Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Makes very much sense, thanks for the clarification, i'll get to work on a char right away!
Thanks for the quick response

By humanoids, I would mean like "alien" type creatures of the sort, look like humans, just aren't
Would also like the answer to the furry one too, just for anyone else whom'st might want to know...
Hey, I was thinking of making a character for this, seems very interesting. Have you started rp yet? If not, when do you think it will. Also, are humanoids acceptable?
@Drakey @Styxx Acheron
Azrael scowled at this man disapprovingly, such disrespect would be punishable in his own household, and now this guy was saying this to someone he didn't even know. He mumbled in a low, serious tone, "Just ignore him, he'll either warm up and show some respect to strangers, or get bored."

He took a deep sip of vodka as he said this, and mentioned, "So, what's your story anyways, how did you end up here? Must be awfully enticing for a woman of yourself." He looked and smiled to her as he said this. Not a, look at "my shiny teeth and me" smile, just a, comforting, calming smile.

He took one last sip. Empty. The robot came over and added more vodka with lime, and went back to whatever they do. He looked over her one more time, this time, focusing on the more "Human" parts of her, very subtly, and realized how young she really was. At the same time of this realization, another one came on.

He asked in a very spacey manner, as he began to space into his glass of vodka, "What's your name anyways?"
He began to comfort himself to his surroundings, and took another sip of the vodka. "Azreal. Dunno whom'st the cloakin' device was made by, got it when I was workin'. These puppy's," he said as he pointed to his cold, hard arm, and knocked on it, "were funded by my job as well, as I had lost all the normal bits, but I made em' all of it, even if I didn't pay for them. Pretty proud of them too."

He questioned slightly how she knew that he had cybernetics, but brushed it off. Who knows what type of things she could see, she had a tail for god's sake. "You are?" Just as he said that, he realized that another man, with a thick Texan accent, came in as he said this. He decided to recognize him and flick his head up to him as he had done to the woman a few moments before. Just after he did this, he took another sip from his vodka, and slid his glasses onto his forehead, revealing sharp, green eyes.

He then began to scratch the back of his head, and lower left arm. As he began to look at this guy more and more, he realized his piercings and his large tattoo on his arm. He saw out of the corner of his eye that he was feeling up his bicep and got slightly worried, remembering an event that transpired when he lived in the slums. He took another sip of the vodka, and relieved himself, as he looked back at the woman, so strange before, but he was warming up to her. Even it was slowly.

This might get interesting
Hmmm, any ideas then?
Hey, I was thinking of dropping in, one of my first RP's so I may not be the best, but i'll try. How do you recommend I should drop in.
(My character is a sniper/ranged type. Very social)
Maybe I could just join whatever is happening as a sniper to cover your ops, or as a representative for you.
Here's my character:An early retired sniper
Azrael Foster

As the form of digits form around him, he stood still. Been there, done that many times before, except, this seemed different. He approached the bar doors, and swung them open, eyes baggy, wanting to relax. The bar, surprisingly barren, was a luxury not usually experienced, and he sauntered over to a seat next to the bar. He took off his backpack and cloaking device behind him, leaving the sniper slung around his shoulders. He peered 2 seats over, and noticed a rather strange, but quite attractive and young face. He motioned for the robot barman to come over and said blankly, still looking at this woman, "Get me a Pincer Vodka, on the rocks, and add some lime to it. Full Glass. Oh, and just add it to my tab." The harder he looked at this woman, the more he perplexed over her. Her gentle face, and young eyes, yet also the wings and tail. The robot came back, and slid the cold glass over. His eyes yearned for such a treat, and now it was face to face with him. He took a deep swig, and coughed a little as he slammed it down. The corners of his eyes blackened for a second, but he collected himself. He had forgotten how such a strong vodka kicked. He suddenly realized, "This is a simulation, and I can get as wasted as I want, and i'll still be sober when i get out." He remembered the woman that had perplexed him so much before, and looked at her across a few chairs. He flicked his head up, a sort of premature greeting, and crossed the two seat gap. "It's just a simulation, if I really fuck this up, I can just port out and leave, kinda a waste of a good vodka though, eh." he thought as he sat down. He stared into her eyes and managed to get the clog in his throat out and managed to say a, "Hello there."
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