as well when shield bashing an opponent. Used to block arrows and other types of ranged attacks. Can be imbued with the same types of things as the sword to repel enemies from John, and repel holy magic projectiles.
Since John was a child, he was always popular, whether it was in school or any type of socialization. He always bullied anyone he could. One fateful day, when he turned 19, he killed a fellow classmate, and got away with it. From then on, he descended to darkness. When he turned 30, he killed more and more. He ate them. Skinned them. Hung them. He began to pray to the devil and death for their sweet relief. 17 years later, he got what he wanted. Death came right to him, and brought him to hell. Death transformed John to be a killing machine then and there. For the next 150 years of his life, he fought as Death's right hand man. One day, he was tasked with coming up to Earth, and was tasked with helping kill all the angels their, and liberating all souls who did not bow down to the power of Satan.
My oh my this looks quite impressive. I was thinking of dropping in as a demon warrior, idk, super excited to get a char going though
Took a lot of willpower, as that wouldn't make sense physically, but I had to, GM word is law ;-;
Sorry if I didn't make the plasma part clearer. Since it's at such a high temp, the energy from Simon would be sapped, and would take some time as well, so not very practical. That's why you never see plasma on earth, only in THE SUN which is millions of degrees hot. Also just realized, if given enough time, can turn a human into person water



Edit: Heat at which water becomes vapor only through thermal energy, no electricity involved

12,000 Kelvin or about 21,000 Fahrenheit

Edit 2: I removed the ability to transform and move plasma, but I could theoretically still make it if given enough energy. Again, still really impractical
Thank you, I'm a chemistry nerd IRL so I tried to put as much detail as possible.
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